Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1235

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Whltehart, paid into the excheqner, imposed by Henry III. upon Thomas de la Linda, for killing a beautiful white hart which that king before had spared Ln hunting. Canid. Brit. 150.



WHITSUNTIDE. The feast of Pentecost, being the fiftieth day after Easter, and the first of the four cross-quarter days of the rear. Wharton.

WIIITTANWARII. In old English law. A class of olfendeis "ho whitened stolen ox- hides and iiorse-hides so that they could not be known and identified.


WHOLESALE. To sell by wholesale is to sell by large parcels, generally in original packages, and not by retail.

WHORE. A whore is a woman who practices unlawful commerce with men, particu- larly one who does so for hire; a harlot; a eoucubine; a prostitute. Sheehey v. Cok- iey, 43 Iowa, 183, 22 Am. Rep. 236.

WIC. A place on the seashore or the haul; of a river.

WICA. ell.

A country house or farm. Cow-

VUICK. Sax. A village, town, or district. Hence, in composition, the territory over which a given juristliction extends. ‘l'hus, "batliwich" is the territorial jurisdiction of .-1 bailiff or sherifi or constable. "Siieriffwic :" was also used in the old books.

WIDOW. A woman whose husband is

dead, and who has not married again. The "king's widow" was one whose deceased hus- haud had been the king‘s tenant in comic; she could not inarry again without the royal peniiission. —Gx'nss widow. See that title.—Widow- bench. The share of her husband's estate v\iJl('il a wiilu" is allowed besides her jointure. —Widow’s chamber. In London, the apparel of a widow and the furniture of her churn- i'lI‘l‘. left by her deceased husband. is so called. and the vxidow is entiticd to it 2 Bl. Comm. 5lS.—Widow's quarantine. In old English law. The space of forty days after the death of a man who died seised of lands. during which his widow might remain in her husband's cap- ital mansion-house, without rent, and during which time her (lower should be assigned. 2 Bl. Comm. 135.—Widow'a terce. In Scotch law. The right which a wife has after her husband's death to a third of the rents of lands in which her husband died infeft: dower. Bell.

WIDOWER. A man whose wlte is dead, and who has not remarried.



WIDOWHOOD. The state or condition of being a widow. An estate is sometimes settled upon a woman "d\iri'.i.ig widowhood." which is expiessed in Latin, "durante villu- itute."

WIFA. L. Lat. In old European law. A mark or sign; a mark set up on land, to denote an exclusive occupation, or to proliiblt entry. Spelman.

WIPE. A woman who has a hushand liv- and undivorced. The correlative term is "husband "

WIl‘E's EQUITY. When a hushand is compelled to seek the aid of a court of equity for the purpose of obtaining the poession or control of his wife's estate, that court will recognize the right of the wife to have a suitable and reasonable provision made, by settlement or otherwise, for herself and her children, out of the property thus brought within its jurisdiction. This right is called the "wife's equity," or "equity to a settlement." See 2 Kent, Conira. 139.

WIGREVE. I.u old English law. overseer of a wood. Cowell.


WILD ANIMALS, (or animals ferns natimz.) Animals of an untamable disposition.

WILD LAND. Land in a state of nature, as distinguished from imprmed or culti- vated land. Clark v. Phelps, -1 Cow. (N. Y.) 203.

WILD'S CASE, RULE IN. A devise to B, and his children or issue, B. having no issue at the time of the devise, gives him an estate tail; but, if he have issue at the time, B, and his children take joint estates for life. (3 Cake, 1612; Tudor, Lead. Gas. Real Prop. 542, 581.

WILL. A will is the legal expression of a man's wishes as to the disposition of his property after his death. Code Ga. 1882, § 239-]; Swiirli. Wills. § 2.

An instrument in writing, executed in form of law, by which a person makes a disposition of his property, to take effect after his death.

Except where it would be inconsistent with the manifest intent of the legislature, the word "wili" shall extend to a testament, and to a codicil, and to an appointment by will, or by writing in the nature of a will, in exercise of a power: and also to any other testamentary disposition. Code Va. 1887, § 2511.

A will is an instrument by which a person makes :1 disposition of his property, to take effect after his decease, and which is, in its own nature, ambulatory and revocable during his life. It is this ambulatory quality which forms the characteristic of wills; for though a dispo- sition by deed may postpone the possession or enjoyment, or even the vesting, until the death of the disposing party, yet the postponement is in such case produced by the express terms, and does not result from the nature of the instru-