Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1206

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VAVASOUR. One who was in dignity next to a baron. Britt. 109; Bract. lib. 1, 1'. 8. One who held of a haron. Enc. Brit.

V1-EAL-MONEY. The tenants of the man- or of Bradford, in the county of Wilts, paid a yearly rent by this name to their lord, in lieu of veal paid formerly in kind. Wharton.

VECORIN. In old Lomhardic law. The oilense of stopping one on the way; foreslaiiing. Spelmnn.


Fines pull] to the crown to defray the at- penses of maintaining courts of justice. 3 Snlli. 33.

Vectigal, nrigine ipsa, jun Caesm-um et tegum patrimuniale eat. Dav. 12. Tribute, in its origin, is the patrinionial light of emperors and liings.

VECTIGALIA. In Roman law. Custolns-ilunus; taxes paid upon the importation or exportation of certain kinds of merchan-

dise. Cod. 4. 61. VI-ICTURA. In maritime law. Freight. VEHICLE. The word "vehicle" includes

every description of carriage or other artifi- L‘lfll contrivauce used, or capable of being used, as a means of transportation on land. Rev. St. U. S. § 4 (U. S. Comp. St. 1901, p. 4).


V1-DIES. L. Fr. Distresses forbidden to he replevied; the refusing to let the muuer have his tattle which were distruined. Kei- llzun.

VI-IIN. in mining law. A body of mineral or mineralizcd rocli, filling a seiml or fissure in the earth's crust, within defined boundaries in the mass of the mountain, and having a general character of continuity in the direction of its length. See iron Silver Mln. Co. v. Cheesnian, 116 U. S. 52!) 6 Sup. Ct 481, 29 L. Ed. ‘T12; U. S. v. Iron Silver Min. Co., I28 U. S. 673. 9 Sup. Ct 1115, 32 L. Ed. 571; Stincllfleid v. Gillls, 9:5 .1]. 33, 30 Pac. S39: Synnott v. Shangh-

. _, 2 Idaho (Hash.) 12., 7 Pac. 82; Beals \. (June. 27 Colo. 473, 62 Pac. 948, 83 Ann. St. Rep. 92, Waterloo Min. Co. v. Doe. 82 Fed. 51, 27 C. C. A. 50: Consolidated, etc., Min. Co. v. Champion Mm. Co. (G. G.) 63 Fed. 51-1.

VI-HOURS. Viewers; persons sent hy the court to take a view of any place in question, for the hettor decision of the right. It signifies, also, such as are sent to view those that essoin themselves do malo lcr-ti, (i. 9., excuse themselves on ground of illness)



whether they be in truth so sick as that they cannot appear, or whether they do counterfeit Cowell.

VELABRUM. In old English law. A boil-booth. Cro. Jac. 122.

VELITIS JUBEATIS QUIRITES1 Dal‘. is it your will and pleasure, Roinaiisl The form of proposing a law to the Roman peo- ple. Tayl. Civil Law. 155.

179119 non ereditur qui nbseqnitur imperia patri: val domini. He is not presumed to consent who obeys the orders of his father or his master. Dig. 50. 17, 4.

VELTRARIA. The ofllce of dog-leader, or courser. Oowcil.

V]-1'l.'.'l‘R.ARIUS. hounds. Blount.

One who leads grey-

VENAL. Something that is bought; ca- pable of being bought; offered for sale; iner- cenary. Used in an evil sense, such pur- chase or sale being regarded as corrupt and illegal.

VI-INARIA. Beasts caught in the woods hy hunting.

VENATIO. Hunting. Cowell.

V1-IND. To sell; to transfer the ownership of an article to another for a price in money. The term is not conunonly applied to the sale of real estate, although its derivatives "vendor" and "vendee" are.

VENZDEE. A purchaser or buyer: one to whom anything is sold. Generally used of the trausleree of real property, one who ac- quires chattels by sale being called a ‘buy- er."

Vendens eandem rem duubua falsarina est. He is fraudulent who sells the same thing tuice. Jenk. Cent. 107.

VENDIBLE. Fit or suitable to be sold: capable of transfer by sule; iuerchantahle.

VENDITE. In old European law. A tax upoll things sold in markets and public fairs. Spelnlan.

VENDITIO. Lat. In the civil law. In I strict sense, sale; the act of selling; the contract of sale, otherwise called "emptio ocu- Iiitio." Inst. 3, 24. Calvin.

In a large sense, Any mode or species of alienation; any c5ntract by which the property or ownership of a thing may be transferred. Id.

VENZDITION. Sale: the act of selling,

VENDITIONI EXPDNAS. Lat. You expose to sale. This is the name of a writ