Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1211

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Fleta, as officers of the king's court, who oppressed the people by demanding exorbitant fees. Flota, lib. 2, c. 38.

VERIFICATION. In pleading. A certain, formula with which all pleadings containing new affirmative matter must cocniude, being in itsedt an averment that the party pleading is ready to establish the truth of what he has set forth.

In In-notice. The examination or a writing for the purpose of ascertaining its truth; or a certificate or affidavit that it is true.

"\'eufication" is not identical with "authentication." A notary may verify a mortgager’s virittun statement of the aetual amount of his ciaim, but need not authenticate the act by bis seal. Ashley v. "'right, 19 Uhio St. 291.

Confirmation of the correctness, truth, or authenticity of a pleading, account, or other paper, by an affidavit, oath, or deposition. See l\IcDonnld v. Rosengarten, 134 I11. 126, 25 N. E. 429; Sumnierfieid v. Phoenix Assur. Co. (C. O.) 65 Fed. 296; Patterson v. Brook- iyn, 6 App. Div. 127. 40 N. Y. Supp. 581.

VERIFY. To confirm or substantiate by oath; to show to be true. Particularly used of making forinai oath to accounts, petitions. pleadings, and other papers.

The word "verify" sometimes means to cnnfirm and substantiate by oath, and sometimes by argument. When used in legal proceedings it is generally empioyed in the former sense. De Witt v. Hosmer, 3 How. Prac. (N. Y.) 284.

Veritas, 3 quoeunqna dicitnr, 3 Dec est. 4 Inst 153. Truth, by whomsoever pronounced, is from God.

Veritas demonstrationis tollit ex-1-orem

noniinis. The truth of the description re- uiuves an error in the name. 1 Ld. Raym. 303.

Vex-itas habenda. est in jnratnre; Justitiia. et Jndioinm in Jiidice. Truth is the desideratiim in a juror; justice and judgment in a judge Braet. foi. 185b.

Vex-itas niliil vex-etn:r nisi abseoudj. Trutii fears nothing but to be bid. 9 Coke, 20!).

Veritns nimium altercnndo amittitur. Truth is lost by excessive altercation. Hob. 34-1.

Veritas, qnna minime defensatnr oppriniitii:-; el: qiii non imp:-nbst, appro- bst. 3 Inst. 27. Truth which is not sufficiently defended is overpowered; and he who does not disapprove, approves.

Veritatem qui non libero prnnnnciat pr-oditor est veritatis. 4 Inst. Epil. Tie who does not Freely speak the trutb is a betrayer of truth.



VERITY. Truth; truthfulness; conformity to fact. The records of a court "import uncontrollable verity." 1 Black, Judgru. 5 276.

VERNA. Lat. In the civil law. born in his master's house

A siave

VERSARI. Lat. In the civil law. To be employed; to be conversant. Vei-sari male in tutela, to misconduct one’s self in a guardianship. Calv in.

VERSUS. Lat. Against. In the title or a cause, the name of the plaintiff is put first. followed by the Word "Iz£:I‘Sil-S," then the defendant’s name. Thus, "Fletcher i:ersu.~: Peck," or "Fletcher agar‘ Peck." The word is commonly abbreviated "123." or "11."

VERT. in a forest.

Also that power which a man has, by royal grant. to cut green wood in a forest

Also, in herai(l.ry, green coior. cnlied "ve- nus" in the arms of princes, and "einerziid" in those of peers, and expressed in engravings by iines in bend. Wharton.

Everything bearing green leaves

VERUS. Lat. True; nine; actuai; reai; just.

truthful; gen-

VERY LORD AND VERY TENANT. They that are iiumediute lord and tenant one to another. Cowoil

VESSEL. A ship. brig, sloop, or other craft used in navmation. The word is more comprehensive than "ship."

The word "vessel" includes every description of water-craft or other artificial contriv- nnces used, or capaiiie of being used, as a means of transpoi'tat‘ion on water. Iiev. St. U. 8. § 3 (U. S. Comp §t. 1901, p. 4).

" 'ei." in the provision of the code of Louisiana that commercial partners are those who are engaged 1n "Carrying peisonal prop- erty for hire in ships or other vessels." ine-.i1is any structure which is made to float upon the water, for purposes of commerce or \\ ar. whether impelied by wind, steam, or oars. Ciiatfe v. Ludeling. 2? La. Ann. (507. —Foreign vessel. A vesscl owned by resi- dents in, ur sailing under the flag of, a foreign nation. "1<‘or:-igru vessel." uurirr the eniliarcn act at January, 1S08, means a vessel under the flag of a foreign power, and not a vessei in \\lll(‘ll foreigners domiciled in the Ul\I[|’II

' ' . The Sally, 1 Gail. 53. Fed. Cas. N0. ’."5i ——Pnblic vessel. One owned and used by a nation or government for its public service. "IlElb("l' in its navy, its reve- nue service, or otherwise.

VEST. To accrue to: to be fixed; to take eifect; to give a fixed and indefeasiiiie right. in estate is xestcd in possession when there exists a ri_<.'ht of present cnjn_\niL-iit: (ind an estate is vested in interest when there is a