Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1160

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THEFT-BOTE. The oflense committed hy a party who, having been robbed and knowing the felon, takes back his goods again, or receives other amends, upon an agreement not to prosecute. See Forshner v. Whitcomb, 44 N. H. 16.

Theft-bote est emendn. flu-ti capta, nine considerations curim domini regil. 3 Inst. 134. Theft-hote is the paying money to have good: stolen returned, without having any respect for the court of the king.

THELONIO IRRATIONABILI HA- BENDO. A writ that formerly lay for him that had any part of-the king's demesne in fee-farm, to recover rcasonahie toll of the hi_ug‘s tenants there. it his demesne had been accustomed to be tolicd Reg. Orig. 87.

THELONIUM. An abolished writ for citizens or hui-gesses to assert their right to exemption from toll. Fifzh. Nut. Brev. 226.

THELONMANNUS. The toll-man or officer who receives toll. Cowell.

'l'B'EL'USSON ACT. The Etntllte 39 8: 40 Geo. III. C. 98, which restricted accumulations to a term of twenty-one years from the testator's death. It was passed in conse- uneuce of litigation over the will or one Thelusson.

THEME. In Saxon law. The power of huiing jurisdiction over nnifs or vlileins, with their suits or offspring, lands, goods, and chattele. Co. Litt. 1160..

THEMMAGIUM. A duty or acknowl- efiinent paid by inferior tenants in respect of theme or team. Cowell.

THEN. This word, as an advcrb, means "at that time," referring to a time specified, either past or future. It has no power in itself to fix a time. It simply refers to :1 time Already fined. Mxlngum v. Piester, 16 S. C. 329. It may also denote 21 contingency, and be equivalent to "in that event." Pintard v. I['Will, 20 N. J. Law. 505.

THENCE. In surveying, and in descriptions of land by courses and distances, this word. preceding each course given, imports that the Iuliowing course is continuous with the one before it. Flagg v. Mason, 141 Mass. (EU, 6 N. E. 702.

THEOCRACY. Government of a state by the innnediate direction of God, (or hy the assumed direction of a suppositltious divinity.) or the state thus governed.

TI-IEODEN. In Saxon law. man or inferior tenant; an Cowell.

THEODOSIAN C O D E. Tur.onosi_-in us.

A husband- under-thane.

See Cobnx



THEOF. In Saxon law. Offenders who joined in a body of seven to commit depredarions. Wharton.

TI-FEIOWES, THEOWMEN, or THEWS. In feudal law. Slaves, captives, or hund- men. Spel. Feuds, c. 5.

TITEREUPON. At once; without intu- ruption; without delay or lapse of time Putnam v. Langley, 133 Mass. 205.

THESAURER. Treasurer. 3 State Tr. 691.

THESAURUS, THESAURIUM. The treasury: a treasure.

—'1‘]1esa.ux'ns nbsconflihln.


--Thesanriia hiveutus. Treasure found; 1191:, 122.

In old English Ti-ensure hidden or buried. Spelman. In old English law. treasure-trove. Bract. fob.

Thesmn-in competit domino regi, et non doiniuo libez-ntis, nini nit per verbs specialin. Fitzh. Coron. 281. A treasure belongs to the king, and not to the lord of n liherty, unless it be through special words.

Thesaurus nnventus est vetnl dispell- tin pecnniae, ete., eujnn non extat mudo memorin. ndeo nt jam dominum non he- beat. 3 Iust. 132. Treasure—trove is an ancient hiding of money, etc., of which no recollection exists, so that it now has no owner.

Thesain-ii: non cumpetit regi. nlli quando memo lull: qui absconflit thesau- mm. 3 Inst 132. Treasure does not belong to the king, unless no one knows who hid it.

Thesnnrnn regil est vlncnlum pacis at bellorum nervus. Godb. 293. The king's treasure is the bond of peace and the sineivs Of war.

THESMOTHETE. A law-maker; a inw- giver.

THETHINGA. A tithing.

T]-IIA. Lat. In the civil and old Enro- pcan luw. An aunt.

THI]-:1‘. One who has been guilty of 1:11-- ceny or theft. The term covers both compound and simple larceny. America Ins. Co. V. Brynn, 1 Hill (N. Y.) 25.

THINGS. The most general denomination of the subjects of property, as contra- distinguished from persons. 2 Bl. Comm. 16.

The word "estate in general is applicable to anything of which riches or fortune may consist. The word is likewise relative to the word "things," which is the second object of jurisprudence, the rules of which are applicable to