Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1226

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erty a guardian is appointed is called his "\i':ird." Civ. Cods Cal. 5 237. —Wax-d-corn. In old English law. The duty of keeping watch and word, with a ham to blow upon any llf‘(‘fiSl0D of surprise. 1 Mon. Aug. !fi(i.—Wnrd-fegh. Sax. In old records. Ward-fee: the value of a ward, or the money paid to the lord for his redemption from ward- ship. Blount.—Ward-holdmg. In old Scotch law. Tenure by military seivice; the proper feudal tenure of Scotlanii. Aboiislird by St. 20 Geo. II. c. 50. Ersk. Prin. 2, 4. 1.—Wnrd in ehanoery. An infant who is under the superiutcndeuce of the chnnecllor.—-Ward-mote. Iii Dn,:lish law. A court kept in every ward in London, commonly called the "ward-mute court," or iucst" (‘oiveli.—Wa.rd-penny. In old English law. Money paid to the sherilf or casteliiiins, for the duty of WEttl"lllEl,'..’ and warding .a castle. Spelin.'in.—Wax-d-stu.f£. In old rocords. A r'onstnble‘s or watcliman's stalf. vvt-ll.—Ward-wit. In old English law. Im- munity or exemption from the duty or service of ward, or from contributing to such service. Spclnian. Exemption from anirrcement for not finding a man to do word. Fietzi, iih. 1, c. 47. 5 1(i.—Wa.i-dage. Money paid and contributed to match and ward. Domesda_v.—Wiu-ds of s.dmii.-alty. Seaman are sometimes thus designated. because. in view of their generai improvidcnce lmd riishness, the admiruity courts are accustomed to scrutinize with great care their linrgains and engagements, when brought before them, with a view to protecting them against imposition and overreaching.—Ward- ship. In miiihry tenures, the riirht of the lord to have cnstodv, as guardian, of the body and lands of the iiifiint hcir, without any account of profits. until he was twenty-one or she sixteen. In soc-age the guardian was account- abie for profits: and he was not the lord, but tiii- nearest relative to whom the inheritance could not descend, and the wiirdship ceased at fou1'lcc_u in copviinlds, the lord was the guard- ian, but was pcihaps accountable for ]']l'OIli‘.‘l. Stirn. Gloss. See 2 Bl. Comm. 67.—Wiu-dship in chivalry. An incident to the t(-mire «it knizht-servii-c —Wardshi in capyholfls. The lord is guardian of is infant tenant by special custom.

WARDA. L. Lat. In old English law. Ward; guard; protection; keeping; custody. Speliiian.

A ward; an infant under wardship. Id.

In old Scotch law. An award; the judgment of a court.

WARDEN. A guardian; a keeper. This is the ii.inie given to various officeis.

WARDEN OF THE CINQUE PORTS. In English law. The title of the governor or presiding officer of the Cinque Ports, (q. u.)

WARDS AND LIVERIES. In lilngilsh la". The title of 21 court of record. estab- lished in the reign of Henry VIII. See Coniir or Warns AND Livnrims.

WARECTARE. L. Lllt. In old liluglish law. To falloir ground; or piovv up land (designed for wheat) in the spring. in order to let it lie fallow for the better improvement. Fiets, lib. 2. c. 33; Cowell.

WAREHOUSE. A place adapted to the reception and storage of goods and mer-


chandise. State v. Hnlfman, 136 Mo. 58, 37 S. W. 797; Owen v. Boyle, 22 Me. 47; State v. Wilson, 47 N. H. 101; Allen v. State, 10 Ohio St. 287.

—\li/arehonse book. A book used by mer- chants to contain an account of the quantifies of goods received, shipped, and remaining in stock.—Warehouse receipt. A receipt given by a ivarehouseman for goods reached by

him on storage in his Warehouse \lerchnnts' Warehouse Co. v. McClain (C. C.) 112 Fed. T&: Collins v. Raili. 20 Hun (N. Y.) ' lzliiie v.

Milwaukee Dock C0,, $ Wis. 48» . 9 Am. Rep.

)3; Miller v. Bi-uwarsky, 130 Pa. 372, 18 All. i43.—Warehouso system. A system of pub- lic stores or warehouses, established or author ized by law, called "handed warehouses." in which an importer may deposit goods imported. in the custody of the revenue officers, paying storage, but not being required to pay the custouia duties until the goods are finally removed for cotisumption in the home miirixet, and with the privilege of withdrawing the goods from store for the purpose of rcexportation without paying any duties.

WAREHOUSEMAN. The owner of a warehouse; one who, as a business, and for hire. keeps and stores the goods of otbeis.

WARNING, under the old practice of the English court of probate, was a notice given by a registrar of the principal registry to a person who had entered a caveat, warning him, witiiiii six days after service. to enter an appearance to the caveat in the pi'uici- pal registry, and to set forth his interest, concluding with I]. notice that in default ol‘ his doing so the court would proceed to do all such acts, matters, and things as should be necessary. By the rules under the judicature acts, a Writ of summons has been substituted for a warning. Siieet.

WARNISTURA. In old records. Garniture; furniture; provision. Cuiveil.

WARNOTI-I. In old English law. An ancient custom, whereby, if any tenant holding of the Castle of Dover fdlled in paying his rent at the dav. he should forfeit double. and, for the second fuiinre, treble. etc. Cow- ell.

WARP. A rope attached to some fixed point, used for moving a ship. Pub. St Mass. ISSE, p. 1297.

WARRANDICE. In Scotch law. Warranty; a clause in a charter or deed by which the grantor obliges hiiiiselt’ that the right conveyed shall be effectual to the re ceiver. Ersk. Prin. 2, 3. 11. A clnuse where- by the grantor of a charter obliges himseif to warrant or make good the thing granted to the receiver. 1 Foil). Inst. pt. 2, p. 113. —A'bsolute warranrliee. warranting or assuring of property against uii mankind. it is, in effect, a covenant of titie.—ReaI war-r -

(:9. An infeulfment of one tenement given in security of another.—Si.mple warranrlina. An obligation to warrant or secure from all sub- sequent ur future dceds of the grantor. A simple warranty against the grnntor's mm acts. V\"hishnw.