Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1071

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simply as "the seal of the United States," or "the seal of the state."—Priva.te seal. The seal (‘however made) of a private person or car- Eoration, as distinguished from a seal employed y 51 state or government or any of its bureaus or depar|:ments.—I-'1-ivy seal. In English law. A seal used in making out grants or letters patent, preparatory to their passing under the great seal. 2 Bi. Com.:u.'347.—Publio seal. A seal belonging to and used by one of the but-onus or departments of government, for authenticating or attesting documents. process, or records. An impression made of some device, by means of a piece of metal or other hard substance, kept and used by public author- ILV. Kiiksr-v v. Bates, 7 Port. (Ala) 5334, 31 Am. Dec. 722.—Quax-ter seal. In Scotch law. 5i seui kept by the director of the chancery; in shnpe and impression the fourth 'p:‘il‘t of the great seal, and called in statuies the "I(‘Sl.'i- nxouiai" of the great seal. Ileiia—Senl days. in English practice. Motion days in the court of chancery, so called because every motion had to be stamped with the seal, which did not lie in court in the ordinary sittings out of term. Wharton__Seal office. In English practice. An office for the sealing of judicial writs.— Seal-paper. In English law. A document issuid by the lord clianceilor, previously to the commencement of the sittings, detailing the husiniss to be done for each day in his court, and in the courts of the lords justices and vicechaucellors. The master of the rolls in like manner issued a seal-paper in respect of the business to be heard before him. Smith, Ch. 1'. 9.

SEALED. Authenticated by a seal: ex-

ecuted by the affixing of a seal. Also msteued up in any manner so as to be closed against inspection of the contents. -5-.-n.1eil and delivered. These words. followed by the signatures of the witnesses, constitute the usual formula for the attestation of conveyances Sealed instrument. An instrument of iv rig to which the party to be hnuuii has iiflixed, not only his name, but also his seal, or (in those jurisdictions where it is allowed) a scroll. (q. o.)—Sealeil verdict. When the jury have agreed upon a verdict, if the court is not in session at the time, they are permitted éusunily) to put their wiinen finding in a scale envelope, and then separate. This ierriict they return when the court again can- venes. The verdict thus returned hns the same eiiect, and must he treated in the same manner, ns if returned in open court before any separation of the jury had taken place. The process is called "sealing a verdict." Sutliil v. Gilbert. 3 Ohio, 408; Young v. Se) mour, 4 Neb. 39.

SEALING. By seals, in matters of succession is understood the placing, by the proper officer, of seals on the effects of a succession for the purpose of preserving them, and for the interest of third persons The seals are affixed by order of the judge having jurisdiction. Clv. Code La. art. 1075.

SEALING ‘UP. Where a party to an action has been ordeied to produce a docu- ment part of which is either irrelevant to the matters in question or is privileged from production. he niay, by leave of the court. seal up that part. it he makes an nflidavit stating that it is irrelevant or privileged. Daniell, Ch. Fr. 1681. The scaling up is generally done by fastening pieces of paper over the part with gain or waters. Sweet.

SEALS. In Louisiana. Seals are placed upon the effects or a deceased person. in certain cases, by a public officer, as a method of taking oficial custody of the succession. See SEALING.

SEAMEN. Sailors: mariners; persons Whose business is navigating ships. Cornmonly exclusive of the officers of a ship.

SEANCE. In French law. as of some public body.

A session;

SEARCH. In international law. The right of search is the right on the port of ships of war to visit and search merchant vessels during war, in order to ascertain whether the ship or cargo is liable to seizure. Resistance to visitation and search by a neutral vessel makes the vessel and cargo liable to confiscation, Numerous treaties regulate the manner in which the right of search must be exercised. Man. Int. Law. 433; Sweet

In criminal law. An examination of II i:uan’s house or other buildings or premises. or of his person, with a view to the discov ery of contraband or illicit or stolen prop- erty, or some evidence of guiit to be used in the prosecution of a criniinul action for some crime or offense with which he is charged.

In practice. An examination of the ot- ficial hooks and dockets, made_i_u the process of investigating a title to land, for the purpose of discovering if there are any mort- gages. judgments, tax-liens, or other incumbrances upon it.

SEARCH-WARRANT. A sear(-h-warrant is an order in writing_ issued by :1 justlce or other mngistiate. in the name of the state. directed to a sheriff. constable, or other officer, commanding him to search :1 speci- fied house, shop, or other premises, for personal property alleged to have been stolen. or for unlawful goods, and to bring the same. when found. before the magistrate, and us- nally also the body of the person occupying the premises. to be denit with according to law. Pen. Code Cal. § 1523: Code Ala. 1886, 5 4727; Rev. Code lovwa ISSO, § 4629.

SEARCHER. In English law. Au officer of the customs, whose duty it is to ex- amine and search all ships outward bound. to ascermin whether they have any prohibited or uncustoined goods on board. Wharton. Jacob.


SEAWAN. The name used by the Al- gonquin Indiaus for the shell beads (or wani- pum) which passed, among the Indians as money. Webster.

SEAWORTHINESS. In marine insurmice. A warranty of eeziworthiness means that the vessel is competent to resist the