Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1253

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Beaw. (or Benw.Lex Mere. . Beawes‘ Lex Mercatorin. Beck. Beck's Reports, vois. 12-16 Colo- rado; also vol. 1 Colorado Court of Appeals. Beck, Med. Jnr. Beck's Medical Juris-

prudei I(-e.

Bedeil. Bedeil‘s Reports, vol. 163 New York.

Bee. Bee's United States District Court Reports

Bee Adm. Bee's Admiralty. An Appen-

dix to Bee's District Count Reports.

Bee 6. (LB. Bee's Crown Cases Reserved. Engiisii.

Beebe Cit. Beebe's Ohio Cit-itions.

Bel. ]3ellewe's English King‘s Bench Reports;—Bellasis' Bombay Reports ;——’s Ceylon Repurts;—Bel1i.nger’s Reports, vols. 4»8 Oregon.

Beimg. Belings Ceylon Reports. Beiing & Vnnderstranb en's Ceylon Reports.

Bell. Bell’: Dictionary and Digest of the Laws of Scotisnd:—]3ell‘a English Grown Cases Reserred;—Be1i’s Scotch Appeal Cases;—Beil's Scotch Session C:1ses;——Beil's Calcutta Reports, lndia;—Bellewe‘s English Kings Bench Reports;—Broahe‘s New Cases, by Beilewe;——Beilinger’s Reports, Vols. 4-8 Oregon ;——Bel1asis' Bornhay Reports.

Bell Ap. On. Bell's Scotch Appeals.

Bel1App.Ca:. Bell's Scotch House of Lords (Appeal) Cases.

Bell 0.0. Bell's English Crown Cases Reserved ;—Beilnsls' Civil Cases, Bo'mbay:—— Beilnsis‘ Criminal Cases, Bombay.

Bell 0. E. G. Bell's Reports, Calcutta High Court.

Bell Can. Beil's Cases. Scotch Court of Session.

Bell. on. t. K. VIII. Brooke’s New Gases (collected by Bellewe).

Bell. Can. t. E. II. Bellewe‘s English

Kings Bench Reports (time of Richard 11).

Bell, Comm. Bell's Commenturies on the Law of Scotland.

Bell Ox-.0. Bell's English Crown Cases: —Bel1er‘s Criminal Cases, Bombay.

Bell, Diet. Bell's Dictionary and Digest ot the Inws of Scotland.

Bell fol. Bell's folio Reports, Scotch Court of Session.

Bell H. C. Bell's Reports, High Court of Calcutta.

Bell H. L. (or Bell, H. L. Sc.). Bell’: House at Lord’s Gases, Scotch Appeals.

Bell Med. L. J. Bell's Medleo Legal Journal.

Bell Oct. (or 8vo.). Bell's octave Reports, Scotch Court of Session.

Bell P. C. Bell's Cases in Parliament, Scotch Appeals.

Bell Put. Mar. Case. Scotland.

Bell Sc. App. Bell's Appeals to House of Lords from Scotland.

Beil’s Putative Marriage


Benn. & H. 01'. Can.

Bell So. Big.

Bell Sen. Can. Court of Session.

Belles. Bellasis‘ Criminal (or Ciril) Cases. Bouihuy.

Bellewe. Reports.

Bellewe 1:. H.VIIL Brooke's l\ew Cases (ooiiected by Beiiewe).

Bell's Scottish Digest. Bell's Cases in the Seotct.

Beilewe's English King's Rene-h

Bellinger. Beillngefs Reports, vols 4-5 Oregon.

Bellingh.'1‘x-. Report of Beiiinghanrs Tr1'.l.

Belt Bro. Belt's edition of Brown's Chucnery Rcporns.

Belt Sun. Belt’: Supplement to Vesey

Seniors English Chancery Reports. Belt Ves.Sen. Belt's edition of Vesey Senior‘: English Chancery Reports.

Bun. Benedict’: United States District Court Reports.

Ben.Adm. Benedict’s Admiralty Practice.

Ben.1‘.I.CaI. Bennett's Fire Insurance Cases.

BenlVIon. Ben Monroe's Reports, Kentucks.

Ben.&Dal. Benloe & Da1ison's English

Common Pleas Reports.

Ben. &H. L. 0. Bennett & Hem-d's Leading Criminal Cases

Ben, an S. Dig. Benjsuninflz Sl.ideil's Loui- siana Digest

BenI:l1&B. Bench and Bar (periodical). Chicago. Bendl. Bendloe (see Beni.).

Bundlue. Bend1oe's or New Benioe's Re ports, English Common Pleas, Edition of mill.

Bened. Benedict's United States District Court Reports.

Beng. L. R. Bengal Law Reports, India.

Beng. S. D. A. Bengal -Sudder Dewnnny Adnwlut Reports.

Benj. Benjamin. Cases, 6 vols.

Benj. Sales.

New York Annotated

Benj n.u.1in on Sales.

Benj. Chnlnn. Bill: on N. Ben_1a1nin‘H Chalmer's Bills and Notes. Benl. Benioe's or Bend1oe's English

King's Bench Reports. Benl.inAal1e. Benloe at the end of Ashe's Tables.

Benl. inxeil. Benloe or Bendloe in Keil- way's Reports. Benl. New. Benioe's Reports, English

King's Bench.

Ben1.0ld. Benioe of Benloe & Dnlison. English Common Pleas Reports.

Benl, an Dal. Benioe & Dalison's Common Pleas Reports.

Benn. Cal. Bennett's Reports, vol. 1 Cali- fornia.

Benn. F. I. Can. ance Cases.

Benn. & E. 01-. Can. Leading Criminal Cases.

Bennett's Fire insur-

Bennett & Heard‘: