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Comm. %7; Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U. S. 425, 6 Sup. Ct. 1121. 30 L. Ed. 178; Gallup v. Fox. 64 Conn. 491, 30 Atl. 756; Reid v. Field. 83 Va. 26, I S. E. 395; Bailard V. l\'_ve, 138 Cal. 538, 72 Puc. 15; Ansnnxa v. 0 Cooper, 64 Conn. 538, 30 Ati. ‘I60; Smyth

V. L_\nch. 7 Coio. App. 383, 43 Pztc. 670. This is where a person adopts a contract or other transaction which is not blndiuiz - him, because it was entered into by an unauthorized agent or the like., ConL


RATIHABITIO. Lat Confirmation. agreement, consent, approbation of a contract Saitmarsh v. Cundin, 51 N. El. 76.

Ratihabitio mnndnto sequipnrntur. Ratification is equnnlunt to express com- mand Dig. 46. 3. 12, 4; Broom, Max. 8437; Palmer v lanes, 3 Sandr. (N. 1'.) 151.

R RATIO. Rate: proportion; degree.

Reason, or understanding. Also a cause. or giving judgment therein. —-Ratio decidendi. The ground of decision. The point in a case which determines the judg- Iucut.—Ratio legis. The reason or occasion of a law: the octasion of making 3 law. L Law Tracts. 3.

Ratio eat formalin canon con5uel:Illli- 111:. Reason is the formal cause of custom.

Ratio est legis animn; mutatu. legil rations mutatur et lex. ‘I Coke, T. reason is the soul of law; the reason of law being changed, the law in also changed.

Ratio eat radius divini lnminis. Co. Litt. 232. Reason is a ray of the divine

' light.

Ratio of. uncturitaa, duo e1a.:-issizna. mundi lII.‘mina.. 4 Inst. 320 Reason and authority, the two brightest lights of the world.

Ratio leg-is out anima legia. Cent. 45. law.

Jenk. The reason of low is the soul of

Ratio pntest allegnri deflciente lege; sex! ratio vars. et legalis, et non appap x-ens. Co. Litt. 191. Reason may be alleg- ed when law is defective; but it must; be true and legal reason, and not merely apparent

RATIONAIBELE ESTOVERIUM. A Latin phrase equivalent to "alimony."

RATIONABILI PARTE BONORUM. A writ that lay for the wire ngalnst the ex- ecutors of her husband, to have the third part of his -goods after his jusl; debts and funeral expenses had been paid. Fiuh. Nat. Brev. 12711

RATIONALIBUS DIVISIS. An abolished writ which lay where two lords, ln divers towns, had seigniories adjoining. fnr him who found his waste by littie and lime to have been encroached upon, against m other, who had encroached, thereby to redb fy their bounds. Cowell.

RATIONE IMPOTENTIE. Lat. 0|! account of inability. A ground of qnnlitul property in some animals fem: natrmz: as in the young ones, while they are nnabie to fly or run. 2 Bl. Comm. 3, 4.

RATIONE MATERIE. Lat By renncu of the matter involved; in consequence of. or from the nature of, the subject-m:1tter.

RATIONE PERSONE. Lat By reason of the person concerned; from the char acter of the person.

EATIONE PRIVILEGII. Lat. This term describes a species of property in wild anlmais, which consists in the right which, by a peculiar franchise anciently granted by the English crown, by virtue of its prerom- tive, one mun may have of killing and taking such animals on the land of nnother. 108 . C. L. 870.

RATIONE SOLI. Lat On account of

the soil: with reference to the soil. Said to he the ground of ownership in bees 2 Bl. Comm. 393.

RATIONE TENURE. L. Lat. By reason of tenure: as a consequence of tenure. 8 Bl. Comm. %0.

RATIONES. In old law. The piezulings in a suit. Rationes ercrcerc, or ad rational azure, to plead.

RATTENING is where the members or a trade union cause the tools, clothes, or other property of a tfiorlsnmu to be taken away or hidden, in order to compel him to join the union or cease working. It is. in England, an offense punishable by fine or imprisonment. 38 S: 39 Vict. c. 86, 5 7. Sweet.

ILAV'ISI-LED. In criminal practice. A material word in indictments for rape. Whart Crlm. Law, 5 401.

RAVISHMENT. I.n criminal law. Au unlawful tniring of a woman, or of an heir in ward. Rape.

—Rav-lshment do gin-d. L. Fr. An nb_<>l|shed writ which lay for a guardian by lnu_.11»t'u senicc or in somaze, against a person who tank from him the body of his word. Fitzh. Nat Brev. 140; 12 C-11". II c. 3.—Rn.vis]1ment of ward. In I.<.‘nghsh law. The marriage of an infant ward without the consent of the guardi- an.

RAZE. To erase. 3 How. State Tr. 156