Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1069

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SCOTS. In English law. Assessments by commissioners of sewers.

SCOTTARE. To pay Scot, tax, or customary dues. Cowell.

SCOUNDREL. An approblous epithet, implying rasuiiity, viiiainy, or a want of llullul‘ or integrity. In slander, this word is not actionable per so. 2 Bouv. Inst. 2250.

SGRAMBIJNG POSSESSION. See i'li>Sl:.Sh‘ION. SCRAWL. A word used in some of the

i'i--Led States for ac-rowl or scroll. "The "bid »--ai,' written in a scriiwl attached to Hit: na-ne or an ubligor, makes the instrument ii -lieciiilty." Coinerford v. Cobb, 2 Fla. 418.

SCRIBA. LaL A scribe: a secretary. xi iiL'l1 rcgis, a's secretary; a channellor. hpelnian.

Scribcre est ngere. To write is to act Ti-i-usoiiable words set. down in writing il)1")|lLll to overt acts of treason. 2 Rolie, 89; 4 Bi. Conini. 80; Broom, l\Iax. 312, 967.

SCRIP. Certificates of ownership, either iili.-uiuie or conditional, of shares in a public cniiipany. corporate profits, etc. I'nb. St. .\liiss. issz, p. 1293.

.~\ scrip certificate (or shortly "scrip") is an aclmowierignient by the projectors of a company or the issuers of a loan that the person named therein (or more commonly the holder for the time being of the certificate) is entitled to a certain specified numbe!‘ of shares, debentures, bonds, etc. It‘ is usually given in exchange for the letter of siiotnient, and iii its turn is given up for the sliai-es, debentures, or bonds which it represents. Llndi. Partn. 127; Sweet.

The term has also been applied in the United Slates to warrants or other like orders drawn on a municipal treasury (Alma r. Gii:iranty Snv. Bank. 60 Fed. 207. S C. G. A. 56-1,) to certificates showing the holder to be entitled to :1 certain portion or allott- ment of public or state i:'l'Li(IS, (Wait v. State Land officc Coni'r. 87 Mich. 353, 49 N. W. 600.) and to the fractional paper currency issued hr the United States during the pe- riod of the Civil War.

-—Scx-ip dividend. See Dxvrnmrm.

SCRIPT. "'here instruments are executed in part and counterpart, the original or principal is so called.

In English probate practice. A will, codicii_ draft of will or coiiicii, or written instructions for the same If the will is destroyed, a copy or any paper embodying its contents becomes a script, even though not made under the direction of the testator. Browne, Prob. Pr. 280.



Sci.-ipthe obligations: scriptis to11nntur, et nuili consensus obligzitin contrarin consensn iiissolvitur. Wi-itten ob- ligations are superseded by writings, and an obligation of naked assent is dissolved by as sent to the contrary.

SCRIPTORIUM. In old records. A place in monastsries, where wriiing was done. Speiinan.

SCRIPTUIVI. something wiltten. —Scriptn:ii inilentatnni. ed; an iniientuic or den Si-.1-iptnm obligatorium. A writing oblig ory. The is-chi_:ii_ca.i name of a bond in old pleadings. Any writing under se

Int. A writing; Fictn. i. 2, c. 60, § 25. A writing indent-

SCRIVENER. A writer: scribe; con- vey ancer. One whose occupation is to draw coiitnitts, niite deeds and iliL)1'lg;Ig(‘S, and prepare other species or written instruments.

Also an rigciit to whom property is to-

trusted by others for the purpose of lending it out at an interest payable to his principal, and for a coiiiinisslon or bonus for himself, whereby he gains his livelihood. —Mnney sci.-ivener. Amoney broker The name \\ as also formerly applied in England to a person (generally an attorney or solicitor) whose business was to find investments for the money of his clients, and see to perfecting the securities, and who was often intrusied with the custody of the securities and the collcction of the interest and piincipal. S99 Williams v. Waili- er, 2 Sandf. Ch. (N. Y.) 32.».

SCROLL. A mark intended to supply the place of a seal. made with a pen or other instrument of writing.

A paper or parchment coutaining some writing, and rolled up so as to conceal it.

SCROOP’S INN‘. An obsolete law society. iilso called "Serjcants’ Place," oppo- site to St Andrew's Church, Holborn. London

SCRUET-ROLL. In old practice. A species of roll or record. on which the bail on habeas corpus was entered.

SCRUTATOR. Lat. In old English law. A searcher or bailiff of a river; a water- bai1ifi_ whose business was to look to the kings rights, as his wrecks. his flotsam, jet- sam, water-strays, royal fishes. Hale. de Jure Mar. para 1, c. 5.

SCUSSUS. In old European law. Shak- en or beaten out: threshed, as grain. Spel- man.

SCUTAG]-1. In feudal law. A tax or contribution raised by those that held lands by knights service, towards furnishing the king's army, at the rate of one, two or three marks for every knight's fee.

A pecuniary composition or commutation