Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1287

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L. Lansing‘: -Supreme Court Reports. New York.

L. A. Lawyers' Reports Annotated.

L. O. Lord Cha.neel1or;—Lower Canada: -—Lea1ling Cases.

L. C. B. Lord Chief Baron.

L. C.]). Lower Court Decisions. Ohio.

L. 0. Eq. White & Tudor’s Leading Cases in Equity.

L. C. G. Lower Courts Gazette, Toronto.

L. C. E. Lower Canada Reports.

1.. ID. (or 2Dec.). Land Oiflce Decisions, United States.

L.Ed. Lawyers’ Edition Supreme Court


L. J. App. Law Journal. New Series. Appeals.

L. J. Bank. Law Journal. New Series, Bankruptcy.

L. J. Bk. Law Journal. New Series. Bank-

ruptcy (1S3i nnw:\r(i).

L. J. C. 0.12.. Law Journal, New Series. Crown Cases Reserved.

L. J. C. P. (or L. J. C. P. 1).). Law Journal, New Series. Common Pleas I)ec'isions

L. J. Ch. Law Journal, New Series. Cheneery Division (lS.'&‘l on).

L. J. Ch. (0. S.). Law Journal, Old Se- ries. 1S‘_‘2. 1S:’.l.

L. J. D. &M. Law Journal, New Series, Divorce and Matrimonial.

L. J. _Ecc. Law Journal Reports. Ecclesi- lstleal (l&'31 on).

L. J. Ex. Law Journal, New Series, Ex- chcquer Division (1831 on).

L. J. Exch. Law Journal, New Series. Ex- charmer.

L. J. H. L. House of Lords. L. J. K. 13. Law Journal, King's Bench.

L. J. L. C. Law Journal, Lower Canada.

L. J. L. T. Law Journal, Law Tracts.

L. J. M. C. Law Journal, New Series. I)i— vorce and Matrimonial :—Law Journal, Mag- istrntc-s‘ Cases.

L. J. M. 0. Law Journal, New Magistra tes Cases (1831 on).

L. J. M. P. A. Law Journal, Matrimonial, Probate and Admiralty.

L. J. M.&W. Morgtm 5. Williams’ Law Journal. London.

L. J. N. C. Law Journal. Notes of Cases.

L. J. N. S. The Law Joumal. New Series, London (1&31 onwards).

L. J. 0. S. The Law Journal, Old Series. London (iS‘22—1S3l).

L. J. P. (or P. 0.). haw Journal, New Se- ries. Privy CoI1nCil:—L.'u.v Journal. Probate, Dl\'nrr‘e and Admiralty.

L. J. P. (D. &A.). Law Journal, New Se- ries, Probate Divorce and Adrnlraltv.

L. J. P. & M. (or L. J. Prob. & Hat). haw Journal. New Series, Probate and Mat- rimonial (1831 onwnrm.

Law Journal, New Series,


L. R. P. & M.

L. J. 13.)}. Law Journal, New Series. Queen's Bench (1831 on).

L. J. Q. B. 1). Law Journal, New Series. Queen's Bench Division.

L. J. Rep. Law Journal Reports.

L. J. Rep. N. S. Law Journal Reports, New Series (1831 onward).

L. M. & P. Lowndes, \iaxwel1 & Pollock's English Bali Court Reports.

L. N. Llber Niger, or the Black Book.

L. P. R. Lfll_\"s Prnctleal Register.

L. 3.. Law Reports (En1:lish);—-Ilaw Reporter (Law Times Reports, New SQTIE.‘ (Irish) Law Recorder,ALo1 nun Rx-ports.

L. R. A. Lawyers‘ Iieports, Annotated.

L. R. A. & B. English Law Reports, Ad- miralty and Ecclesizistleal (1866-1875).

L. R. App. (or L. R. App. 0115.). English La" Reports, Appeal Cases, House of Lords.

L.R.Bu1-m. Law Reports, British Bur- umlL L. R. C. C. English Law Reports, Crown

Cases Reserved (1866-1875).

L. R. C. P. English Law Reports, Com- mon Pleas (iSGf}—1875).

L. R. C. P. 1). English Law Reports, Com- mon Pleas Division.

L. 3.. Ch. English Law Reports, Chacnery Appenl Cases (1S('vG—18T5).

L. 3.. Ch. 1). (or Div.). Law Reports Chancery Division, English Supreme Court of Judicature.

L. R. E. 8: 1. App. English Reports, Eng- ilsh and Irish Appeals.

L.R. E11. English Law Reports, Equity (1SG6—1875).

L. R. Ex. (or L. R. Exoh.). English IAIW Reports. Exchequer (1Si(i6—1875).

L. R. Ex. Div. EIl‘Z.iiSil law Reports, Ex- chequer Division.

L. R. H. L- English Law Reports, House of Lords, English and Irish Appeal Cnses.

L. R. H. L. Sc. English Law Reports. House of Lords, Scotch and Divorce Appeal Cases (iS6(5—1S75).

L. R. Ind. App. English L:uv Reports, Indian Appeals. L. R. It. Law Reports, Ireland (1879-

L. R. Misc. 1). Law Reports. Miscellane- ous Division.

L. R. N. S. ries.

L. R. N. S. W. Law Reports. New South Wales.

L. R. P. 0. English Law Reports, Privy Council. Appeal Cases (I8G6—187:‘>)

L. R. P. Div. English Law Reports. Pro- bate. Divorce and Admiralty Division.

L. R. P. &D. English Law Reports, Pro- bats and Divorce.

L. R. P. & M. Law Reports, Probate and Matrimonial (1866-1875).

Irish Law Record:-r. New Se-