Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1255

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Black. R.
Branch, P1-inc.

Black. R. Black's United States Supreme Court Reports;—W. Blackstone's English King’s Bench Reports. See Black.

Black ship. on. Black’: Decisions in Shipping Cases.

Black, Tax Titlei. Black on Tax Titles.

Block. W. W. Blackstone's English King‘: Bench Reports.

Blackf. Blackford‘s Indiana Reports.

Blookw. Cond. Blnckwell's Condensed Reports. Illinois.

Blake. Blake's Reports, vols. 1-3 Montuna. Blake &H. Blake and Hedges’ Reports,

vols. 2-3 Montana.

Blane. & W. I... C. Blanchard & Weeks‘ Le-uling Cases on Mines, etc.

Bland (or Bland’: Gh.). Bland's Mary- land Chancery Reports.

Blatchf. Blatch1ord's United States Cir- cuit Court Reporl;s—United States Appeals.

Elatchf. Pr. Can. Blatc-htord's Prize Cases. Blatchford & Howland's United States District Court Reports.

Bleckley. Blecl;1ey's Reports, vols. 34. 35


Bligh. Bligh’s English House of Lords Reports.

Bligl:N. S. Bllgh’s English House of

Lords Reports, New series. Bliss. Delaware County Reports, Pennsylvania. Bliss N. Y. Co. B1iss's New York Code. Bloom. Man. (or Neg.) Can. Bloomfield‘: Manumission (or Negro) Cases. New Jersey. Blount. B1ount's Law Dictionary. Blonnt Tr. Biount's Innpenchment ’J.‘riaL Bomb. H. Ct. Bombay High Court Reports. Bomb. L. R. Bombay Law Reporter. Bomb. sel. Can. Bombay Select Cases.

Bomb. Ser. Bombay Series, Indian Law Reports.

Bond. Bond's United States Circuit Repol rs.

Booraem. Booraenfs Reports, vols. (‘rs California.

Boote, Suit at Law. Bo0te's Suit at Law.

Booth, Real Act. Booth on Real Actions.

Bun-. Borradaile’s Reports, Bombay.

Boi. Bosworth's New York Superior Court Reports.

Bus. as P. N. R. Bosanquet & I-‘ul.ler's New Reports. English Common Pleas.

Bus. an Pul. Bosanquet & Puiler's English Common Pleas Reports.

Bos. as Pul. N. R. Bosanquet 6: Puller‘: New Reports, English Common Pleas.

Bosw. Bosworth's New York Superior Court Reports. Butt P. L. Bott's Poor Laws.

Butt P. L. can. Bott's Poor Law Cass.

Bott P. L. Const. (‘onst"s Edition of Bott's Poor law Cases

Butt Set. Cal. B0l:l:‘B Poor Law (Settlement) Cases.

Bould. Bouldin's Reports, vol. 119 Alabama. Bouln. Bou1nois' Reports, Bengal.

Bourke. Court.

Bouv. Inst. Bouvier’s institutes of American Law.

Bouvier. Bouv-ler's Law Dictionary.

Bov. Put. On. Bovl.ll's Patent Cases.

Bow. Bowler 6: Bowers, vols. 2, 3, United States Comptroller's Decisions.

Bowen, Pol. Econ. Bowen's Political Eco- nolny.

Bowyer, Mod. Civil Law. ern Civil Law.

Br. Bracton ;— Brad.Eord;— Brarlwell ;— Brayton;-——Breese: Bre\'ard;—- Brewster :- B1idguJan:— Brightly ;— British ;—I’.rlttou; —— Broc-keubrnngh:— Brooke;— Bruom;— Brown;———1irowalo , Bruce. See below. especially under Bro.

Br. 0. 0. British (or English) Crown Cases (American repri.ut);—Brown's Chacnery Cases, England.

Bourke's Reports, Calcutta I-Iigh

Bowyer's Mod-

Br.Cr.Ca. British (or English Crown Cases.

B:-.Pod.lJig. Brightly’: Federal Digest.

B1-.N.C. Brooke's New Cases, English King's Bench.

B:-. P. C. Brown's English Parliamentary Cases.

Bx-. Reg. Braithwaite’s Register.

B1'.Snp. Brown's Supplement to Morn

son's Dictionary, Sessions Cases, Scotland

Br. Syn. Brown's Synopsis of Decisions, Scotch Court of Sessions.

Br. &B. Broderip & Bingham. English Common Pleas.

Br. an Fr. Broderick (2 Fremantle’s Ecclesiastical Cases, English.

Br. & Gold. Browniow & Goldeshorougws English Common Pleas Repnrts.

Br. & L. (or Br. & Lush). Brownlow & Lushington's English Admiralty Reports.

Br. &I{.. Brown 6: Radefa Missouri Reports.

Bran. (or Bract, or Bracton). Br.u:ton do Leglbus et Consuetudinibus Angliee.

Brad. Bradford's Surrogate Reports, New York :~Bradford’s Iowa Reports ;—Bradwell's '[lli.uois Appeal Reports :—Bradley's Reports. Rhode Island.

Brndf. Bradioi-d's New York Surrogate Reports :—Bradford's Reports, Iowa.

Bx-ndf. Sn:-. Bradford's Surrogate Court Reports. New York.

B1-ndw. Bradwell's Appellate Reports, Illi- nois.

Brady Ind. Brady's Index, Arliansas Reports. B1-nme. Bramds Reports, vols. 66-72

Mississippi. Branch. Branch's Reports, vol. 1 Florida Branch. Max. Braux:h's Maxims. Branch, Brine. Braneh's Principia Legia ct Equltatia.