Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1215

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whom they represented, oithuugh the lands heid by virtue of their tiers might be situated eisewhere. Brande; Burrili.

VIDZE. Lat. A word of reference. Vida auto, or ville supra, refers to a previous pas sage, vide past, or vide infra, to a subsequent passage. in a book.

Videbis en. sazpa comrnittl qua: ssajne Vindicnntur. 3 Inst. Epii. You Will see these things frequently committed which are frequently punished.

VIDELICZET. Lat. The words "to-wit," or "that is to say." so frequently used in pleading, are tecbnically caiied the "videlicet." or "s('ili('e!.;" and when any fact alieged ll] pleading is preceded by, or accompanied with, these words, such fact is, in the lan- guage of the law, said to -he "iaid under a vidclicci." The use of the vidcl-icct. is to point out, psrticuiarize, or render more specific that which has been previously stated in general language only; also to explain that which is douhLfu1 or obscure. Brown. See Stukoley v. Butler, Hob. 171; Gieason V. .\IcV'icl.:ar, 7 Cow. (N. Y.) 43; Suiiivan V. Stats. 6'7 Miss. 346. 7 South. 275: Cinrk V. Elupioyers’ Liahility Assnr. Co., 72 Vt. 458. 43 Ati 039; com. v. Quinlan, 153 Mass. 483, 27 N. E. 8.

Vldetnr qnl surdns et niutus no poet fairs alienation. It seems that a deaf and dumb man cannot alienate. Brewer v. Fisher, 4 Johns. Ch. (N. Y.) 444; Brooke, Abr. "Escbcte," pl. 4.

VIDIMUS. ring, Oh. St. 5.

An inapewi/rnus, (q. 11.) Bar-

VIDUA REGIS. Lat. In Old English law. A king’s widow. The widow of a tenant in cam'!.c. So called. because she was not aiiowed to marry a second time without the king's permission; obtaining her dower also from the assugument of the king, and having the king for her patron and defender. Spel- Illilll.

VTDITITATIS PROFESSIO. I/at The making a soiemn profession to live a sole and chaste woman.

VTDITITY. Widowhood.

VIE. I-‘r. Life; occurring in the phrases cesium‘ qua vie. pur Lmh'e vie, etc.

VIEW. The right of prospect; the outi0Oi( or prospect from the windows of one's house. A species of urban servitude which prohibits the obstruction of such prospect. 3 Kent. Comm. 448.

We understand by view every opening which may mole or iess facilitate the means of ioohing out of a bniiding. Li;/ma are



those openings which are made rather for the admission of iight than to look out of. Civ. Code La. art. 715.

Also an inspection of property in contro-

versy, or of a piace where a crime has been committed, by the jury previously to the trial. See Garllarsky v. Simkiu, 36 Misc. Rep. 195, 73 N. Y. Supp. 199; Wakefield v. Railroad Co., 63 Me. 385: Lancaster County v. Hoiyoke, 37 Neb. 328, 55 N. W. 950. 21 L. R. A. 394. —View and delivery. When a right of com- mun is exercisable not over tile wimie waste, but only in convenient places indicated from rim-\ to time by the lord of the manor or his baiiitf it is said to be exercisable af r view and de- livery." Elton, Commons, View, demand of. In real actions, the defendant was entitied to demand a view. that is, a sight of the thing, in order to ascertain its identity and other circumstances. As. ' a real action were brought against a tenant, and such tenant did not exactiy know what land it was that the dmnandnnt askerl, than he might prov the view. which was thut he might see the land which the demandant claimed. Brown.—Vicw of an in- quest. A view or inspection taken by a jury, summoned upon an inquisition or inquest, of the place or property to which the inquisirinn or Inquiry refers. Browu—View of rank- nledge. In English law. An examination to see it every (‘roe-man above tweixe years of age within the district had tnkcn the oath of all(>'.'innr'e, and found nine freeman plcdscs for bis peaceable demeanor. 1 Reeve, Eng. Law. 7.

VEWERS. Persons who are appointed by a court to make an investigation of certain matters, or to examine a particular 10- caiity, (as, the proposed site of a new road.) and to report to the court the result of their inspection, with their opinion on the same.

In old In-action. Persons appointed under writs of view to testify the view. Rose. Real Act. 253.

VIP-GAGE. L. Fr. In old English law. A nivmn «vadium or living pledge, as distin- guished from a mort_qnge or dead piedge. Properly, an estate given as security for ll debt, the debt to be satisfied out of the rente, issua, and profits.

VIGII... In ecclesiastical law. The eye or next day before any solemn feast.

VIGILANCZE. Watchfuiness: precantion: a proper degree of activity and prompt- ness in pursuing one‘s rights or guarding them from infraction, or in making or discovering opportunities for the enforcement of one‘s lawful ciaims and demands. it is the opposite of loches.

Vig-llantibus et non dormientibus jun: suhveniunt. The laws aid those who are vigilant, not those who sieep upon their rights. 2 Inst. 690; Merchants’ Bank of Newburyport, President, etc., of, v. Stevenson, 7 Allen (Mass) 493; Broom. Max. 892.

1716011. Lat. Strength; virtue; force; efliciency. Praprio vigore, by its own force.