Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1043

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ment of property, at present in the possession or occupation of another. Holtbouse.—Rever- Iinnary lease. One to take etfcct in future. .-\ 5L'(.‘ULlLl lease. to commence after the expira- lion of a former lease. Wharton.

REVERSIONER. A person who is entitled to an estate in reversion. By an extension of its meaning. one who is entitled to any future estate or any property in expectancy.

REVERT. To revert is to return. Thus, when the owner of an estate in laud has gnnted a smaller estate to another person, on the determination of the latter estate, the land is said to ‘‘revert‘’ to the grantor. Sweet.

REVERTER. Reversion. A posslbiiity of reverter is that species of reversiouary interest which exists when the grant is so limited that it may possibly terminate. 1 \\‘nsbli. Real Prop. 63. Bee FORMEDON In rat: REVERTER.

REVEST. To vest again. A seisin is said to rm-est, where it is acquired a second iline by the party out of whom it has been divested. 1 Bop. Husb. it Wife. 353.

it is opposed to "divest." The words "rcvest" and "dives-t" are also applicable to me more right or title, as opposed to the possession. Brown.

RI-JVESTIRE. In old Enropean law. To l‘I‘[lJl‘i'i or resign an iiivestiture, seisin. or possession that has been received; to rein- rest: to re~eut'eoff. Spclman.

REVIEW. A reconsideration; second \l£‘\l' or examination; revision; consitlerition for purposes of correction. Used especially nf the examination of a cause by an appell-itc court, and of a second investigation of a propnscvl public road by a jury of viewers. ~'.e Weuliaivlzen Wha1'f Co. v. Kniclterbocker ('1|'il Co.. 25 Misc. Rep. 309, 54 N. Y. Supp - State v. Main, 69 Conn. 1.93, 37 Atl. R0. 36 L. R. A. 623. 61 Am. St. Rep. 30.

—Bi1l of review. In equity practice. A bill, in the u-iturc of a writ of eiror, filed to procure nu r.-xiiniiuatiou and alteration or reversal of a (lorree made upon a former bill, which decree lms-been signcd and enrolled. Story. Eq. Pl. § 40'’ —Commission of review. in English Mr-lcsiasticnl lain A commission formerly STl!I‘|FI'iHlPS granted, in extraordinary cases. to revise the sentence of the court of dcicgates, iihen it was apprehended they had been led into a material error. 3 Bi. omin. 6’i'.—Cou.rt of review. In England. A court est-iblisiicd by 1 & 2 Wm. IV. c. 56, for the adjudicating upon such matters in bankruptcy as before were within the jurisdiction of the lord chancellor. it was abolished in 184'i'.—B.eviewing taxation. Tbs re-tnviag or re-examining an attorney's bill of costs by the master. The courts sometimes order the masters to review their taxation, when. on being applied to for that purpose. it appears that items bnve been allowed or disallowed on some erroneous principle, or under some mistaken impression. 1 Archb. Pr. K. B. 35.



REVILING CHURCH ORDINANCES. An offense against religion punishable in England by fine and imprisonment. 4 Steph. Comm. 208.

REVISE. To review, re-examine for correction; to go over a thing for the purpose of amending, correcting, rearranging, or otherwise improving it; as, to revise statutes. or a Judgment. Casey v. Horned, 3 Iowa. 12; Vinsant v. Runs, 27 Arli. 272; Falconer v. Robinson, 40 Ala. 348.

REVISED STATUTES. A body of Stiltutes which have been revised_ coliecteil, arranged in order, and re-enacted as a vwhole. This is the legal title of the collections of compiled laws of several of the states, and also of the United States. Such a volume is usually cited as "Rev. Stat," "Rev St.," or "R S...

REVISING ASSESSORS. In English law. Two officers elected by the hurgesses of non-parliamentary municipal boroughs tor the purpose of assisting the ma_vor in revising the parish hurgess lists. Wharton.

BJ-IVISING BARRISTERS. In English law. Barristers appointed to revise the list of voters for county and borough mem bers of parliament, and who hold courts for

that purpose throughout the county. St. 6 Vict. C. 18. —Revising barristers‘ courts. In English

law. Courts held in the autumn throughout the country, to roiisa the list of voters for county and borough members of parliament.

REVIVAL. The prmcss of reneu ing the operative force of a judgment Wiiich has remained dormant or unexecuted for so long a time that execution cannot be issued upon it without new process to reanimate it. See I’-ricr v. Traders‘ Nat. Bank. 24 \\"ash. (395, 04 Pac. S31; Havens v. Sea Shore Laud Co., 57 N. J. Eq. 142, 41 Atl. 755.

The act of renewing the legal force of a contract or obligation, which had ceased to be sufiicient foundation for an action. on account of the running of the statute of 1i_initations, by giving a new promise or acknowl- edgment of it.

REVIVE. To renew, revivify; to make one's self liable for a debt barred by the statute of limitations by ackiiowledzing it: or for a matrimonial offense once condoned. by committing another. See Lindsey v. Ly- man. 37 Iowa, 207.

R1-IVIVOR, BILL 0!‘. In equity practice. A bill filed for the purpose of reviving or calling into operation the proceedings in a suit "hen, from some circunisl'auce, (as the death of the p]aintiJI,) the suit had abated.

REVIVOR. WRIT 0!‘. In English practice. Where it became necessary to revive a