Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1297

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N. Y. Reptr.

N. Y. Reptr. New York Reporter (Gardenler's).

N. Y. S. New York Suppiement;-——NeW

York State;-New York State Reporter. N. Y. Spec. '.l‘e1'1n R. Howard's Practice


N. Y. Sup. New York Supreme Court Reports.

N. Y. Super. Ct. New York Superior Court Reports.

N.Y. Supp. New York Supplement.

N. Y. Sup:-. New York Supreme Court Reports.

N. Y. T. R. New York Term Reports (C-nines‘ Reports).

N. Y. Them. New York Themis.

N. Z. New Zenland;-—New Zenland Reparts.

N. Z. Jux-. New Zealand Jurist.

N. Z. Jux-. N. S. New Zealand Jurist. New Series.

N. Z. Rep. of Appeals.

N. & H. (or I-[op.). Nott & Huntington's United States Court of Claims Reports.

N. & M. Nevile & Manning's English Kings Bench Reports.

N.&M.Ma.g. Nevlle k Manning‘: English l\I-wgzistrates‘ Cases.

New Zealnnd Reports, Court

N.&.Mc. Nott & 1\IcCord’s South Carolina Reports. N. 8:. P. Nevlle 5: Perry's English King's

Rem 11 Reports. N.& P.Ma.g. Nerlle & Perry's English Magistrates‘ Cases.

Na]. St. I‘. Nalton's Collection of State Papeis.

Nap. Napier.

Napton. Nnpton's Reports, vol. 4 M15- sour].

Nn.rr.Mnd. Narrntloues Modernze, or

St_vle's King's Bench Reports.

Nnt. B. 0. National Bank Cases.

Nat. B. R. (or Nat. Bank. Reg.). tioual Bankruptcy Register Reporis.

Nat. Corp. Rep. National Corporation Reporter, Chicago.

Nat. L. Rec. National Law Record.

Nat. I..nep. National Law Reporter.

Nat. L. Rev. National [AW Review, Phil- adelphla.

Nat. Reg. Mead. 1316.

Nn.t.Rept. Syst. National Reporter System.

Nat.BI:v. National Review, London.

Nd. Newfnundrmd Reports.

Nab. Nebraska ;~Nel,\rasl.a Reporls.

Neg. Cu. Bloonifleldls Mannmlssion or \'egro Cases. New Jersey.

Nel. Nelson's English Chancery Reporm.

Nell. Neil's Ceylon Reports.

Nels. Nelson's English Chancery Reports.

Nels. Aln-. Nelson's Abrldgment of the Common Law.

Nels. Pal. Rep. Fi.nch‘i ports. edited by Nelson.


National Register. edited by

Chancery Re.-


No. East. Rep.

Nev. Nernd-a;—1\'evadn Repolts.

Nev.&M.(nx- Ms.n..). Nevile 5: Manning's English Kings Bench Reports.

Nev. & Man. Neville & l\I'1rn-.1rn.1ra's English Rai.lw.iy and Canal Cases.

Nev. & Mann. Neville & l\Iacnamara‘s English Itailvmy llIl(l (‘anal (‘:vses.

Nev. & Man. Mag. Gas. Neriie & Manning's English Mn;;istrate‘s Cases.

Nev. &P. Nevile & Perry's English King‘: Bench Reports.

Nev. & P. Mag. Gas. Neviie B: Perry's English Ill-igisiratos’ Cases.

New. In-well, Illinois Appeal Reports.

New Ann. Reg. New Auuuul Register. London.

NewB.Eq.Ga. New Brunsvm-k Equity Gases.

New B.'.l-:q.Bep. New Brunswick Equlty Reports. vol. I.

Nawnenl. New Be-nloe's Reports, English L\ing's Bench.

New Br. New Brunswick Reports.

New Car. New Cases (l3ingham's New Cases).

New Cu. 11.1. New Cases in Equity, vols. B, 9 Moderu Reports.

New Eng. Hist. New England Historical and Genealogical Register.

New1V[a.g.Cn.l. New Magistrates‘ Cases (Blttleston, Wise 5: Parnell).

New Na.t.B1.'ev. New Natura Brevium.

New Pr. Gases. New Practice Cases, English.

New Rep. New Reports in all the Courts. London ;—Bosnnquet & Puller‘:-1 New Reporix vols. 4. 5 Bosanquet 5: Puller.

New sens. Cu. Darrow. Ilammerton & Alien‘s New Session Cases. English.

New so. W. New South Wales

New Term Rep. New Tenn Re-ports;— Dowling & Ry]RJld'E King's Bench Reports.

New York Supp. New York Supplement.

Newb. (or Newb. A(1m.). 1\ew1JeIT_\ ‘Ii United States District Court. Admiralty Reports.

Newbyth. Isewhytlrs Manuscript Deci- sions, Scotch Session Cases.

Newell. 1\‘ewell's Reports, vols. 4&90 Illinois Appeals.

Newf. Sel. Cal. Cases.

Nick. E. & G. (or Nicholl). Nlc-holl, Hare 5: Carrow's English Railway and Canal Cases.

Nicholson. NIL-holsnn‘s Manuscript Deci- sions, Scotch Session Cases.

Nlebh. Hist. Ram. Niebuhr, Rom-an History.

Nlcnt cu).

Nil. Reg.

Nisbet. sion C-1ses.

No. Ca. Eco. & Mar. Notes of C5186 (Eng- Ilsh). Ecclesiastical and Maritime.

No. East. Rep. Northeastern Rquorter (commonly cited N. E.)

Newfoundland Select

1\7icn.t culpable (not guilty). Niles‘ Weekly Register. (Nisbet of) Dirletoxrs Scotch Sea-