Page:Birds of North and Middle America partV Ridgway.djvu/92

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Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, ii, 1892, 209, part. — Salvadori and Festa, Boll. Mus. Zool., etc., Torino, xv, no. 362, 1899, 29 (Gualaquiza, e. Ecuadór; Foreste del Rio Peripa, w. Ecuadór). — Bangs, Proc. New Engl. Zool. Club, ii, 1900, 23 (Loma del León, Panamá). — Goodfellow, Ibis, 1902, 64 (San Nicolas and Gualea, w. Ecuadór). — Berlepsch and Hartert, Novit. Zool., ix, 1902, 73 (Munduapo, etc., Venezuela; crit.). — Hartert, Novit. Zool., ix, 1902, 612 (San Javier and Pambilár, n. w. Ecuadór; crit.). — Hellmayr, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, xvi, 1906, 53 (Para, Brazil). — Berlepsch, Novit. Zool., XV, 1908, 154 (Cayenne).

[Myrmotherula] surinamensis Sclater and Salvin, Nom. Av. Neotr., 1873, 71. — Sharpe, Hand-list, iii, 1901, 20.
Myrmotherula surinamensis surinamensis Menegaux and Hellmayr, Bull. Soc. Philom., ser. 9, viii, 1906, 48 (crit.).
M[yrmotherium] surinamense Cabanis and Heine, Mus. Hein., ii, July, 1859, 13, footnote.
M[yrmotherula] surinamensis typica Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., xv, 1890, 232, in list of specimens (Verágua, Panamá, and San Pablo Station, Panamá; Bogotá and Remédios, Colombia; Intac and Esmeraldas, w. Ecuadór; Takutu River, Carimang River, and Camacusa, Brit. Guiana).
Myiothera pusilla Pucheran (ex Cuvier, manuscript), Archiv. Mus. Paris, vii, 1855, 335, part (Cayenne; = adult male; see Menegaux and Hellmayr, Bull. Soc. Philom., 1906, 48).



Adult male. — Pileum and hindneck black, narrowly streaked with pale yellowish buff or buffy whitish; scapulars and interscapulars black, the former with outer web broadly edged with yellowish white, the latter with much less distinct whitish edgings; rump pale gray, slightly tinged with buffy yellowish; tail black, the rectrices narrowly edged with grayish; wings black, the middle and greater coverts broadly tipped (on outer webs) with yellowish white (forming two conspicuous wing-bands), the remiges narrowly edged (except on basal portion of distal secondaries and proximal primaries) with yellowish white; auricular and suborbital regions pale yellowish buffy, margined above and below by a rather broad postocular and a malar streak of black; chin and throat white; rest of under parts primrose or pale straw yellow, including under wing-coverts and broad edgings to inner webs of remiges; maxilla blackish brown with paler tomium, mandible dull yellowish or whitish in dried skins, gray in life;[1] iris dark brown;[1] legs and feet horn color in dried skins, olive-green in life;[1] length (skin), 65; wing, 38.5; tail, 16; culmen, 13; tarsus, 15.5; middle toe, 8.5.[2]

Adult female. — Similar to the adult male "but cap striped with

pale rufous; throat fulvous."[3]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Cherrie; see Berlepsch and Hartert, Novit. Zool., ix, 1902, 73.
  2. One specimen from Panamá.
  3. Sclater, Cat. Birds. Brit. Mus., xv, 1890, 230. I have not seen the female of this species.