Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1144

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TANTEO. Span. In Spanish law. Pre- emption. White, New Recop. b. 2, Ht. 2. c. 3.

TANTO, RIGHT 0):‘. In Mexican law. The right enjoyed by an usufructuary of property, of buying the property at the same price at which the owner offers it to any other person, or is willing to take from an- other. Civ. Code Mex. art. 992.

Tantnm bone valent. quantum vendi possunt. Shep. Touch. 142. Goods are worth so much as they can be sold for.

TARDE VENIT. Lat In practice. The name of a return made by the sheriff to a writ, when it came into his handa too late to be executed before the return-dsy.

TAKE. A deficiency in the weight or quantity of merchandise by reason of the weight of the box, cask. bag, or other receptacle which contains it and is weighed with it. Also an allowance or abatement of I). certaln weight or quantity which the seller makes to the bnyer, on account of the weight of such box. cask, etc. Napier v. Barney, 5 Blatchf. 191, 17 Fed. Cas. 1149. See T1221.

TARIFF. A cartel of commerce. in book of rates, in table or catalogue, drawn usually in alphabetical order. containing the names of several kinds of merchandise, with the duties or customs to be paid for the same, as settled by authority, or agreed on between the several princes and states that holil coinmerce together. Enc. Lond.; Railway Co. v. Cushman, 92 Tex. G23, 50 S. W. 1009.

The list or schedule of articles on which a duty is imposed upon their importation into the United States, with the rates at which they are severally taxed. Also the custom or duty payable on such articles. And. de- rivnthely, the system or principle of imposing duties on the importation of foreign merchandise.

TASSUM. In old English law. A heap; a hay-mow, or hay-stack. Foenum in tascis. hay in stacks. Reg. Orig. 96.

TATH. In the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, the lords of manor-s snciently claimed the privile_ce of having their tenants’ flocks or sheep brought at night upon their own deinesue lauds, there to be folded for the improvement of the ground, which liberty was called by the name of the "tath." Spehnan.

TAURI LIBERI LIBERTAS. Lat. A common bnl.l; because he was free to all the tenants wlthin such a manor, liberty, etc.

TAUTOLOGY. thing twice in one terms; in fault in

Describing the same sentence hi equivalent rhetoric. It differs fiom



repetition or iteration, which is repeating the same sentence in the same or equivalent terms; the latter is sometimes either excus- able or necessary In an argument or address; the former (tautology) never. Wharton

TAVERN. A place of entertainment: a house kept up for the accoiumoiliition of strangers. Originally, a house for the retaliing of liquors to be drunk on the spot Web- ster.

The word "tiivern," in 21 charter provision anthorizing municipal authorities to "license nnd regulate taverns," includes hoteis. "Tavern." "hotci." and "public house" sin. in this country, used synonyinously: and while they entertain the traveling pnbiic, and keep guests, and I‘(‘C£!l\€ compensation therefor, they do not lose their character. though they may not have the privilege of selling liquors. St Louis v. Si0_‘1l'lEt. 46 M0. 595. d see State v." . Bonner v. Welhorn. 1 Ga.

afforty v. Insurance Co.. 18 N. J. Low, 38 D 5" ' I

' Y-. Sllilpp. 606: v Comm.. 5 Bush (Kyé) 5-1-4. Kelly 51 How. Prac. ( . Y.) 331.

TAVERN-KEEPER. One who keeps I tavern. One who keeps an inn; an inn- keeper.

TAVERNEB. In old English law. A seller of wine; one who kept a house or shop for the sale of wine.

TAX, v. To impose a tax; to enact or declare that a pecuniary coutrihution shall be made by the persons liable, for the support of government Spoken of an individual. to be taxed is to be included in an nssessment made for purposes of taxation.

In practice. To assess or determine; to liquidate, adjust, or settle. Spoken particu- larly of towing costs, ((1. u.)

TAX, n. Taxes are a rutable portion of the produce of the property and labor of the iudividual citizens, taken by the nation, in the exercise of its sovereign righta, for the support of government, for the administration of the laws, and as the means for continuing in operation the vnrious legitimate functions of the state. Blnck, Tar Titles. § 2: New Lonilon v. l\ii.ller. 60 Conn. 112, 22 At]. 499; Graham v. St. Joseph Tp.. 67 Mich. 652, 35 N. W. 808; Gibbons v. Ogden. 9 Wheat 1. 6 L. Ed. 23.

Taxes are the enforced prnportionai contri- bution of persons and property. levied by the authority of the state for the support of the government, and for all public needs; portions of the property of the citizen, demanded and received by the government, to be disposed of to enable it to discharge its functions. Opinjon of Justices. 58 Me. 590; Moog v. IL-inilnlph, 77 Ala. 597; Palmer v. Way, 6 Colo. 106; Wagner v. Rock Island, 146 I1]. 139, 34 N. E. 545. 21 L. It. A. 519; In re Hun, 144 N. Y. 472, 39 N. E. 370;