Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1075

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SED VIDE. Lat. But see. This remark, lollowed by a citation, directs the reader’s attention to an authority or a statement which conflicts with or contradicts the state ment or principle laid down.

SEDATO ANIMO. Lat. With settled purpose. 5 Mod. 291.

SEDE PLENA. Lat. The see being fill- ed. A phrase used when a bishop’s see is not vacant.

SEDENTE CURIA. Lat. The court sit- ting; during the sitting of the court.

SEDERUNT, ACTS OF. In Scotch law. Certain ancient ordinances of the court of session, conferring upon the courts power to establish general rules of practice. Bell.

SEDES. Lat. A see; the dignity of a bishop. 3 Steph. Comm. 65.

SEDGE FLAT, like "sea-shore," imports a tract of land below high-water mark. Church v. Meeker, 34 Conn. 421.

SEDITION. An insurrectionary move ment tending towards treason, but wanting an overt act; attempts made by meetings or speeches, or by publications, to disturb the tranquillity of the state.

The distinction between "sedition" and "trea- son" consists in this: that though the ultimate object of sedition is a violation of the public peace, or at least such a course of measures as evidently engenders it, yet it does not aim at direct and open violence against the laws or the subversion of the constitution. Alis. Crim. Law, 580.

In Scotch law. The raising commotions or disturbances in the state. It is a revolt against legitimate authority. Ersk. Inst. 4, 4, 14,

In English law. Sedition is the offense of publishing, verbally or otherwise, any words or document with the intention of ex- citing disaffection, hatred, or contempt against the sovereign. or the government and constitution of the kingdom, or either house of parliament, or the administration of jus- tice. or of exciting his majesty’s subjects to attempt. otherwise than by lawful means, the alteration of any matter in church or state, or of exciting feelings of ill will and hostility between different classes of his majesty’s subjects. Sweet. And see State y, Shepherd, 177 Mo. 205. 76 S. W. 79, 99 Am. St. Rep. 624. —Seditious libel. See Libel.

SEDUCE. To entice a woman to the com- mission of fornication or adultery, by per- suasion, solicitation, promises. bribes, or oth- erwise; to corrupt: to debauch.

The word "seduce," when used with reference to the conduct of a man towards a woman, has a precise and determinate signification, and "ex vi termini" implies the commission of fornica- tion. An information for the crime of seduction need not charge the offense in any other words. State v. Bierce, 27 Conn. 319.

SEDUCING TO LEAVE SERVICE. An injury for which a master may have an action on the case.

SEDUCTION. The act of a man in en- ticlug a woman to commit unlawful sexual intercourse with him, by means of persua- sion. solicitation, promises, bribes, or other means without the employment of force.

In order to constitute seduction, the defend- ant must use insinuating arts to overcome the opposition of the seduced, and must by his wiles and persuasions, without force, debauch her. This is the ordinary meaning and accepta- tion of the word "seduce." Hogan v. Cregan, 6 Rob. (N. ¥.) 150.

SEE. The circuit of a bishop’s jurisdic- tion; or his office or dignity, as being bishop of a given diocese.

SEEN. This word, when written by the drawee on a bill of exchange, amounts to an acceptance by the law merchant. Spear v. Pratt, 2 Hill (N. Y¥.) 582, 83 Am. Dec. 600; Barnet v. Smith, 30 N. H. 256, 64 Am. Dec. 290; Peterson v. Hubbard, 28 Mich. 197.

SEIGNIOR, in its general signification, means "lord," but in law it is particularly applied to the lord of a fee or of a manor; and the fee, dominions, or manor of a seig- nior is thence termed a "seigniory," i. e., a lordship. He who is a lord, but of no man- or, and therefore unable to keep a court, is termed a "seignior in gross." Kitch. 206; Cowell.

SEIGNIORAGE, A royalty or prerogs tive of the sovereign, whereby an allowance of gold and silver, brought in the mass to be exchanged for coin, is claimed. Cowell. Mintage; the charge for coining bullion In- to money at the mint.

SEIGNIORESS. A female superior.

SEIGNIORY. In English law. A lord- ship; a manor. The rights of a lord, as such, in lands.

SEISED IN DEMESNE AS OF FEE. This is the strict technical expression used to describe the ownership in "an estate in fee-simple in possession in a corporeal here- ditament." The word "seised" is used to express the "seisin" or owner’s possession of a freehold property; the phrase "in de mesne," or "in his demesne," (in dominico suo) signifies that he is seised as owner of the land itself, and not merely of the seig- niory or services; and the concluding words, "as of fee," import that he is seised of an estate of inheritance in fee-simple. Where