Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1272

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Elton, Com.

Elton, Com. Waste Lands.

Elton, Copylx. Elton on Copyholds.

Ernerig. Mzu-.l'.oanu. Emerigon on Maritime Loans.

Eme:-ig. Tr. den Ass. des .-Assurances.

Emerig. Traits den Assnr. 'I‘|::lte des Assurances.

Enc. Eucyclopzedia.

Enc. Brit. Encyclopaedia Britannica.

Enc. For-ms. Encyclopedia of Forms.

Enc. Pl. & Pr. Encyclopaedia of Pleading and Practice.

Eney. Law. American and English Eu- cyr-Iupzndia of Law

Encyc. Encyclopaedln.

Eng. Englis -— Engilsh's Reports, vols. $13 A.rkansas:——English Reports by N. C. Moak.

Eng. Ad. English Admlralty;~— English Admiralty Reports.

R Eng. (J. C. (or Cr. CnI.).

Elton on Commons and

Emerlgon, Traite


English Crown


Eng. 0.1:. English Common Law Reports.

Eng.Clx. English Chancery:—English

S Chancery Reports;—Condensed Chancery Reports.

Eng.Eoe.R. English Ecclesiastical Repol ts.


Eng. Ecol. English Ecclesiastical Reports. Eng. Exuh. English Exchequer Reports.

Eng. Ir. App. Law Reports, English and Irish Appeal Cases.

Eng. Jndg. Scotch Court of Session Cases, decided by the English Judges.

Eng. L. & Eq. English Law and Equity


Eng. R. &. C. 0.3:. English Railway and Canal Oases.

Eng. Rep. Moak's English Reports;—-

Eu;-:iish's Reports, vols. 6-13 Arkansas ;— English Reports.

Eng. Rep. R. (or Re.). Full Reprint

Eng. Rn. Ca. English Ruling Cases.

Eng. Ry. &(J. Can. English Railway and Canal Cases.

Eng. Sc. Eco. slusfical Reports.

Eng.&1’.r. App. Law Reports, English and Irish Appeal Cases


English Reports,

English and Scotch Eccle-

English. English’s Reports, vols. 6-13 Arkansas. Ent. Coke's Entries;—Rastell's Entries

Entries, Ancient. Rastell's Entries (cited in .l1olie’s Ahiidgment).

Eq.Cns. Equity Cases in vol. 9 Modern Reports.

Eq. Can. Ahr. (English).

Eq. Jndg. Equity Judgments (by A'Beck- ett) New South Wales.

Eq.Rep. Equity Reports;—GiJbert's Equity Reports;—Harper’s South Carolina Equity Reporrs:—'l'he Equity Reports, published by

Equity Cases Abridged


Eu-. &App. Error and Appeals Reports, Upper Canada.

Ersk. Erskine's Institutes of the Law of Scotland;—Ersk.ine's Principles of the Law of Scotland.

Er-sk.Deo. E1-skine’s United States Cir-

cuit Court, etc.. Decisions, in vol. 35 Georgia.

Ersk. Inst. Erskine’s Institutes of the Law of Scotland.

E:-sk.Pr-in. Erskine's Principles of the Law of Scotland.

Erskine, Inst. Ersklne's Institutes of the Law of Scotland.

Escx-iche. Escriche, Diccionnrto Ilazonndo de Leglslaclon y Jurisprudencla.

Es-2:-iche, Die. Leg. lihcriche, Diccionario Ruzonado de Deglslncion y Jurisprudencia.

Esp. (or Esp. N. P.). Espinasse's English Nisl Prlus Reports.

Esprit den Loin. Montesquleu, Esprit des Lois.

EtIx.Nie. Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics.

Ev. Tr. Evans’ Trial.

Ewell L. C. Ewell’s Leading Cases on In- fancy, etc.

Ex. C. R. Reports.

Ex. 1). (or Ex. Div.). Exchequer Division, English Law Reports.

Exch. F)xcheqner;— Exchequer Reports (Welsby, Hurlstone, & Gordon):—~English Law Reports, Exchequer ;—English Excheq- uer Reports.

Exelx. Cnn. Exchequer Reports, Canada.

Exclx. Can. Exchequer Cases (Legacy Dnties, etc.), Scotland.

Exch. Div. Exchequer Division, English Law Reports.

l:'zxclx.Rep. Exchequer Reports.

Eyre. Eyre‘s Reports, English.

Exchequer Court of Canada