Page:Birds of North and Middle America partV Ridgway.djvu/488

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two or three outermost rectrices), more or less extensively, whitish; median under parts, from chin to anal region, velvety black, this forming a broad stripe, along each side of which extends a broad stripe of white, from base of mandible to thighs, the sides of neck, sides of chest and breast, sides and flanks metallic bronze or bronze-green; under tail-coverts bronze-green centrally, passing into grayish basally, margined terminally or tipped (more or less broadly) with whitish or pale grayish; femoral and lumbar tufts white; bill, etc., as in adult male; length (skins), 103-125 (112); wing, 62.5-67.5 (65.2); tail, 33-87 (35.2); culmen, 22-27 (24.1).[1]

Young. — Similar to the adult female, but feathers of upper parts, including wing-coverts, tipped with pale brownish buffy, those of sides and flanks similarly but less distinctly marked, and sometimes with the white along each side of median black stripe of under parts intermixed with light brown.

Panamá (Loma del León; Paraiso; Panamá) and southward through Colombia (Bogotá; Masinga, Bonda, Don Amo, and Sierra Nevada, Santa Marta; Cartagena; Cauca Valley; lower Magdalena; Bucaramanga) , Venezuela (Cumanacoa; Maipures; Munduapo; Cariban; Suapuré; Tembladór; Andes de Cumaná; Mérida), British Guiana (Demerara; Roraima; Aunai), Cayenne and Brazil (Mexiana Island; Para; Santarem; Bahia; Rio de Janeiro; Pernambuco; Santa

Clara, Goiaz; Tonantins; Humaytha, Rio Madeira; Teffé; Piquete,

  1. Twenty-three specimens.
    Locality. Wing. Tail. Exposed
    Five adult males from Panamá 66.5 36.7 22.8
    Ten adult males from Colombia 66.7 36.9 23.8
    Five adult males (A. v. iridescens from western Ecuadór 67.2 37 25.3
    One adult male from eastern Peru 68 36 22.5
    One adult male from St. Andrews Island 70 37.5 ----
    Three adult males from Venezuela 67.5 37.2 24.7
    Seven adult males from Trinidád 67.4 38.6 23.6
    Two adult males from British Guiana and Cayenne 66 36 24.5
    Five adult males from eastern Brazil (mostly from Bahia) 66.3 37.2 22.7
    Four adult females from Panamá 64.5 34.7 22.6
    Six adult females from Colombia 65.1 35.2 24.7
    Two adult females (A. v. iridescens) from western Ecuadór 69.5 37 27.2
    Two adult females from Venezuela 65.5 35.5 26.2
    Four adult females from Trinidád 65.4 34.9 24
    Two adult females from Cayenne and British Guiana 65.5 35.7 23.5
    Five adult females from eastern Brazil (Bahia, etc.) 65.5 35.2 24