Page:Birds of North and Middle America partV Ridgway.djvu/50

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and notched sub terminally; gonys distinctly convex, ascending terminally, more strongly convex and rather prominent basally. Nostril exposed, very small, circular, with an oblique tubercle in posterior half. Rictal bristles obvious but small; feathers of chin, lores, and anterior portion of malar region with distinct bristly points. Wing moderate, rather pointed, the primaries decidedly longer than secondaries; sixth and seventh, or sixth, seventh and eighth, primaries longest, the tenth (outermost) shorter, the ninth longer, than secondaries. Tail decidedly shorter than wing to end of secondaries, strongly rounded (graduation about equal to half the length of exposed culmen), the rectrices (12) rather narrow, rounded terminally. Tarsus longer than exposed culmen, less than one- third as long as wing; acrotarsium distinctly scutellate; outer side of planta indistinctly scutellate or with scutella obsolete, the inner side with a single series of rather small roundish or oval scutella; middle toe, with claw, much shorter than tarsus; outer toe, without claw, reaching to beyond middle of subterminal phalanx of middle toe, the inner toe slightly shorter; hallux about as long as inner toe but much stouter; basal phalanx of middle toe wholly united to outer toe, for about half its length to inner toe; claws strongly curved, broad, compressed, that of hallux much shorter than the digit.

Coloration. — Above plain brown, the wings (sometimes pileum also) more rufescent, the tail chestnut or deep cinnamon-rufous; under parts plain olive-buffy or yellowish, more grayish olive on flanks; adult males with a concealed dorsal patch of ochraceous or tawny.

Range. — Southern Mexico to Peru. (Monotypic ?)[1]



Adult male. — Above plain tawny brown (nearest raw umber or tawny olive), paler on forehead; upper tail-coverts and tail deep cinnamon-rufous or rufous-chestnut; wings (including secondaries) dull cinnamon-rufous or russet; interscapulars light cinnamon-rufous or deep ochraceous-buff beneath surface (forming a large and conspicuous patch when feathers are spread) followed immediately by a subterminal bar or spot of black; an indistinct superciliary stripe and suborbital area of pale grayish buffy, the two separated posteriorly by a postocular streak of brown; auricular region and sides of neck similar in color to back, but paler, the color deepening somewhat on malar region; general color of under parts pale brownish

yellowish anteriorly, more grayish (tending more or less toward

  1. Although three species are recognized by authorities, it is likely that these may be in reality forms of one species. Two of these, however (T. æquatorialis Sclater and T. rufescens Cabanis), I have not seen.