Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1054

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advance toward the commission or an act which would be a riot it actually committed, such assembly is a rout Pen. Code Cal. § 406. And see People v. Judson, 11 Dniy (N. Y.) 3; 1-‘oliis v. State, 37 Tex. Cr. R. 535, 40 S. W. 277.

ROUTE. Fr. In French insurance law. The way that is taken to make the voyage insured. The direction of the voyage assured.

ROUTOUSLY. In pleading. Atechnical word in indictments, generally coupled with the word "riotousiy." 2 Chit Criin. Law, 4S8.

ROY. L. Fr. The king.

Roy elt l’l.u'iginal do touts franchises. Keilw. 138. The king is the origin or all franchises.

Ray n’est lie per nlcun ltatute :1 ll. ne suit expresament nusme. The king is not bound by n_uy statute, unless expressly named. Jenk. Cent. 307; Broom, Max. 72.

Roy poet dispenser ova malum proliihitnm, mnis nun mnlum per Se. Jenk. Cent. 301‘. The king can grant a dispensation for a mulum praliilritmn, but not for a malimi per 86.

ROYAL. 01': or pertaining to or proceeding from the king or sovereign in a monarchicai government.

—Royal assent. The royal assent is the iiist form through which a biii goes previously to becoming an act of pgi_ilioinent._ It is. in the i‘.*z:r:‘:.°f,.".‘:"i.f.‘"-'9» Tihe.2°"*r':"*": 4"" ' '. IE YB SSQIJ IS EIVED either by the queen in person or by royal com- mission by the queen bc-rseif, signed with her own hing]. It ‘is rfartelly givv.-_n in uperson, except (xlibhen a e en 0 e session e queen attcn ' to prorogue puriiament, if she should do so. Brown._—B.oyal bu:-gha. Boroughs incorpo- aited lin nczt1nri'djbyt_I'oyn.1 IjCh(11'.|l’lCl‘l.I Bell.- nyn cont 3 0 us me, a 91' t e statute -:2 %J48h\ c. ‘TS, § 28h, this _isht].I:lnau[1le given 0 e mi lugs toget er nit i a d'tions then-to. Pl'l'('lZP[l.'lJI}(iBi.' the courts of justice building act, 1865, (28 & E9 Vict. c. 48,) and LLI|‘ll[S of justice concentration (sitc) act 1865 (:5 & -29 Vict. c. 49 15mm.—noyai’ asnl ._ec Fisu.—B.oyn1 grants. Conveynnces of record in England. '{‘h:-y are of two kinds: (1) Iicllerslpgteui; élnd (2)Giett(c1r§ cigise, of writs close. ..tcp . onim. 1-'3 » ‘.— oya. hun- zu-o_. In titihe iniigaliige of dipiéltloacyv this term esignulcs e privi eve enjoye y every empire or kingdom in Eurose, by the pope, the grand duchies of Germany, and the Germanic and Swiss confederat-ions, to precedence over all oth- ElS1W\h0 do fiat fenjoydllhe tsaimi rank, with ltlhc exc usire rig t 0 son ng o ol; er states pu ic ministers of the firsl: mink, as nmbassadors, together with other distinctive tities and cert.» tnnznisi \\-‘heat. Ilfiit. W, pt. 2, c. 3. § L.- y mines. ines of silver and gold be- longed to thef king of Enginnd, as part of his prerogative o coinn-re, to urnish him with materini. 1 Bl. Comm? 2‘)!

ROYALTIES. Regalitles; royal property.

ROYALTY. A payinent reserved by the grantor of a patent, lease of rt mine, or slniii- ar right, and payabie proportionately to the use nude of: the right by the grantee See Raynoids v. Hanna (C. C.) 55 Fed. 800; Hubenthal v. Kennedy, 76 Iowa, 707, 39 1\'. W. 604: Western Union Tel. Co. v. American Beli Tel. Co., 125 Fed. 342, 60 C. C. A. 220.

Royaity also son1e1:i.Lnes means a payment which is made to an author or composer by an assignee or licensee in respect of each copy of his nork which is soid, or to an in- ventor in respect of each articie soid under the patent. Sweet.

RUBRIC. Directions printed in books or law and in prayer-books, so termed because they were originally distinguished by red ink. —Ruhric of a statute. Its title, which was nnciently printed in red ietters. It serves to show the object of the legislziture, and thence .a.[iords the means of interpreting the horiy of the act; hence the phrase, of an argument, ":1 rubra ad 1M'm'u/In." Wharton.

RIIDENESS. Roughness; inciviiity; violence. Touching another with rudeness may constitute a battery.

RUINA. Lat In the civil law. Ruin. the failing of a house. Dig. 47, 9.

RULE, ‘D. This verb has two significations: (1) to command or require by :1 rule of court; as. to rule the sheriff to 1'Eiuil.1 the writ, to rule the defendant to pie-ul. (2 To settle or decide a point of law arising upon a trial at mini ]J1'iu-.5; and, when it is -llfl of a judge presiding at such a tiiai that he "ruled" so and so, it is meant that he laid down. settled, or decided such and such to he the law.

RULE, n. 1. An established standard. guide, or regulation; a principle or regulation set up by authority, prescribing or di- recting action or forbearance; as, the iuies of a legi 'ative body, of a company, court, public office, of: the law, of ethics.

2. A reguiation made by :1 court of Justice or public office with reference to the conduct of business therein.

3. An order made by a court, at the instance of one of the parties to a suit, com- manding a ministerial officer, or the opposite party, to do some act, or to show cause why some act should not he done. It is usually upon some interlocutory matter, and has not the force or solemnity of a decree or judgmenL

4. "Rule" sometimes means a rule of law Thus, We speak of the rule against perpetuitles; the rule in Shelley's Case, etc. —-Crass-1'nl_el. _Those were rules where each of the opposite ii_t1g£mts obtained :1 rule msi, as the plaintiff to increase the dumages, and the defendant to enter a nonsuit. Wharton.—Genera] rules. General or standing orders of a