Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1148

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TELEGRAPHIÆ. A word occasionally

used in old English law to describe ancient

documents or mitten evidence at things past Biount.

TELEPHONE. In a general sense, the

0 name "telephone" applies to any lnstrunlent or apparatus Wl_ilLl.i transmits sound beyond the limits of ordinary audihiiity. But, since the recent discoveries in telephony, the mime

is technically and prinmriiy restiicted to an

instrument or device which transmits sound by means of electricity and wires similar to teleginphlc vtires. In a secondary sense, hmvei er, being the sense in which it is most commonly understood, the word "telephone" constitutes a generic term, having reference gent-rally to the art of telephony as an insti- [lil.l0l.i, but more particularly to the apparatus, as an enL'li'ety, ordinarily uscd in the ti-.\nsmi.ssion, as well as in the reception, ot telephonic messages. Hockett v. State, 105

B Ind. 261, 5 N. E. 178, 55 Am Rep. 201.

TELLER. One who numbers or counts. An ouicer of a bank who receives or pays out money. Also one appointed to count the iutcs cast in u deliberative or legislative as-

seinbly or other meeting. The name was also given to ceitsin officers formerly attached to the English exchequer.

The teller is a considerable officer in the ex-

rbequer, of which oiificers there are four, whose office is to ieceive nil money due to the king, and to give the clerk of the peils a hiii to charge iiim therewith. They also pay to all persons any money payahis by the king, and make weekly and yearly hooks of their receipts and payments, which they deliver to the lord treas- urcr. Cowell; Jacob. —Tel1ers in parliament. In the of parliament, the "tellers" are the of the house selected to count the when a division takes place. lords in (ii sion is effectcd by the "non-contents" remaining within the bar, and the "contents" going below it, a teller being appointed for each party. in the commons the "ayes" go into the lobby at one end of the house, and the "noes" into_the iohhy at the other end, the house itself being perfectly empty, and two toil:-rs being appointed for each party. May, Pari. Pr.: Brown.

language members members house of

TELLIGRAPHUM. An Anglo-Saxon charter of land. 1 Reeve, Eng. Law, c. 1, p. 10.

TELLWORC. Thnt labor which a ten- out was hound to do for his lord for a certain lIl]lI|llQl' of days.

TEMENTALE, or TENEMENTALE. A tax of tno shillings upon every plow-land, a decennnry.

TEIVFERE. Lat In the civil law. Bash- ly: inconsiderately. A plaintiti was said iemerc liiigare who demanded a thing out of malice, or sued without just cause, and who could show no ground or cause of action. Brlssonius.



TEMPEST. A violent or furious sturm; a current of wind rushing with extreme violence, and usually accompanied with rain ur snow. See Sl.0\ er v. Ins rance Co., 3 Plilltl (I’a.) 39; Thistle v. Union Eorwillxilng Co, 29 U. C. C. P. 84.

TEMPLARS. A religious order of knight‘ hood, instituted about the year 1119, and so calial because the memheis dwelt in n pait of the temple of J erusaleni, and not far from the sepuicher of our Lord. ’l‘he_v cutertained Christian strangers and pilgnms charitubly, and their ]ii'0l'e.\SlDi.l was at iiist to defend traveiers from highwaynien und robbers The order was suppressed A. D. 1307, and their substance given partly to the knights of St. John of Jerusalem and partly to other religious orders. Brown.

TEMPLE. Two English iuus of court, thus called because anciently the dwelling place of the Knights Templar. On the suppression of the order, they were purchased by some professors of the common law, and converted into liospma or inns of court. They are called the "Inner" and "liiiiiilie Temple," in relation to Essex House, which was also a part of the house of the Tempiars, and called the "Outer 'l‘ei.upie." because sit- nated without Temple Bar. Enc. Loud.

TEMPORAL LORDS. The peers of England; the bishops are not in strixtness held to be peers, but merely lords of [):ll'li:ll.i.)el.iL 2 Steph. Comm. 330, 3-15.

TEMPORAIJS. Lat In the civil law. Temporary; limited to a certain time. —Temporali.s actio. An action which could only he brought within in certain period.—Temporalis exoeptio. A tempoiuiy LS.(.'t.]iIlOD which baried an action for a time only.

TEMPORALITIES. In English hm‘. The lay fees of bishops, with which their churches are endowed or permitted to be en» (lowed by the liilerniity of the sovereign, und in virtue of which they become barons and lords of parliament. Spelmnn. In a wider sense, the money revenues of u church, de- rived from pew rents, suhscrip1.ions, donations, collections. cemetery ch.~u-ges, and other sources. See Iuiiahnsz v. liabnt, 86 \id. 23, 37 Ati. 720.


The iaity; secular

TEMIORARY. That which is to last for a iiinited time only, as distinguished from that which is perpetual, or indefinite, in its rluration. Tbus. tEln]i0r:u'y alimony is granted for the summit of the wife pending the action for divorce. Dayton v. Drake, 64 Iowa. 714. 21 N. \\’. 138. A temporary injunction restr.iins action or any change in the eituation of affairs until a hearing on