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man. Cowell. A man who has free land of forty shillings by the year; who was anciently thereby qualified to serve on juries, vote for knights of the shire, and do any other act, where the law requires one that is probus et legalis homo. 1 Bl. Comm. 406, 407.

This term is occasionally used in American law, but without any definite meaning, except in the United States navy, where it designates an appointive petty officer, who has charge of the stores and supplies in his department of the ship's economy.

—Yeomanry. The collected body of yeomen.

—Yeomen of the guard. Properly called "yeomen of the guard of the royal household;" a body of men of the best rank under the gentry, and of a larger statute than ordinary, every one being required to be six feet high. Enc. Lond.

YEVEN, or YEOVEN. Given; dated. Cowell.

YIELD, in the law of real property, is to perform a service due by a tenant to his lord. Hence the usual form of reservation of a rent in a lease begins with the words "yielding and paying." Sweet.

YIELDING AND PAYING. In conveyancing. The initial words of that clause in leases in which the rent to be paid by the lessee is mentioned and reserved.

YOKELET. A little farm, requiring but a yoke of oxen to till it.

YORK, CUSTOM OF. A custom of the province of York in England, by which the effects of an intestate, after payment of his debts, are in general divided according to the ancient universal doctrine of the pars rationabilis; that is, one-third each to the widow, children, and administrator. 2 Bl. Comm. 518.

YORK, STATUTE OF. An important English statute passed at the city or York, in the twelfth year of Edward II., containing provisions on the subject of attorneys, witnesses, the taking of inquests by nisi prius, etc. 2 Reeve, Eng. Law, 299–302.

YORKSHIRE REGISTRIES. The registries of titles to land provided by acts of parliament for the ridings of the county of York in England. These resemble the offices for the registration or recording of deeds commonly established in the several counties of the states.

YOUNGER CHILDREN. This phrase, when used in English conveyancing with reference to settlements of land, signifies all such children as are not entitled to the rights of an eldest son. It therefore includes daughters, even those who are older than the eldest son. Mozley & Whitley.

YOUTH. This word may include children and youth of both sexes. Nelson v. Cushing, 2 Cush. (Mass.) 519, 528.

YULE. The times of Christmas and Lammas.

YVERNAIL BLE. L. Fr. Winter grain. Kelham.