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656 Cap.88. Birmingham Police. 2 & 3 VICT.

Appointment and Salary of Receiver.

VI. And be it enacted, That the Treasurer of the said Borough shall receive all Sums of Money applicable to the Purposes of this Act, and shall be styled "Receiver of the Police of the Borough of Birmingham," or in case such Treasurer shall refuse to take on him the Duties of the Office of Receiver, or shall be removed from the said Office, it shall be lawful for Her Majesty to appoint a proper Person to be Receiver; and Her Majesty may remove any such Receiver, and upon any Vacancy in the Office may appoint another Receiver ; and every such Receiver shall give Security to Her Majesty in a Bond with Two Sureties, in such Sum as the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury shall direct, for the faithful Performance of his Duty as such Receiver; and a yearly Salary not exceeding Four hundred Pounds, to be payable quarterly, shall be allowed to every such Receiver out of the Monies so received by him,

Money to be placed in a Bank.

VII. And be it enacted, That the Receiver shall immediately pay all Monies, Bills, and Notes by him received under this Act into some Bank to be approved by the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, and the same shall be placed to an Account in the Books of such Banks, which shall be entitled "The Account of the Public Monies of the Receiver of Police for the Borough of Birmingham," inserting the Name of the Receiver for the Time being; and every Draft or Order for Money on the said Bank shall be countersigned by the Commissioner appointed under this Act; and all Drafts and Orders, Be countersigned, but not otherwise, shall be a sufficient Authority to the Bank to pay the Amount to the Persons named in them, or to the Bearers thereof.

Provisions of 10 G. 4. c. 44. extended to Birmingham during the Continuance of this Act.

VIII. And be it enacted, That during the Continuance of this Act all the Powers of Rating, and of levying and recovering Rates, and all other Powers and Provisions of an Act passed in the Tenth Year of the Reign of King George the Fourth, intituled An Act for improving the Police in and near the Metropolis, shall apply to the Borough of Birmingham, and to the Commissioner, Receiver, and Constables appointed under this Act, and to all Things done under the Authority of this Act, except so far as is herein otherwise provided, as if the said had been made applicable to the Borough of Birmingham instead of the Metropolitan Police District or any City or Borough therein, and to the County of Warwick instead of the County of Middlesex, and to the Bank so approved of by the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury instead of the Bank of England, and as if the said Act had authorized the Appointment of One Justice instead of Two Justices; and the Provisions in the said Act contained with respect to the Night Watch and Night Police established in any Parish, Township, Precinct, or Place within the Metropolitan Police District before the passing of the said Act shall extend and be applied to any Watch or Police, either by Night or by Day, established in any Part of the Borough of Birmingham before the passing of this Act, and upon the
