Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1208

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VENTER., VENTRE. The belly or womb. The term is used in law as designating the maternal parentage of children.

Thus, where in ordinary phraseology we should say that A, was B.'s child by his first wife, he would be described in law as "by 0 the first venter." Brown.

VENTRE INSPICIENDO. In old English law. A writ that lay for an heir presumptive. to cause an examination to be P made of the widow in order to determine whether she were pregnant or not, in cases where she was suspected of a design to hring forward a supposltious heir. 1 Bl. Comm. 456.

VENUE. In pleading and practice. A neighborhood; the neighborhood, place, or county in which an injury is declared to have been done, or fact declared to have happened 3 Bl. Comm. 294.

Venue also denotes the county in which an action or prosecution is brought for trial, and which is to furnish the panel of jurors. To "change the venue" is to transfer the cause for trial to another county or district See Moore v. Gardner. 5 How. Prac. (N. Y.)

243; Armstrong v. Emmet. 16 Tex. Civ. App. 242. 4.1 S. ‘V. 87; Sullivan v. Hull, 86 Mich. 7. 48 N. W. 646, 13 L. R. A. 550; State V. l\[cKlnney, 5 Nev. 193

in the common-law practice, the venue is

that part of the declaration in on action uhich designates the county in which the ac» tion is to be tried. Sweet. —Local. venue. In pleading. A venue which must he laid in a particular county. When the action could have arisen only in a particular county. it is local, and the venue must be laid in that county. 1 Tidd, Pr. 427.

VERAY. L. Fr. True An old farm of arm‘. Thus, veray. or-true, tenant, is one who holds in feevsimple; -ucrary tenant by the

v manner, is the some as tenant by the manner, (q. r.,) with this difference only: that the fee-simple, instead of remaining in the lord. is given by him or by the law to an-

other. Ham. N. P. 393. 394. VERBA. Lat. (Plural of verlmm.) Words.

—Verbu csncellariaa. Words of the chanten’. The nu-lunical style of urlts framed in the office of chant-ery. Flera. lih. 4. c. 10. § 3. —Ve1'bn. preearia. In the cixll law. Precatory words: words of trust, or used to create a trust.

Verbs aceipiends, aunt cum efleotn, ut lortiantnr eflectnm. Words are to be received with effect, so that they may pro- duce etfect. Bnc. Max.

Verbs ncnipienda, aunt ueeundnru sub- jectam lnaterilnn. 6 Coke. 62. Words are to be understood with reference to the subject-matter.



Verb: mquivoes, so in dubio lean posits, intellignntur dig-niori at potentiori sensn. Equlvocnl words, and such as are put in a doubtful sense, are [to he] understood in the more worthy and effectual sense. 6 Coke, 20a.

Verbs aliqnid operari debent; debent intelligi ut sliqnid uperentnr. 8 Colic, 94. Words ought to have some operation; they ought to be interpreted in such a mu as to have some operation.

Verbn nrti: ex arte. Terms of art should he explained from the art. 2 Kent. Comm. 556. note.

Verbs cliartsr-um fortiua scnipiuntur contra proferentem. The words of charters are to be received more strongly against the grantor. Co. Litt. 36; Broom, Max. 594.

Verbs cum efleotu aeeipienda aunt. Bac Max. 3. Words ought to be used so as to give them their effect.

Verbs currentis monetse, tempus solutionis designant. Dar. 20. The words "current money" designate current at the time of payment.

Verbs debent intelligi cum efleotu, ut res magi: valest qumn per-eat. Words ought to be understood with effect, that a thing may rather be preserved than destroy- ed. 2 Smith. Lend. Gas. 530.

Verbs debent intelligi nt aliqnid ope-

-entur. Words ought to be understood so

as to have some operation. 8 Coke, 9441.

Verbs dicta. do persons intelligi de- bent de oonditione psrsonse. Words spok- en of a person are to be understood of the condition of the person. 2 Rolle, 72.

Verbs farting accipinntnr contra pro- ferentem. Words are to be taken most strongly against him who nses them Bac. Max. 11, reg. 3.

Verbs. generalia. genersliter aunt intelligenda. 3 inst. 76. General words are to he generally understood.

Verbs generslia reslzrlnguntnr ad Imabilitatam me! we] uptitndinem persona. General words must be narrowed either to the nature of the subject-matter or to the aptitude of the person. Broom, Max. 646.


Verbs illata. (relate) inesse videntnr.

Words refelred to are to be considered as it

lncoqlorated. Broom, Max. 674, 677; ll Mees. & W. 1