Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1041

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213. 8 Am. Dec. 52: Bell v. Perkins, .\ "f" 1-} Am. Dec. 745: DHZIDS ~ (old. 193, 57 Fee. 696.

An accusation or charge.

RN. The act of a sheriff, con- 6r othg‘ ministerial otfiter, in de _ back to the court a writ, notice. or

i, which he was required to serve , min a brief account of his do- ier the mandate, the time and mode < or execution, or his failure to ac- it, as the case may he. Also the -. made by the ofl'lc er upon the other paper. stating what he has der it, the time and mode of service,

- report made by the court. body of Jifltbw, returning board, or other aut yfiarged with the official counting of cast at an election.

-ngllsb practice, the election of a mem- l' parliament 5 called his "return." return. A return to a writ, in which r (barred nith it falsely reports tnat it, when be did not, or makes some or incorrect statement, whereby lntn a person llJt€l‘E‘StEd. State v. 1'K' Mo. 1 . 70 S. W. 1-32.-—-General Thc day for the general return it: of summons. subptcna. etc. running

rt?-*-ilar term of the mar —R hr. back containing the list of mem- - ml to the house of commons. May, _ r.—RetIu-n-day. The day named In a i or process. upon which the otfieer is re- ‘ to r. urn it,—B.etn1-n in-eplevisnble. ‘t allowed by the statute or wf'SilD. 2. c. ' a vifiuad-int who had had judgment upon or demu_rI-rfr in an action of replcvin

By this writ the goods were re-

» to the defendant, and the plaintiff was

‘ ad from suing out a frcsh replevin.

to this statute, an unsuccessful plain-

bring actions of repiefin in infinitum.

3 Bl. Comm.

The repayment

Ibnle or a r.-Itnble part of the premium

‘ [or a policy of insurance upon the cancel- -if the contract before thc time fixed for 3irntion.—Botu1-n of writs. In prac- A sbort account, in writing, made by the , or other ministerial officer, of the man- u which he has executed a writ. Steph.

RETURNABLE. In practice. To be re- - l: requiring a return. When a writ lid to be "returnable" on a certain ilny, ti! meant lhat on that day the officer must eturn it.

‘RETURNING BOARD. This is the 0fl'itltle in some of the states of the board trrmrassers of elections.

RETURNING FROM TRANSPORTA- TION. Coming back to England before the term of punishment is determined.

RETURNING OFFICER. The official who conducts a parliamentary election in



England. The sheriff in counties, and the mayor in boroughs. Wharton.

RETURNUM AVERIORUM. A judicial writ, similar to the retorno Tiaberulo. Cowell.

RETURNUM TRREPLEGIABILE. A judicial writ addressed to the shei-III for the final restitution or return of cattle to the owner when unjustly taken or distrained. and so found by verdict. It is graute-I1 after a nonsuit in a second deliverance. Reg. Jud. 2?.

REUS. Lat. In the civil and canon law. The defendant in an action or suit.

A person judicially accused of a crime; a person criminally proceeded against. Hallifax. Civil Law. b. 3, c. 13. no. 7.

A party to a suit, whether plaintiff or defendant: a litigant. This was the ancient sense of the word. Calvin.

A party to a contract. Reus stipulrmdi, a party stipulating; the party who asked the question in the form prescribed for stpulations. Reus promittendi, a party promising: the party who answered the question.

Ben: exeipiendo flt actor. The defend- ant, by excepting or pleading. becomes a plaintiff; that is, where, instead of simply denying the plaintiff"s action. he sets up some new matter in defense, he is bound to establish it by proof. just as a plaintiff is bound to prove his cause of action. Bonnier. Tr. des Preuves, §§ 152, 320; Best, Ev. p. 294, 252.

Reno laesne majestatis punltnr nt pereat nnns ne petennt nmnes. A traitor is punished that one may die lest all perish. 4 Coke. 194.

REVE. In old English law. The bailiif of a franchise or manor; an officer in parishes within forests, who marks the common able cattle Cowell. REV]-I MOTE. In Saxon law. The court of the revc. rt:ct'e, or shire reevc. 1 Reeve,

Eng. Law, 6.

REV]-1.. A criminal complaint charged that the defendant did "revel. quarrel, com- mit mischief, and otherwise behave in a disorderly manner." Held. that the word "revel" has a definite meaning; i. e., "to be- have in a noisy, boisterous manner, like a hacchanal " In re Began, 12 R. I. 309.

REVELAND. The land which in Domes- day Is said to have been "thane-land." and afterwards converted into "reveiand." It seems to have been land which, having reverted to the king after the death of the thane, who had it for life, was not granted out to any by the king, but rested in charge