Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1162

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THIS. When "this" and "that" refer to dlflerent things before expressed. "this" refers to the thing last mentioned,_and "that"

to the thing first mentioned. Russell v. Kennedy, 66 Pa. 251.


"this day six months," or "three months," for the next stage of a bill, is one of the modes in which the house of lords and the house of commons reject hills of which they disapprove. A bill rejected in this manner cannot be reintroduced in the same session. Wharton.

THISTL}:-TAKE. It was a custom with- in the manor of I-lalton, in Chester, that if. in driving beasts over a common, the driver permitted them to graze or take but a thistle, he should pay a halfpenny a-piece to the lord of the tee. And at Fiskerton, in Nottingharnshire, by ancient custom, if a native or a cottnger killed a swine above a year old, he paid to the lord a penny, which purchase of leave to kill a hog was also called "thistle-t.uke." Cowell.

THOROUGKFARE. The term means. according to its derivation, a street or passage tlmmgh which one can fare, (travel ;) that is, a street or highway afl' an unobstructed exit at each end into another street or public passage. If the passage is closed at one end, admitting no exit there, it is called a "cul do sac." See Cemetery .-\ss'n v. Meninger, 14 Kan. 315; Mankuto v. Warren. 130 Min. 150 (Gil. 129); Wiggins v. Tallmadge. 11 Barb. (N. Y.) 462.

THRAVE. In old English law. A meas- ure of corn or grain, consisting of twenty- four sheaves or four shocks, six sheaves to every shock. Cowell.

THREAD. A middle line; a line running through the middle of a stream or road. See FIIUM; FTLUM Aqua; FILUM Visa.

THREAT. In criminal law. Ameuace; a declaration of onc's purpose or intention to work injury to the person, property, or rights of another.

A threat has been de5ned to be any menace of such a nature and extent as to unsettle the mind of the person on nhom it operates, and to take auay from ‘his acts that iree, voluntary notion which alone constitutes consent. Abbott. S:-c State v. Cusliing. 17 Wash. 544. 50 Puc.

' State v. Biounlee, S-I Iowa, 473. 51 N. 5; Cote v. Murphy. 159 Pu. 420, 28 AH. 190, 23 L. R. A. 135, 39 Am. St. Rep. 686.

512 W‘.

THREATENING LETTERS. Sending threatening letters is the name of the offense of sending letters containing threats of the kinds recognized by the statute as criminal. See People v. Grlifin, 2 Barb. (N. Y.) 429.

THREE-DOLLAR PIECE. A gold coin of the United States, of the value of three



dollars; authorized by the seventh section of the act of February 21. 1853.

THRENGES. Vassals, but not of the lowest degree; those who held lands of the chief lord.

THRITIIING. In Saxon and old English law. The third part of a county; a division of a county consisting of three or more hundreds. Cowell. Corrupted to the modern "rlding," which is still used in Yorkshire 1 Bl. Comm. 116.

THROAT. In medical jurisprudence. The front or anterior part of the neck. Where one was indicted for murder by "cutting the throat" of the deceased, it was held that the word "throat" was not to be con- fined to that part of the neck which is scientifically so called, but must be taken in its

common acceptation. Rex v. Edwards. 8 Car. & P. 401. THROUGH. This Word is sometimes

equivalent to "over;" as in a statute in ref- erence to laying out a road "through" cert-1ln grounds. Hyde Park v. Oakwoods Cemetery Ass'u, 119 Ill. 147, 7 N. E. 627.

THROW OUT. dlctment.)

To ignore, (a bill of in-

THRUSTING. Within the meaning of a criminal statute. "thrusting" is not necessarily an attack with a pointed weapon; it means pushing or driving with force, whether the point of the weapon he sharp or not. State v. Lowry. 33 La. Ann. 1224.

THRYMSA. A Saxon coin worth fourpence. Du Fresne.

TI-IUDE-WEALD. A Woodward, or person that looks after a wood.

THURINGIAN CODE. One of the "bar- bnrinn codes." as they are termed; supposed by Montesquieu to have been given by Theod- oric, king of .-\ustr.'-lsia, to the Thurlugiaus, who were his subjects. Esprit des Lois. lih 28, c. 1.

THWERTNICK. In old English law. The custom of giving entertainments to n sherifl, etc., for three nights.

TICK. A colloquial expression for credit or trust; credit given for goods purchased

TICKET. In contracts. A slip of pa- per conturning a certificate that the person to whom it is issued, or the holder, is entitled to some right or privilege therein mentioned or described; such, for example, are railroad tickets, theater tickets, pawn tickets