Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1260

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C. & L. Dig.

C. & L. Dig. gest.

C.& M. Crompton 6: Meesou’s English Exchequer I-‘.eports;—Carrington & Marsh- nmn's English Nisi Prius Reports.

C. an N. Cameron 5: Norwood's North

0 Carolina Conference Reports.

C. & 0. R. Cas. English Iinilxvny and Ca- nu] Cases, by Carrow & Oliver et 21].

C. & P. Carrlngton & Payne's English Nisi P1-lus Reports;~Crnig & Phlillps' Chan-

ceiy Reports.

C. an R. Cockburn & Rowe's English Election Cases.

0. at s. Dig. Clll'Ulll.lft Digest.

Cn. Case or Plsciturn;4}uses (see Gas).

Ca.t. Hard. Cases tempers Hnrdwicke.

Cs. t. K. Cases tempore K1ng;—-Cases lcmpure hing, Chancery.

Ca. t. Tall). Cases tempura Talbot, Chan- (.'(."l'_V.

Cs. temp. 1‘. Cases tempore Finch.

Cs. temp. H. Cases tempura Hardwicke, King's Bench.

Ca. temp. Holt. Kim's Bench.

C:ib.Lawy. The Cabinet Lawyer.

Cnh. & E. (or Cab. & E.). Cababé& Ellis, English.

Cadw. Dig. Cadwalnder's Digest of Ab- torney-Genera1's Opinions.

Cai. Caines' Term Reports, New York Supreme Court.

Cai. Cas. (or Can. Erin). York Cases in Error.

Cal. 1‘. R. Calues' Term Reports, New York Supreme Court.

Cain. Calnes. New York.

Gaines. Gaines’ Reports, New York Sn- preme Court.

Cnines Can. rors, New York.

Caix-n’s Dec.

Aibert Arbitration.

Cal. Calitornia:—C:1lifornia Reports Calthrop's English King's Bench Reports ;— C:1hlecott's English Settlement Cases.

(la1.Rep. California Report.s;—Ca1-

wt.hrop‘s English King's Bench Reports.

Cal. S. D. A. Calcutta Sudder Dewanny Adawlut Reports.

Cohen & Lea's Maryland Di-

Connor & Slrnonton's South

Cases tempore Holt,

Caines’ New

Gaines’ Cases, Court of Er-

Cairn’s Decisions in the

Cal. Sex-. Calcutta Series Indian Law Reports. Csld. GaldWel_l's Reports, vols. 25-36

X West Virginia.

Cald. (or Cnld. J. P, or Cold. S. (3.). Cal- de(-ott's English l\lag'istrnte‘s (Jusfice of the Peace) and Settlement Cases.

Cell. Call’s Virginia Reports.

Cal]. Sew. Cnllis on Sewers.

Y Calth. C:1lthrop's English King's Bench llepnrts.

Calvin. (0! Calvin. Lex. am-1.1.). Calvin. us Lexicon Juridicurn.

Cam. Cameron's Reports, Upper Canada,

Z Queen's Bench.




Cam. Due. her).

Cam. Op. ronto.

Cum. Scac. uer Chamber).

Cam. Stell. Camera Steilat21(SLu' Churn-

Camera Ducats (Duchy Cham- Cameron's Legal Opinions, To-

Cainers Scaccarls (Excheq-


Cam. as Nor. Cameron 6: Nlorwood's North Carolnm Conference Reports.

Camd. B:-it. (or Camden). Camden's Britannia. '

Camp. Camp's Reports, vol. 1 North Da-

kots;—Ca1npl:ell's English Nisi Prius Reports;—Ca1nphell's Reports, vols. 27-58 Ne- hrnskn. See also Campl:el.l.

Gamp.Dee. Campbell's Decisions.

Camp. Lives Ld. Ch. Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors.

Camp. N. P. C:1xnphel.l's English Nlsi Pri- us Reports.

Campbell. Camphel.l's English Nisl Pri- us Reports;—Cs1npheli's Reports of Taney‘s United States Circuit Court Decisions;-— C:1rnptu:ll's Legal Gazette Reports, Pennsyl- vani:1;—Campheil's Reports, vols. 27-58 Ne- hraska.

Can.Exel:. Canada Exchequer Reports.

Can. S. C. Rep. Canada Supreme Court Reports.

Cane & L. Reserved.

Car. Carolus (as 4 Car. II.):—Carolinn.

Cs:-.,H.&A. Carrow, Hamerton & AJ- len’s New Sessions Cases, English.

Car.,O.&B. English IL'LilW&y & Canal Cases, by Carrow, Oliver, Bevan et oi.

Car.&K. (or Kin-.). Carrington & K11‘- wan’s English Nisi Prlus Reports.

Car. & M. (or Mar.). Csrrlngton & Msrshman's English Nisi Prius Reports.

Car. as 01. English Railwnyflz Cnna10ases, by C-arrow, Oliver et 21].

Ca:-.&P. carringtou's 6: Payne's English Nisi Prlus Reports.

Cane an Leigh's Crown Cases

Carl. Carleton, New Brunswick.

Car-p.P.C. Ca.rpmael's English Patent Cases.

Carpenter. Carpenter's Reports, vols. 52-53 California.

Cur. Cns. C:1rran's Summary Cases, Ind.ia.

carr.,Ham. &Al. Carrow, Eamerton & Allen's New Sessions Cases, English.

Carr. an X. Carrington & Kirwan.

Can-an. Carrnu’s edition of "Summary Cases," Beng-aL

Cart. Cartwx-lght's Cases, Canada

Carter. Carter's English Common Pies: Reports, some as Oriando Bridgn1an;—Carter's Reports, vols. 1, 2, Indians.

Cm-tn. Cart.heW's English King's Bench Reports. Cary. Gary's English Chancery Reports

Css. Casey's Reports, vols. 25-86 Pennsylumia State.