Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1101

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SLOUGH SILVER. A rent paid to the castle of Wiginore, in Lieu of certain days‘ work in harvest, heretofore reserved to the iurd from his tenants. Ooweli.

SLUICEWAY. An artificial channel into which miter is let by a sluice. Specifically, a trench constructed over the bed of a

~(re:im. so that logs or lumber can he floated

li mu tn :1 r-unvenicnt place of delivery Web- slcr. bee Anderson v. Munch, 22) Minn 416, 13 N. W. 102.

SMAKA. In old records. Hrasei: a smack. Cowell.

A small. iignt

SIYIALL DEBTS COURTS. The severiii munty courts established by St. 9 & 10 Via. L So, for the purpose of bringing justice home to every ni:1n‘s door.

SMALL TITHES. All pcisnmii and mix- ed Lithes, and also hops. iizix, suifrons, potatoes, and sometimes, by custom, wood. Uthciuise called "privy tithes." 2 Steph. Comm. ‘[2 .

SMART-MONEY. Vindictive or exemplary dzLm.iges. See Brewer v. Jacobs (0. C) :2 red. 2.54; springer v. Somers Fuel (31).. 196 1'11. 156, 46 AH. 370; Day v. Wood- uurth, 13 How. 371, 14 L. Ed. 181; Murphy \. Hobbs, 7 Colo. 5341. 5 P-ac. 119. 49 Am. itep. 366.

SMOKE-FARTHINGS. In old English law. An annual rent paid to cathedral churches; another name for the pentocostals or customary obktions offered by the dispersed inhabitants within a diocese, vihen they made their processions to the mother cathedral church. Cowell.

SMOKE-SILVER. In English law. A sum [mid to the ministers of divers parishes as a modus in lien or tithe—wood. Biount.

SMIJGGLE. The act, wit.h intent to defraud, of bringing into the United States, or with like intent, attempting to bring into the United States. dutiabie artir.-ies, without passing the same, or the prickage containing the same, through the custom-house, or submitting them to the officers of the revenue tor e.\uniini1tion. 18 U. S. St at Large, 186 (U. S. Comp. SL 1901, p. 2018).

"The word is a technical word, having a knoun and accepted meaning. It implies something illegal, and is inconsistent Willi an innocent intent The idea conveyed by it is that or .i secret introduction of goods, with intent to avoid payment of duties." U. S. v. Cl.iflin, I3 Bintchf. 184. Fed. Cas. No. 14,798.

SMUGGLING. The offense of importing prohibited articles, or of defrauding the reienue by the introduction of articles into consumption, without paying the duties



chargeable upon them. It may be committed indilrei-ently either upon the excise or customs revenue. W1in1ton.

SNOTTERING SILVER. A small duty which was paid by serviie tenants in Wy- iegh to the abbot of Colchester. Cowell.

So. This term is sometimes the equiva- lent of "hence," or "therefore,’ and it is thus LiI]dei§I.U0d whenever what follows is an iiiustratioii of, or conclusion from, has gone before. Clem v. State, 33 1nd. 4&1.

S0 HELP YOU GOD. The formula at

the end of a common oath.

SOBRE. Span. Above; over; Ituis v I 'h.'tmbers, 15 Tex. 556, 592.


SOBRE-JUEZES. In SIJIIIJIBLI law. Su- perior judges Lns Partidus, pt. 3, tit. 4, l. 1.

SOBRINI and SOBRIN1!-I. Lat. In the civil law. The children of cousins german In general.

SOC, SOK, or SOKA. In Saxon Law. Jlirisdiction; a power or prinilege to admin- ister justice and execute the laws; also a shire, circuit, or territory. Cowell.

SOCA. A seigniory or lordship, entracnhised by the king, with hbeity of holding a court of his soomen or soc<u;Icrs,- I. 5., his tenants.

SOCAGE. Socage tenure, in England, is the holding of certain lands in consideration of certain inferior services or husbandry to be performed by the tenant to the lord of the foe. "is‘oc:ige," in its most general and extensive sigiiilicution, seems to denote 31 ten- ure by any certain and determinate service. And in this sense ii: is by the ancient wrrters constantly put in opposition to tenure by chivalry or imighc-service, where the render this precarious and uncertain. soctigs is or tvm sorLs.——free socage, where the services are not only certain, but honoiabie; nud vii- iein sucnge, where the services, though certain, are or buser nature. Such us hold by the former tenure are also called in Gianvii and other authors by the mime of "ttberi sokemanati," or tenants in tree socnge. By the statute 12 Car. 2. c. %, all the tenures by knight-service "ere, with one or two unm-.1teri.ii exceptions, converted into free and common socaigi. See Oowell; Brut-L 1 2, c. 35; 2 Bl. Comm. 79; Fietn, iili. 3, c. 14, § 9: Litf. I 117: Gian. l. 3, c. 7.

SOCAGEB. A tenant by socage.

Socaginm idem est qnod servitnin so- am; et socn, idem est quad uarncn. CD. Litt. S6. Socnge is the some us service of the sac; and soc is the same thing as a plow.