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intention of remaining Yates v. Iams, 10 Tex. 170.

TRANSIRE., v. Let. To go, or pass over; to pass from one thing, person, or piace to another.

TRANSIRE, n. In English law. A warrant or permit for the custom-house to let goods pass.

Transit in rem jndjcutam. It passes into a matter adjudged; it becomes converted into a res iudicata or judgment A contract upon which a judgment is obtained is said to pass in ram jm111camm.. United States v. Cushman, 2 Sumn. 436, Fed. Cas. No. 14,908; 3 East, 251: Robertson v. Smith, 18 Johns. (N. Y.) 480, 9 Am. Dec. 227.

Transit terra. cum onere. Land passes subyrtt to any hurden affecting it. Co. Litt. 23111; Broom, Max. 495, 705.


See Cova-

TRANSITORY. Passing from place to place; that may pass or be changed from one place to another: not confined to one place; the opposite of "local."

—Transitory action. Actions are said to be either local or transitory. An action is "local," "H911 the pfincipni facts on which it is founded pertain to a particular piece. An action is termed "transitory," when the principal fact on which it is founded is of a transitory kind, and might he supposed to have hop ened any- uhere; and therefore all actions flounder] on dcllts, contracts and such like matters relating to the person or personal property. come under this iatter denomina Lion

ingstou v. Jederson. 1.) I-Ld. Gas. 664; Ackcl‘- son v. Erie R Co.. 31 N. J. Law, 312: McLeod z.48Connccticut & P. R. Co., 58 Vt. 727, 6 At].

TRANSITUS. Lat. Passage from one place to another; transit. In tran.sI7tu, on the passage, transit, or way. 2 Kent, Comm.

TRANSLADO. Span. A transcript.

TRANSLATION. The reproduction in one language of a book, document, or speech deluerctl in another language.

The transfer of propelty; but in this sense it ls seldom used. 2 Bl. Comm. 294.

In ecclesiastical law. As applied to a. lushop, the tcun denotes his removal from one dloccsc to another.

TRANSLATITIUM EDICTUM. Lat. In Roman law. The in .etor, on his accesslun to office. did not usually puhiish an entirely new edict, but retained the whole or :1 part of that promuignted by his predecessor, as being of an approved or permanently nsetul (‘h:i_laCt9I'. The portion thus repeated or handed down from year to year was called


TRAUMA the "edlctum tram.-latitium." See llackeld Rom. Law, § 86.

TRANSLATIVE FACT. A fact by inenc of which :1 right is transferred or passes frum one person to another; one, that is, "him fulfiils the double function of temxinating the right of one person to an object, and of originating the right of another to it.

TRANSMISSION. In the civil law. The right which heirs or legatees may have of passing to their successors the inheritance or legacy to which they were entitled, if they happen to die without having exercised their rights. Domat, iiv. 3, L 1, s. 10; 4 Toullier, no. 186; Dig. 50, 17, 54; Code, 6, 5].

TRANSPORT. In old New York law. A conveyance of land.

TRANSPORTATION. The removal of goods or persons from one place to another, by a carrier. see Railroad Co. v. Prttt. 22 Wall. 133. 22 L. Ed. 827; Intelstule Com- merce Com'n v. Brimson, 151 U. S. 447. 14 Sup. Ct. 1B5, 38 L. Ed. 104?: Gloucester Ferry Co. v. Pennsylvania, 114 U. S. 196. 5 Sup. Ct. 826, 29 L. Ed. 153.

In criminal law. A species of punish- ment conslsting in removing the criminal from his own country to another, (usually a penal colony,) there to remain in exile for a prescribed period. Fang Yne Ting v. U. S., 149 U. S. 698, 13 Sup. Ct. 1016, 37 L. Ed. 905.

TRANSUMPTS. In Scotch law, an action of transumpt is an action competent to any one having a partial interest in a writing, or immediate use for it, to support his title or defenses in other actions. It is directed against the custodier of the writing, caliing upon him to exhibit it, in order that a transumpt. 4. e., a copy, may be judicially made and delivered to the pursuer. Bel]

TRASLADO. In Spanish law. A copy; a sight. White, New Recop. b. 3, tit. 7, 0. 3.

A copy of a document taken by the not.u-y from the original, or a subsequent copy taken from the protocol, and not a copy taken di- rectly from the matrix or protocol. Downing v. Diaz, 80 Tex. 436, 10 S. W.

TRASSANS. Drawing; one who draws. The drum er of a hill of exchange.

TRASSATUS. One who is drawn, or drnvn upon. The drawee of a blli of ex- change. Heinecc. de (lamb. c. 6. §§ 5. 6.

TRAUMA. In medical jurisprudence. A wound; any injury to the body caused by external vioience —Tra.nmatl¢-.. Caused by or resulting from _a vsound or any extsrnai injury; as, traumatic insanity, pl'oduCx>d by an injury to or fracture of the skuii with consequent pressure on the