Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1122

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STREPITUS -TUDICIALIS. Turbulent conduct in a court of justice. Jacob.

STRICT. As to strict "Construction," "Foreclosure," and "Settlement," see those Lities.

STRICTI JURIS. Lat. Of strict right or law; according to strict law. "A license is a thing sit mti j-unis; a privilege which a man does not possess by his own right, but

it is conceded to him as an ifldlligelltb, and therefore it is to be strictiy observed." 2 liob. Adm. 117.

STRIGTISSIMI JTIRIS. Lat. Of the strictest right or law. "Licenses being inatter of special indulgence, the application of thein was formerly striciissiiiii juria." 1 hldw. Ailni. 328.

STRICTO JURE. Kent, Comm. 65.

Lat. In strict law. 1

STRICTUM JUS. Lat. Strict right or law; the rigor of the law as distinguished from equity.

STRIKE. '1'he act or a body or workmen enipluyed by the same inaster, in stopping \\ork all together at a pre:1rranged time, and refusing to continue until higher wages, or shorter time, or some othei- concession is guiutcd to them by the employer. See Farm- ers’ L. 6:. ’J.‘. Co. v. Northein Pac. R. Co. (0. G.) 60 Fed. 819; Arthur v. Oakes. (53 Fed. 317, 11 C. C. A. 209, 25 L. R. A. 4.14; Rail- road 00. v. Bowns. 58 N. Y. 582; Longshore Printing Co. v. Howell, 26 Or. 527, 35 l-'ac. 517, 2.5 L. R. A. 46-}, 44.5 Ain. St. Rep. 6-10.

In mining law. The strike of a vein or lode is its extension in the horizontal pisne, or its lengthwise trend or course with ref- erence to the points of the compass; distin- guished from its "dip," whith is its siope or slant, away from the perpendicular, as it goes downward into the earth, or the angle or its deviation from the vertical plane.

STRIKE OFF. In common parlance, and in the language of the auction-room, prop- erty is understood to be "struck off" or "knocked down," -when the auctioneer, by the faii of his hammer, or by any other audible or visible announcement, signifies to the bidder that he is entitled to the property on paying the amount of his bid, according to the terms oi’ the sale. Sherwood v. Reade, 1 Hill (N. Y.) 439.

In practice. A court is said to "strike off" a cise when it directs the removal of the case from the record or docket, as being one over which it has no jurisdiction and no power to hear and determine it.


In English The first step in the proceedings in



bankruptcy, which consists in making em- davit of ‘the debt, and giving a bond to follow up the proceedings with effect. 2 Steph. Comm. 199. When the allidavit and band are delivered at the bankrupt office, an entry is made in what is caiied the "docket-book,’ upon which the petitioning creditor is ‘aid to have struck a. docket. Eden, B-ankr. 51, 5'.’

STRIKING A JURY. The selecting or nomlnziuiig a jury of twelve men out of the whole number returned as jurors on the panel. It is especially used of the selection oi’ a spatial Jury, where a panel of forty- eight is prepared by the proper othcer, and the parties, in turn, strike otf a cei lain number of names, until the list is reduced to twelve. A jury thus chosen is called I "struck jury."

STRIKING OFF THE ROLL. The dis- barring of an attorney or solicitor.

STRIP. The act of spoiling or unlawfully taking away anything from the land, by the tenant for lite or years, or by one holding an estate in the land less than the entire tee. Pub. SI’. 1\I.iss. 1582, p. 1295.

STRONG HAND. The Words "With strong hand" imply a degree of criniinai force, whereas the words 1:: cl urmis ("with force and arms") are mere formal words in the action of trespass, and the plaintiff is not bound to prove any force. The statutes re- lating to forcible entries use the words "with a strong hand ' as describing that degree or force which makes an entry or detuiner of lands criminal. Brown.

STRUCK. In pleading. A word eman- fiul in an indictment for murder, when the death arises i‘1'oi.u any woundi ", beating, or bruising. 1 Bulsr. 15-1; 5 Coke, 12: 3 Mod. 202.


STRUMPET. A whore. harlot, or courtesan. This word was ancieutiy used for .in addition It occurs as an addition to the name of a woman in a return made by a jury in the sixth year of Henry V. Wharton.

STUFF GOWN. The professional robe worn by barristers of the outer bar; vlz., those who have not been admitted to the rank or king's counsel. Brown.

STULTITY. To make one out mentally incapacitated for the perfonnance or an act.

STULTILOQUIUM. Lat. In old English law. Vicious pleading, for which a fine -was imposed by King John, supposed to be the origin or the fines for beau-pleader. Grabb, Eng. Law, 135.