Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1172

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TOWNSHIP. 1. In surveys of the public land of the United States, a "township" is a division of territory six miles square. containing thirty-six sections.

2. In some of the states. this is the name

given to the civil and political subdivisions of a county. See Town.

—Township trustee. One of a hoard of

officers to Wh_om, in some states, affairs of a township are intrusted.

TOXIC. (Lat. tozricum; Gr. tomilcon.) In medical jurisprudence. Poisonous; having the ciiaracter or producing ibe effects of a poison; referable to a poison; produced by or resulting from a poison.

-—'I‘oxic convulsions. Such as are caused by the action of a poison on the neivons system. —'l‘oxic dementia. Weakness of mind or fee- ble cerebral iictiv y, approaching iinhecility. resulting from continued use or .]lll1llll.lStl'1l|.ll)D of slow poisons or of the more ncthe poisons ln repezltcd small doses, as in cases of lead poison-

ing and in some cuscs of addiction to such drugs as opium or aicoliol.—'.l‘oxanem.ia. A condition of anemia (impoverishment or deficiency of biood) resulting from the action of cortiiin toxic substances or ugent.=.—'I'oxem.ia or toxicemla. Blood-poisoning; the condition of the system caused by the presence of toxic asents in the ciiculation; including hoth septicemia and priz- miu.—'1‘oxicosi.s. A diseastd state of the system due to the presence and action of any poi- aon.

TOXICAL. Poisonous; containing poison.

TOXICANT. A poison; a toxic agent; any substance cnpabie of producing toxicotion or poisoning.

TOXICATE. To poison. Not used to de-

scribe the act of one who administers a poison, but the action of the drug or poison itself. -—Intoxication. The state of being poisoned; the condition produced by the administration or introduction into the human system of a poison. This term is opularly used as equivalent to "drunkenness.' which, however. is more occu- lately described as "alcoholic intoxication."- Auto-intnx.ica.tion. Selfempoisonment from the absorption of the toric products of internal metabolism. e. y., ptomziine poisoning.

TOXICOLOGY. The science of poisons: that dcpaflment of medical science which treats of poisons, their effect, their recognition, their antidotes, and generally of the diagnosis and therapeutics of poisoning.

TOXIN. In its widest sense, this term may denote any poison or toxlcaiit; but as used in pathology and medical ju sprudence it signifies, in general, any difinsible alka- loidal substance (as, the ptoiiiiiues, abriu, brucin, or serpent venoms), and in particular the poisonous products of pathogenic (diseaseproducing) bacteria.

—Antl-toxin. A product of pathogenic bacterila which, in buflicient quantities, will neutra- lize the toxin or poisonous product of the some bacteria. In therapeuties_, a preventive remedy (administered by inocuiation) against the effect



of certain kinds of toxins. venom, and germs, obtained from the blond of an n which has previously been tre: vorl with r minute injections of the ]_Ia_l'[l(lll'll‘ pinup germ to be neatralized.—'.I3oxioonmn:'ia. excessive addiction to the use of toxic or sono_us drugs or other substant-M, a I‘ '" ' I1 tcrizvrl l|_( _ I e in onion cainc. cliioral, alcohol, etc— oxiplinhia.

bid dread of being poisoned, form of i

manifesting itseif by an excessive and un

ed apprehension of death by poison.

TRABES. Lat. In the civil law. A beam or rafter of a house. Caliin.

In old English law. A nieisure of gum, containing twenty-four sheaves; a thrave. Spelninn.

TRACEA. In old English law. The track or trace of a felon, by which he was ii’. sued with the hue and cry; a foot-step, hqfi print, or wheel~track. Bract fols. 1.16, 1210.

TRACT. A lot, piece or parcel of iiinl, of greater or less size, the term imt imparting, in itself, any precise dimension. Q Edwards v. Derrickson, 2a‘ N. J. Law. 45.

'1':-actent fabrilia fabri. Let smiths perform the work of smiths. 3 Co. Epist

TRADAS IN BALLIUM. You deliver to bail. In old English practice. The none of a writ which might be issued in behalf of a party who, upon the writ de ozlio ct fllill, lmd hccn found to have heeu maliciously ii‘ cused of a crime, commanding the sheriff that, if the prisoner found twelve good and lawful men of the county u ho wouid be main- peruors for him, he should dclivcr him in bail to those twelve, until the next zissize, Biact. toL 123: 1 Reeve, Eng. Law, 252.

TRADE. The act or business of exchanging commodities by barter; or the liusives of buying and selling for money; iiaflic; liarter. Wclister: May v. Sloan, 101 U. S. 287, 25 L. Ed TJT: U. S. v. Cassidy (D. O.) 67 Fed. 841; Queen Ins. Co. v. State, 86 Tex. 250, 24 S. W. 397. 22 L. R A. 483.

The business which a person has lcarued and which he carries on for procuring sub- sistence, or for profit; occupation. paiticii- larly mechanical employment; dlSl'l!H"llSlJ9d from the liberal arts and learned professions, and from agricuilnre. Webster; Woodiield v. Coi7ey, 47 Ga. 124; People v. Warden of City Pilsoll. 144 N. Y. 529, 39 N. E. Ii‘-S6, 27 L. R. A. 71. In re Stone Cutters‘ Ass'n, 23 Pa. Co. Ct. R. 520.

Trnflic; comnieice, exchtmge of goods for other goods, or for money. Aii wholesale trade, all buying in order to soil again by wholesale, may be reduced to three sorts: '1lie home trade, the foreign trade of consnuipiion, and the carryuig trade. 2 Smith, Wealth lwat b. 2. C. 5.

—Trade dollar. A silver coin of the United States, of the weight of four hundred and men-