Page:Birds of North and Middle America partV Ridgway.djvu/83

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ff. Darker and duller slate color above, less extensively white beneath, the flanks darker and more bluffy brownish. (British Guiana.)

Dysithamnus mentalis spodionotus, adult male (extralimital).[1]

bb. Pileum and hindneck streaked or spotted with black (sometimes also spotted with white).
c. Pileum with small rounded spots of white; throat and foreneck more narrowly streaked; tail 34-38. (Costa Rica and western Panamá.)

Dysithamnus puncticeps, adult male (p. 58).

c. Pileum without white spots; throat and foreneck more broadly streaked; tail 30-35. (Costa Rica.)

Dysithamnus striaticeps, adult male (p. 59).

aa. Pileum and hindneck rufescent brown, cinnamomeous, or tawny, very different from olive or olive-brown of back.

b. Pileum, throat, and chest without streaks; wing-coverts much less distinctly tipped with buff.
c. Under parts strongly buffy, the abdomen white or pale buffy (never yellow); pileum and hindneck more strongly and more extensively rufescent, the back, etc., lighter and more buffy olive.

Dysithamnus affinis, adult female (extralimital).

cc. Under parts olivaceous (not buffy) laterally and on chest, the abdomen pale yellowish or whitish. (Dysithamnus mentalis.)[2]
d. Sides and chest much darker olivaceous.

Dysithamnus mentalis semicinereus, adult female (extralimital).

dd. Sides and chest much paler olivaceous.
e. Abdomen pale olive-yellowish.

Dysithamnus mentalis septentrionalis, adult female (p. 56).

ee. Abdomen white

Dysithamnus mentalis andrei, adult female (extralimital).

bb. Pileum, throat, and chest streaked with dusky; wing-coverts much more distinctly tipped with buffy.
c. Tail 36.5-40; under parts more strongly buffy, with chest, etc., more narrowly streaked; pileum paler tawny or cinnamomeous, more distinctly streaked with dusky

Dysithamnus puncticeps, adult female (p. 58).

cc. Tail 29-35.5; under parts less strongly buffy (whitish medially), with chest more heavily streaked ; pileum darker tawny, less distinctly streaked with dusky

Dysithamnus striaticeps, adult female (p. 60).



Similar to D. m. semicinereus[3] but decidedly smaller; adult male lighter in color of upper parts, adult female with sides and flanks

paler olive.

  1. Dysithamnus spodionotus Salvin and Godman, Ibis, 5th ser., ii, April, 1883, 211 (Roraima, Brit. Guiana; coll. Salvin and Godman). — D[ysithamnus] a[ffinis] spodionotus Hellmayr, Novit. ZooL, xiii, Feb., 1906, 32.
  2. Adult females of D. m. mentalis and D. m. spodionotus not seen by me.
  3. See page 54.