Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1103

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SOIL. The surface, or surfacecoverlng of the land, not including minerals beneath it or grass or plants g1'o\\lng upon it. But in i1 wider (and more usual) sense, the term is equivalent to "land," and includes all that is below, upon, or above the surface.

SOIT. Fr. Let it be; be it so. A term used in several Law-French phrases employ- ed in English law, particularly as expressive of the will or assent of the sovereign in formiii communications with parliament or with private suitors. fsoit bails aux commons. Let it be de- liiei-Lri to the commons. The form of indorse- nicnt on a bill when sent to the house of com- nmns. Dyer. l?3u.—Soit haile aux seigneui-I. lmt it be delivered to the lords. The form of inzlnisenient on a hill in parliament when sent in the house of lords. Hob. 111a.-—Soit di-nit fslt u.‘l antic. In English law. Let right h_e clone to t e party. A phrase written on a petition of right, and auhscrihed by the liing.—Soit fni_t comma ' est desire. Let it be as it is desired 'J.‘he royal assent to private acts of parliament.

SOJOURNING. This term means some thing more than "travellng." and applies to a temporary, as contradlstinguished from a periiianent. residence. Henry v. Ball, 1 Wheat. 5, 4 L Ed. 21.

SOKE-REEVE. The lord's rent gatherer in the soca. Cowell.

SOKEMANRIES. Lands and tenements which were not held by knight-service, nor by grand serjeanty, nor by petlt, but by simple services; being, as it were, lands en- franchlsed by the king or his predecessors from their ancient deniesne. Their tenants were aalcemims. Wh:irton.

SOKEMANS. In English law. Those who held their lands in socage. 2 Bl. Comm. 100.

Sola no per la senectuii dnnntionem testamentum nut transnutioncm 11011 V1- tiat. Old age does not alone and of itself rltiate a will or gift. Van Alst v. Hunter. 3 Julius. Ch. (N. Y.) 148, 158.

SOLAR. In Spanish law. Land; the iieniesno, with a house, eltuate in a strong or fortified place. White, New Recap. b. 1, tit. 5, C. 3, § 2.

SOLAR DAY. That period of time which begins at sunrise and ends at sunset. Co. Lift. 135a.

SOLAR MONT!-I. A calendar month. See Moi~:'rn.

SOLARIUM. Lat. In the civil law. A rent paid for the ground, where a person hullt on the public land. A ground rent. Spelninn; Galvin.


SOLIOITOR SOLATIUM. Compensation. Damage: allowed for injury to the feelings.

SOLD NOTE. A note given by a broker, who has effected a sale or merchandise. to the buyer. stating the fact of sale, quantity,

price, etc. Story, Ag. § 28; Saladin v. Mit- chell, 4:: I11. 83.

SOLDIER. A military man; a private in the army.

SOLE. Single; individual; separate; the opposite of joint; as a sole tenmit.

Comprising only one person; the opposite of aggregate; as a sale corporation.

Unmarried; as a ferric sale. See the nouns.

SOLEMN. Formal; in regular form; with all the forms of a proceeding. As to solemn "Foi'm," see Pnomvrn. As to solemn "Oath" and "War," see the nouns.

SOLEMNES LEGUM PORMULIE. Int. In the civil law. Solemn forms of kiws; forms of forensic proceedings and of l.1‘i1.lIlS- acting legal acts. One of the sources of the unwritten law of Rome. Butl. Ilor. Jur. 47.

SOLEMNITAS A'I"1‘ACI:IIAi‘.’IENTO- BUM. In old [English practice Solemnity or formality of attachments. The issuing of attachments in a certain formal and regular order. Bract tols. 439, 440; 1 Reeve, Eng. Law, 480.

Solemnitntea jux-in aunt obiier-va.uda-.. The soleinnities of law are to be observed. Jenk. Cent. 18.

SOLEMNITY. A rite or ceremony: the torniality est-alitished by law to render a contract, agreement, or other act valid.

SOL]-IMNIZE. To soleinnize, spoken of a marriage, means no more than to enter into a marriage contract, with due publication, before t.hli'd persons, for the purpose of giving it notoriety and certainty; which may be before any persons, relatives, friends, or strangers, competent to testify to the facts. See Dyer v. Brannock. 66 M0. 410, 27 Am. Rep. 350: Pearson v. Iiuuey, 11 N. J. Law. 19; Bowman v. Bowman, 24 Ill. App. 172.

SOLICITATION. Asking; enticing; urgent request. Thus "solicitation of chastity" is the asking or urging a woman to surrender her chastity. The word is also used in such phrases as "solicitation to lar- ceny," to bribery, etc.

SOLICITOR. In English law. A le_:.':1l practitioner in the court of chancery. The words "soiicitor" and "attorney" are com- monly used indiscrlniinately, although they are not precisely the same, an attorney heing B practitioner in the courts of common law, a solicitor a practitioner in the courts of eq-