Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1093

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teis and mariners; and the law relating to ship-brokers, ship-agents, pilots, etc.

--Shipping articles. A written agreement be- lWul"u the master of a vessel and the inaiiners, SD4'C|f)Ill_E the ioyase or term for which the latter ure shipped, and the rate of wa;cs.——Shipping commissioner. An olticer of the United Hint:-s, iippnintetl by the seierzii circuit courts. iiilliin their i'espccti\'e jurisdictions, for each pnit of entry (the same being also a port of O(I'i|"l navigation) vxhii-h. in the judgment of surh uvii"". mm‘ 'l'l’l|Ilife the same: his diiti being in supervise the engmcenient anti discharge of svnmeu: to see that men en.-ziiged as seniiii-n report on bn.-ird at the proper time: to facilit P the appri-nticin,-z of persons to the iiialiiic sm-.ire; and other similar duties. such as may lm rs-qiiii-evl by law. Rev St. U. S. §§ 4-01- -i‘-08 (U. S. Comp. St. 1901. pp. 30\'i1a3I)lT').

SHIPWRECK. The demolition or shattering of a vessel, caused by her driving iore or on rocks and shoals in the mid- is, or by the violence of winds and waves in tempests. 2 Arii. Ins. p. '13}.

SHIRE. In English law. A county. So called because every county or shire is di- iided and parted by certain nietes and bounds from another. Co. Litt. 5011. —Knights of the shire. See 1'\'VIGu'r.— Shire-clerk. He that keeps the counrr court. —Shix-e-mi-in, or Sayre-man. Before the Cniii,-ui-st. iiie judge of the county, by whom trials for hind. etc., were determined. Tomiins; liinzley & "'hitiev.—Shi:re-mate. The assize of the sbire, or the assembly of the people, uas so called by the Saxons. It was nearly if not exactly, the same as the ac:/mgemote, and in most respects corresponded with what were afterwards called the "county courts." Brown.—Shire-1-eeve. In Saxon law. The roeve or bailiff of the shire. The viscoum‘ of the Anglo-Normans, and the alierifi‘ of later times. 00. Litt. 168a.

SHOCK. In medical jurisprudence. A sudden and severe depression of the vital functions, particularly of the nerves and the circulation. due to the nervous exhaustion following trauma, siirglcal operation, or sudden and violent emotion, resulting (if not in death) in more or less prolonged prostration; it is spoken of as being either physical or [7S_\'CllI(‘1li, according as it is caused by distiirl-nnce of the bodily powers and functions or of the mind. See Maynard v Oregon R. (‘o.. 43 Or. 63. 72 Pac. 590.

SHOOPAA. In Mohammedan law. Pre- emption, or a power of possessing property which has been sold, by paying a sum equal to that paid by the purchaser. Wharton.

SHOP. A building in which goods and merciiandise are sold at retail, or where mechanics work, and sometimes keep their products for sale. See State v. Morgan. 98 N. G. 641. 3 S. E. 927; State v. O'Connell, 26 Ind 267: State v. Sprague, 149 M0. 409, 50 S. ‘V. 901.

Strictly, a shop is a piece where goods are sold by retail, and a store a place where goods are deposited; but, in this country, shops for the



sale of goods are frequently called "stores." Coin. v. Annis, 15 Gray (-.\I-ass.) 197. —Slin -books. Books of oii,;i'nsl entry kept y trii CSIJIPII. Sh0])-iS(‘l'[)[‘IS. mechanics, and the die. in which are entered their accounts and charges for goods sold, work done, etc.

SHOPA. In old records, a shop. Cowell.

SHORE. Land on the margin of the sea. or a lake or river

In common parlance, the word "shore" is understood to llLiP.‘\lJ the line that separates the tide-uater from the hind about it. uiierever i.h:1t line may be, and in whatei er stage of the tide. The word "shore." in its legal and technical sense indicates the lands ad- jacent to navigable waters, Where the tide flows and reilows, which at high tides are submerged, and at low tides are hare. Shively v. Boulhy, 1.32 U. S. 1. 14 Sup. Ct. 548, 38 L. Ed 331; Mather v. Chapman. 40 Conn. 400, 16 Am. Rep. 46; U. S. v. Piicheco, 2 Wall. 590, 17 L. Ed. S65; Harlan & 1‘Iollings- worth Co. v. Paschail. 5 Del. Ch. 4(i3; Lacy v. Green, 84 Pa 519: Axiine v. Shaw, 35 Fla. 3053. 17 South. 411, 28 L. It. A. 391.

Sea-shore is that space of land over which the waters of the sea spread in the highest water, during the winter season. Civ. Code La. art. 451.

Wlicn the sea-shore is referred to as a bound- ary, the meaning must he understood to be the margin of the sea in its usual and ordinary state; the ground between the ordinary high- water mark and low-viater iniirk is the shoie. Hence a deed of land hounded at or by the "shore" will convey the flats as appurtenant. 1S5t(5)l’el' v. Freeman, 6 Mass. 485, 4 Am. Dec.

SHORT CAUSE. A cause which is not likely to occupy a great portion of the time of the court, and which may be entered on the list of "short causes," upon the application of one of the parties, and will then be heard more speedily than it would be in

‘its regular order. This practice ohtiiins in the English chaucery and in some of the American states.

SHORT ENTRY. A custom of bankers of entering on the customer's pass-boo]; the amount of notes deposited for collection, in such a manner that the amount is not carried to the latter's general balance until the notes are paid. See Giles v. Perkins, 9 East. 12; Blaine v. Bourne, 11 R. I. i2l 23 Am. Rep. 429.

SHORT LEASE. A term applied collo quiaily, but without much precision. to a lease for a short teim. (as a month or in year.) as distinguished from one running for I1 long period.

SHORT NOTICE. In practice. Notice of less than the ordinary time: generally of half that time. 2 Tidd. P1‘. 757.