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rights which a king has by virtue of his pre rogative. Hence owners of counties palatine were formerly said to have "iura re_r7alia." In their counties as fully as the king in his pal- nce. 1 BI Comm. 117. The term is sometimes used In the same sense in the Spanish law. See Hart v. Burnett, 15 CaL 566.

Some writers divide the royal prerogative Into majors and minom regalio, the former Including t.he regal dignity and Dower, the latter the revenue or fiscal prerogatives at the crown. 1 Bl. Comm. 117.

BEGALIA FACERE. To do homage or iealty to die sovereign by a bishop when he is invested with the regalia.

REGALITY. A territorial jurisdiction In Scotland conferred by the crown. The lands were said to be given in liberam re_r7a.litotem, and the persons receiving the right were termed "lords of regaiity." Bell.

REGARD. tiou; supervision. perqnisite. —Regnx-d, court of. In forest law. A tri- bunal held every third year, for the lawing or expeditution of dogs. to prevent them from chasing deer. Cowell.—Regs.1-d of the forest. In old English law. The oversight or inspection of it, or the office and province of the regarder, who is to [:0 through the whole forest, and every hailiwick in it, before the bolding of the sessions of the forest, or justicesent, to see and inquire after trespussers, and for the survey of dogs. Manwood.

In old English law. Inspec- Also a reward, fee. or

REGARDANT. A term which was applied. in feudal law, to a villeln annexed to a manor, and having charge to do all base services within the same, and to see the same freed from all things that might annoy his lord. Such a villein 1-cgardant was thus opposed to a villein on gros, who was transferable by deed from one owner to an- other. Cowell; 2 RI. Comm. 93.

REGARDER OF A FOREST. An acnient officer of the forest, whose duty It was to take a View of the forest hunts, and to in- quire concerning t1'esp‘.isses, offenses, etc. Manwood.

REGE INCONSULTO. Lat. In English law. A writ issued from the sovereign to the judges. not to proceed in a cause which may prejudice the crown, until ad-

vised. Jenk. Cent. 97. REGENCY. Rule; government; king- shlp. The man or body of men intrusted

with the vicarious government of a kingdom (hiring the minority, absence, insanity, or other disability of the king.

REGENT. A governor or ruler. One who vicariously administers the government of a kingdom, in the name of me king, during the Iatter's minority or other disability.

A master, governor, director, or superin-



tendcnt of a public institution, particularly a college or university.

Regia dignitnl est lndlvisibilis, at qnmlibet Ilia. derivative. dignitiu est Iimiliter indivisibilis. 4 Inst. 243. The kingly power is iudivisibie, and every other derivative power is similarly indlvisibie.

REGIA VIA. Lat. In old English law. The royal way; the's highway. Co. Litt. 5641.

REGIAM MAJESTATEM. A collection of the ancient laws of Scotland. It is said to have been compiled by order of David 1., king of Scotland, who reigned t'rom A. D. 1124 to 1153. Hale. Corn. Law, 271.

REGICIDE. The murder of a sovereign; also the person who commits such murder.

REGIDOR. In Spanish law. One of a body, never exceeding twelve, who formed a part of the auuntamicmo. The ofdce of re- gidor was held for life; that is to say, during the pleasure of the supreme authority. In most places the office was purchased: in some cities, however, they were elected by persons of the district, called "capitulm-ea." 12 Pet. 442, note.

REGIME. In French law. A system of rules or regulations.

—Rég_-lme dotal. The dot, helng the property which the wife brings to the husband as her contribution to the support of the burdens of the marriage, and which may either extend as well to future as to present property, or be expressly confined to the present property of the wife, is subject to certain regulations which are suniniarized in the phrase "régimc daml." The husband has the entire administration during the niuniage: but, as a rule, where the dot consists of immovnbies, neither the husband nor the wife, nor both of them together. can either sell or mortgage it. The tint is return- uhle upon, the dissolution of the marriage. whether by death or otherwise. Brown.- Régime en onmmunauté. The commnnit of interests between husband and wife whic arises upon their marriage. It is either (1) legal or (2) conventional, the former existing in the absence of any "agreement" properly so called, and arising from a mere declaration of community; the latter arising from an "agreement," properly so called. Brown.

REGIMIENTO. In Spanish law. The body of regzidores, who never exceeded twelve, forming R part of the municipal coucni.l, or oyuntomicnto, in every capital at ll jurisdiction. 12 Pet. 442, nots.

REGINA. Lat. The queen.

REGIO ASSENSIJ‘. A writ whereby the sow creign gives his assent to the election of a bishop. Reg. Orig. 204.

REGISTER. An officer authorised by law to keep a record called a "register" or "reg-