Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1073

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dom, both foreign and domestic. There are five principal secretaries,—one for the home department, another for foreign affairs, a third fur the colonies, a fourth for war, and a fifth for India. Wharton.

SECRETE. To conceal or hide away. Particularly, to put property out of the reach of creditors, either by corporally hiding it, or putting the title in .-mother's name, or otherwise hindering creditors from levying on it or attaching it. Pearre v. Hawkins, W.’ Tex, 437; Guile v. 1\IcNanny, 14 Minn. EL’! (Gil. 391) 100 _\In. Dec. 2-14: Sturz V. lhzchcr, 15 Misc. Rep. 410, 36 N. Y. Supp. NJ-L

SECT. "A religious sect is a body or number of persons united in tenets, but consluullug a distinct organization or party, by holding sentiments or doctrines different

{rum Lllnse of other sects or people." state v. Hallock, 16 Nev. 385. SECTA. In old English law. Suit: at-

uce at court; the plaintiff‘s suit or to]- lcuiu‘ i. 2., the witnesses whom he was re- quired, in the ancient practice, to bring with him and produce in court, for the purpose of cmlfirming his claim. before the defend- nm was put to the necessity of answering vln: dc:-larntion. See 3 Bl. Comm. 295. 34-1: liract. fol. 21-la. A survival from this proceeding is seen in the formula still used at the end of declarations, "and therefore he brings his suit." (ct inde prod-ucit scclam.)

This word. in its secondary meaning, sig- ulfles suit in the courts; lawsuit.

—Secta, ad cnriam. A writ that lay against hi who refused to perform his suit either to tlw county court or the court—bsron. Cowell. —Sectn nd furnnm. In old English law. Slur due to a man‘-; public oven or hike-linnsc. 3 Bl. (‘omm. 2.". —Socta, ad justicinm fac- iendnm. in old English law. A service which a man is hound to perform by his fen —Secta. ad mnlendiznum. A writ which lay for the owner of a mill against the inhabitants of a pl-iv where such mill is situated, for not doing Full to the plaintiiT's mil ih-at is, for not having their corn ground at . Brown.—-Secta, ad tnrrale. In old Engli h la". Suit due to a man's kiln or mnllliousa. 3 Bl. Comm. 235. —Sccta cnrim. In old English law. Suit of malt: attendance at court. The service, u:'.uihenI. upon feudal tenants, of attending [he in his court. hnth to form a jury uhen - u--rl, and also to answer for thr-ir own rn ~, whl-11 comnllincrl of4—Secta. faciendn pcr i.l.ln.m qnrc hnbel: eniciam pru-tern. Writ to compel the heir. "lm has the elder‘: part of the co-heirs. to perform suit and servic--s for all the coparceners. Beg. Orig. 177. -sects regalis. A suit so called by which all prisons were bound twice in (be war to am-nd in the sheriffs tourn. in order that tlu=_v might he informed of things relating to the pul-hr‘ peace It was so called because rlu sheriff’s lonrn was the king's leet, and it was hell] in order that the purple might he hounrl by oath to bear true allegiance to the king. Cowell.—Secta unica tantnm faci- endn pro plutibns hzreditatibns. A writ for an hair who was distraincd by the lord to do more suits than one. that he should he allowed to do one suit only in respect of the land of divers heirs descended to him. Cowell

Secta est pugna civilis; siuet actores armantur nctionihus, et, quasi. gladiis acoingnntur, its. rei mnniuntur exceptionibus, et defenduntur, quasi, clypeis. IIob. 20. A suit is a civil warfare-, for as the plaintiffs are armed with artinns, and, as it were, gilded nlth swords, so the defend- ants are fortified with pleas, and are defended, as it were, by shields.

Secta qua scx-lpto nititnr a scripto vnriari non debet. Jenk. Cent. 65. A suit which is based upon a writing ought not to vary from the writing.

SECTATORES. suitors of court who, among the Saxons. gave their judgment or verdict in civil suits upon the matter of fact and law. ] Reeve. Eng. Law, 22.

SECTION. in text-hooks, codes. statutes. and other juridical writings, the smallest distinct and numbered subdivisions are com- monly cnlied "sections." sometimes "articles." and occasionally "paragraphs."

SECTION OF LAND. In American lnnd law. A division or parcel of land, on the government survey, comprising one square mile or 640 acres. Each "township" (six miles square) is divided by straight lines into thirty-six sections, and these are again divided into halt-sections and quarter-sectinns.

The generai and proper acceptation of the terms "section." "half." and "quarter section." as well as their construction by the general land department. denotes the land in the sectional and su’bdiv-isionai lines, and not the exact quantity which :1 perfect mlmeasnrement of an unol)stru('te(l surface would declare. Brown V. Hardin. 21 Ark. 327.

SECTIS NON ‘EACIENDIS. A writ which in} for a dowress, or one in wardship, to be free from suit of court. Cowell. SECTORES. Lat. In Roman law. Pur- chasers at auction, or public sales.

SECULAR. tical; world.

—Secn1ar IJusiness.. As used in Sunday laws, this term includes aii form of activity in the husincss affairs of life, the prosecution of a trade or emplovment, and commercial dealings, such as the making of promis ‘ary notes, lending money, and Ihe like. See Im-ejnv v. YVhipple. 18 Vt. 353. 46 Am. Dec. 157: Finn v. Dona- huc, 35 Conn. 217: Allen v. Deming. 14 N. H. 139. 4|’! Arn Dec. 179: Smith v. Foster, 4] N. H. .. l.—Secu:lar clergy. in ecclesiastical law, this tcrm is applied to the parochial clcnzy, who riorm their ministry in se(‘u|'0 (In the world, and who are thus distin::uished from

Not spiritual; not ecclesias- relating to affairs of the present

the monastic or "regular" clergy. Steph. Comm. 681. note.

SECITNDUM. Lat. In the civil and common law. According to. Occurring in

many phrases of familiar use, as follows:

—Secnntiun_1 seqnnm_et bonnm. According to what is ]IlSl, and right.—Seoundum alle-