Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1285

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purts-—Jones' Upper Canada Common Pleas I‘.oports;—Jones 6; Spencer's New Iorl; Su- perior Court Reports.

Jones (Pa..). Jones Reports. vols. 11, 12 P911115) lvunia.

Jones 1. Sir William Jones‘ English King's Bench Reports. Jones 2. Sir Thomas Jonw English

King.-"s Bench Reports.

-7030!’ Bailm. Jones’ Law of Bailments.

Jones, Barclay E Whittelsey. Jones, Raw-lay, & ""hlttelsey"s Reports, vol. 31 Missoun.

Jones, Chat. Mnrfig. Jones on Chattel


Jones Eq. Jones‘ North Carolina Equity Reports.

Jones, French Bar. Jones’ History of the French Bur.

Jones 11-. Jones‘ Irish Exchequer Reports.

Jones Law (or Jones N. 0.). Jones’ North Carolina Law Reports.

Jones T. SL1‘ Thomas Jones’ English Klng’s Bench Reports.

Jones U. C. Jones’ Reports, Upper Cunads.


Kennett Jones W. Sir William Jones’ English King's Bench Reports. Jones&C. Jones & Gary's Irish Excheq- uer Reports.

Jones & La. '1‘. Cimncery Rrports.

Jones £5 MoM. (Pn..). Jones & i\icMn1'tr1e‘s Pennsylvania Supreme Court l:eports.

Jones & Spen. Jones & Spencer's New York Superior Court Rupnrts

Jnsephs. Josephs‘ ILL‘1J‘Ul‘tS, vol. 21 Nevada.

Jud. & Sw. J:mJuir.l.

Judd. Jufld’s Reports. vol. 4 Hawaii.

Jnr. (N. S.). The Jurist. (.\‘cw Series) Reports in all the Courts, London.

Jun. (N. 5.) Ex. Jurist (New Series) Ex- chequer.

Just. Dig. Digest of Justinian, 50 books. Never tmnslatefl into English.

Jult. Inst. Justininn’s Institutes. note following "Inst. 1, 2. 31."

Jutn. J uta's Cape of Good Hope Reports.

Jones & La Touche's Irish

Judah & Swan's Reports.



K. Keyes’ New York Court of Appeals Reports;—Kenyou‘s'English King's Bench Reports;—Knnsas (see l'§nn.).

K.B. Kings Bench Reports.

[1901] K.B. Law Reports, King's Bench Division, from 1901 onward.

K. C. R. Reporm in the time of Channellor King.

K. & F. N. S. W. Knox & F‘itzhardi.uge‘s New South Wales Reports.

K.&G.R.C. Keane & Grant's English Registration Appeal Cases.

K.&.J. Kay & Johnson's lmiglish Vice Chancellors’ Reports.

K. &O. Knapp an Ombler’s English Electiou Cases.

Kain. KauJes' Decisions of the Szcottish Court of Session.

Kean. Rem. Deo. Kames’ Remarkable Decisions, Scotch Court of Session.

Ka.xn.Se1.:Dee. Kames' Select Decisions, Scotch Court OF Session.

Kmnes, Eq. KauJes' Principles of Equity.

Kan. (urn Kn.ns.). Kansas;—Kansas Re-

ports. Knna.App. Kansas Appeals Reports. Kay. Kay's English Vicechancellors’ Reports. Kny&Jol.uu. Kay & Johnson, English. Ke. Keen's English Rolls Court Reports. Keane & Grant's English Registration Appeal Cases.

Keh.(m- Keh1.). Keh1e's English K1ng’s Bench Reports.

Keen. Keen'a English Rolls Court Reports.

Keener, Quasi Contr. Keenefs Cases on Quasi Contracts. Keil. (or Kei.lw.).

King's Bench Reports.

Keilway‘s Engllsh

Kel. 1. Sir John Kelyng‘s English Crown Gases.

Kel. 2. William Kelynge’s English Chacnery Reports.

Kel. G-.s.. Kelly's Reports, vols. 1-3 Georgia.

Kel. J. Sir John Kelyng‘s English Crown Cases.

Kel. W. Wm. Kelynge’s English Chau-

cery Reports. Kelhaan. Ke1hs.In's Norman French Law


Kellen. Kellen's Reports, vols. 146-155 Massachusetts.

Kelly. Kelly's Reports, vols. 1-3 Georgin

Kelly & Cobb. vois. -1, 5 Georgia. Kelyng, J. Kelyng‘s English Crown Cases.

Kelly .2 Cobb's Reports

Kelyng::,W. Kelynge's English Chacnery Reports.

Kemhle,Sa.x. Kemble, The Saxons in England.

Ken. Kentucky (see Ky-)7-—-Kenyon Eng-

Lish King‘s Bench Reports. Ken. Dec. Kentucky Decisions, by Sneed. Ken. 1.. Rep. Kentucky Law Reporter. Kennn. Kenan's Reports, vols 76-9‘. North Carolina. Kenn. Par. Antiq. Antiquities. Kennett. Kennett’s Glossary;—Keuneti' upon Impropriations.

Kennett. Parochial