Page:Birds of North and Middle America partV Ridgway.djvu/90

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Range. — Isthmus of Panamá to Cayemie and Amazon Valley. (At least four species.)[1]


a. Under parts white, streaked with, black. (Panamá to Guiana and western Ecuadór.)

Myrmotherula surinamensis, adult male (p. 62).

aa. Under parts neither white nor streaked with black.

b. Under parts buffy, deepening into tawny on chest.

Myrmotherula surinamensis, adult female (p. 62).

bb. Under parts of body pale straw or primrose yellow.
c. Pileum narrowly streaked with pale yellow or yellowish white; throat white. (Panamá to Cayenne and Peru)

Myrmotherula pygmæa, adult male (p. 64).

cc. Pileum streaked with pale rufous or tawny; throat buff or pale tawny.

Myrmotherula pygmæa, adult female (p. 64).



Adult male. — Pileum, hindneck, back, and scapulars black, narrowly streaked with white, the feathers of back extensively white basally; rump plain gray (nearly no. 6), much paler posteriorly; upper tail-coverts dusky, indistinctly margined terminally with whitish; tail black, the rectrices tipped with white and edged on middle portion with the same; wings black, the middle and greater coverts broadly tipped with white (forming two very conspicuous bands across wing), the remiges edged (except on basal portion of distal secondaries and proximal primaries) with white; under parts white, the throat narrowly, the chest, breast, sides, and flanks broadly, streaked with black; under wing-coverts and broad edgings. to inner webs of primaries white; maxilla dull black, mandible dull whitish (in dried skins); legs and feet pale yellowish gray (in dried skins); length (skins), 90-107 (96); wing, 49.5-52.5 (51); tail, 26-28.5 (26.9); culmen, 14-15.5 (15); tarsus, 16.5-18.5 (17.2); middle toe, 9.5-10.5 (9.9).[2]

Adult female. — Pileum bright tawny, the occiput and posterior part of crown streaked with black, the hindneck more buffy and with

black streaks broader; back and scapulars black, streaked with

  1. The following species, referred to Myrmotherula by Dr. Sclater, I have not seen and therefore have no very clear idea of the limits of the group: M. guttata (Vieillot), M. spodionota Sclater and Salvin, M. atrogularis Taczanowski, M. hæmatonota (Sclater), M. pyrrhonota Sclater and Salvin, M. erythrura Sclater, M. erythronota (Hartlaub), M. hauxwelli (Sclater), M. longipennis Pelzeln, M. brevicauda (Swainson), M. urosticta (Sclater), M. inornata Salvin, M. unicolor (Ménétriés), M. longicauda Berlepsch and Stolzmann, M. sororia Berlepsch and Stolzmann, M. guayabambæ Sharpe, M. lafresnayeana (D'Orbigny), M. viduata Hartert, M. sanctæmartæ Allen, M. behni Berlepsch and Leverkuhn, and M. boliviana Berlepsch. It is not unlikely that when all these species can be critically compared a further subdivision of the genus may be required.
  2. Four specimens.