Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1281

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Hilt. Reports.

Hinds Ch. Pr. Hinde, Modern Practice of the High Court of Chancery.

Hilton's New York Common Pleas

Hines. Hines’ Reports. vols. S3—96 Kenr tunky.

Hu.Lm-dz Gas. House of Lords Cases (Clark's).

Hob. Hcba.rt's English King's Bench Reports.

Hudg. Hodges’ English Common Pleas Reports.

Htldg. Can. Elee. Gal. Election Cases.

Hon’. Hoffman's Land Cases, United States District Cou.rt.;——HuEEman's New York Chancery Reporm.

Hoif. Ch. HoiIman’s New York Chancery Reports.

Hail’. Land (at Hnii. L. 0.). lIoifman's Land Cases, United States District Court.

Hofl. Lead. Ca.I. HolT1na.u‘s Leading Cases on Commercial Law.

Hoi£'.Mast. HoEman's Master in Chau- cery.

Hofl. N. Y. (or Huflm. Ch.). H0lTuJan's New York Chancery Reports.

Hog. Hogan's Irish Rolls Court Reports: —(Hogan oi’) Harcarse's Scotch Session Cases.

Hug. St. Tr. Hogan's -State Trials. Pennsylvanin.

Hague. Hogue's Reports, vols. 1-4 Florida. '

Holo.L.Cas. Holcombe's Leading &sea of Commercial Law.

Hn11.Ju.r. 1‘Io1land'e prudence.

Hollinshewd. Hollins-head’s Reports, vol. 1 Minnesota.

Ho1m.(m- Hulmen). Holmes’ United States Circuit. Court Reports;~Holmes’ Reports, vols. 1&1? Oregon.

Holt. Home English Kiugfs Bench Reports;——Holt's English Nisi P1-ins Reports;— Holt's English Equity Reports.

Hull: Adm.Can. Holt.'s English Admiral- ty Cases (Rule of the Road).

Holt Eq. Holifs English Equity Reports.

Holt K. B. Hoit’s English King’: Bench Reports.

Holt N. P.

Hodgin's Canada

Elements of J uri.9-

Holt's English Nisi Prius Re-


Holt 11.0! R. Holtfs Rule of the Road Gases.

I-Inltlmun. Holthouse‘s Law Dictionary.

Holtz. Enc. Holtzendortf. Eur-yclop'a.die der Rechtswienschnfr. ncyclopedia of Jurisprudence.)

Home (or Home H. Dem). Home's Man- uscript Decisions. Scotch Court of Session. See also Kames.

Hooker. Hacker's Reports, vols. 25-62 Connecticut.

Hoon. Hoonahaifs Slnd Reports, India.

Hop.&C. Hnpwoofi an (‘!oltman's English Registration Appeal Cases.


How. St. Tr.

Hop. &Ph. Hopwood & Philhrlck‘s English Registration Appeal Cases.

Hope. Hope (of Kerse) Manuscript Deci- sions, Scotch Court of Session.

Hopk. Adm. (or Judg.). Hopki.nson's Pennsylvania Admiralty Jndgments

Hupk.Ad.lI1. Dec. Admiralty Decisionsot Hopkiuson in Gilpin's Reports.

Hupk. Ch. Hopkins‘ New York Chancery Reports.

Hopw.& Colt. Hopwood & Coitman‘s English Registration Appeal Cases.

I-Iopw. &Phi1. Hopwood & Pl1ilbrick's English Registration Appeal Cases.

Hot. 85 Th. Gas. Horrigau & Thompson‘: Cases on Seli'—Detense.

Horn & H. Horn & Hurlstonda English Exchequer Reports.

Horne, M. J. Horne’: Mirror of Justice.

Hm-ner. Horner's Reports, vols. 11-23 South Dakota.

Hun-.& Th. Horrigan & Thompson's Cases on Sell‘-Defense.

Hurw.Y.B. Horwc-od's Year Books of Edward I. lit-skins. Hoskins’ Reports, vol. 2 North

Dakota- Hough C.-M.Cns. Houglrs Cour:-Mar tial Case Book, London, 1821.

Honghton. Houghton's Reports, vol. 97 Alabama. Hons. Houston's Delaware Reports.

House of L. House of Dc/rds Cases.

Hnust. Houston's Delaware Reports.

Houst. Cr. Cu. Houston's Delaware Criminal Cases.

Hov. Hoveudeu on Frauds: Hovenden's Supplement to Vesey, Jr.'s, English Chancery Reports.

Hov. Sup. Hovenden’s Supplement. to Vesey, Jr.'s, English Chancery Reports.

Hnved. Hoveden, Chroulca.

Haw. Howard‘: United States Supreme Court Reports;— Howardis M.issi.ssi[Jpi Reports ;— Howard's New York Practice Re ports; Howell's Reports, vols.22—% Nevada.

How. (Mien). Howard's Mississippi Reports.

Haw. App. Appeals Cases.

How. Gus. Howard's New York Court or Appeals Cases;—l:loward‘s Popery Cases.

How. 01-. Tr. Howisou‘u Criminal Trials. Virginia.

How. N. 5. Howard’ New York Practice Reports, New Series.

lit-w.Pt. Howard's New York Practice Reports.

How. Pr. N. S. Howard's New York Practice Reports. New Series.

How. Prue. (N. Y.). Howard's New York Practice Reports.

How. 5. G. (or U. 5.). Howard’: United States Suprelne Court Reports.

How. St. T1-. (or State Tr.). English State Trials.

Howa.rd’s New York Court of

