Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1258

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BIu.'rLl1,Pr. Bux'x'Lll,PI'. Burri11’s Practice. Bun-ow. Burt-¢m‘a Reports, English King's Bench. Bun-ow, sett. Can. Burrow’: English

Settlement Cases.

Bnrt.Ca:. Burton's Collection of Guam and Opinions.

Burt. Real Prop. erty.

Burt. Sc.'1‘r. Burton's Scotch Trials.

Bufl). Busbee's Law Reports, North Carolma

Bush. Ox-.Dig. Busbee'a Criminal Digest, North Carolina.


Burton on Real Prop-


Bynk. 012:. Jun‘. Rom.

Bush. 1161. Carolina.

Bush. Bush's Reports, Kentucky.

Butl.Co.Litt. Butiefs Notes to Coke on Littleton.

But]. Ho:-. Jnr. Sulusecirm.

Butt’: Sh. Butts Edition of Shower‘: English King‘: Bench Reports.

Buxtan. Buxl.on’s Repurts, vols. 1%126 North tmrolina.

Byles,Bill3. Byles on Bills.

Bynk. Bynkershoek on the Law of Wm‘.

Bynk. Obs. Jun-. Ram. Bynkershoek, Ob- servationum Julia Romani LibrL

Busbee's Equity Reports, North

Butler's Hora? Juridima