Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1310

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Sess. Can. So. N Sess. Gas. Sc. Scotch Court of Session Cases. Sass. Pap. C. C. C. tral Criminal! Court.

Session Papers, Cen-

Seu. Pap. O. B. Session Papers, Old Bailey. 0 Set. (or Sett. & Rem.) Gas. English Set-

tlement and Removal Cases (Burrow's Settle- Lueut Cases).

Sew. H. C. Bengal.

P Sev. S. D. A. SevesI:re's suziiler Dewanny Ad.aWiut Reports. Bengal.

Sewell,S]1el'ifi's. Seweil on the Law oi! Shc-rifl's.

Sh. Shower's English Parliamentary Cas-

Q es:-Shower's English King's Bench Reports; -—Shepiey's Reports, vols. 13-18 and 21-30 liiaine;-Shaw's Scotch Appeal Cases:— Si1:m‘s, etc., Decisions in the Scotch Court of Session (lst Series);—Shaw’s Scotch Justini-

R 81') Cases;—Shaw's Scotch Teind Court Reports;-—G. B. Shaw's Reports, vols. 10 ll Vermiont;—-W. G. Shaw 5 Reports, vols. 30-35 Vermont ;—Shirley‘s Reports, vols. 49-55 New iIauipshire;—-Sheidon's Ruffaio, New York, Superior Court Reports;—Shepherd‘s Re-

S ports, Aiahanm;—Shipp's Reports, vols. 645, (37 North Carolina; '§hand’s Reports, vols. 11-4-1 South Carolin _Shadfortl2's Reserved Judgments. Victoria.

Sh. App. Shaw's Scotch Appeal Cases.

T Sh. Grim. Cns. Slmw’s Criminal Cases (lusticinry Court). .

sh. Dig. -Slmw’s Digest of Decisions, Scot- land.

Sh. Jul. Shaw's Justlciary Cases. Scot- land.

U Sh. W. & 0. Shaw, Wilson & Courtenay's Scotch Appeals Reports (Wilson & Shaw's Reports).

Sh. & Dunl. Show & Dnniop’s Scotch Court of Session Reports (lst Series).

Sh.& Man]. Show 8: Maciean' Scoteh Appeal Cases. .

Shad. Shadford's Victoria Reports.

Shan. Shannon's Tennessee Cases.

Shana. Shand's Reports, vols. 1144 South Carolina.

Shara. Bl. Comm. stone's Commentaries.

Shnrs. Tab. Ca. Sharsvrood's Table of Cases, Connecticut.

Shaw. Shows Scotch Appeal Cases;— Shaw's, etc., Decisions in the Scotch Court of Session (1st Series):—Shaw's Scotch Justiciary Oases;—Shaw's Scotch Teind Court Reports;—G. E. Shows Reports, vols. 10. 11 Vermont;—W. G. Shaw's Reports. vols. 30-35 Vermont.

Y Show (G. :B.). G. B. Shaw's Reports, vols. 10, 11 Vermont.

Shaw OF. G.). 30-35 Vermont.

Shaw. Den. Shaw's. etc. Decisions in the

Z Scotch Court or Session (1st Series).


Sevestre's High Court Reports,

Sh.-1rswood's Block-

W. G. Shaw’: Reports,


Six Ciro.

Shaw, Dunl. &B. Show, Duniop 8: Bell‘: (1st Seiies) Scotch Session Cases.

SIIs.w,II.L. Shaw‘: Scotch Appeal Cases, House of Lords.

Shaw Jus. Slmw’s (John) Scutdi Justici- ary Cases.

Shaw '1‘. Can. Reports.

Shnw, W.& C. Shaw, Wilson & Courte- n:1_\, Scotch (same as Wilson 8: Shaw).

Shaw & Macl. Shaw & Mac-lean, Scotch.

Shel. Sheldon (see Si1eld.).

Shel. Ca. Shelley's Case in vol. 1 Coke's Reports

Sheld. (or Sheldon). Sheldolfs Reports, Superior Court of Buttnlo, New York.

Shelf. Lun. Sheiford on Lunacy.

Shelf. Mar. & Div. Shelford on Marriage and Divorce.

Shep. S11epley’s Reports. xois. 13-18 mud 21-39 i\Inine;—Shepherd's Reports, Alabama.

Shaw's Scotch Teind Court

Shep. Ahr. Sheppard's Ahridgiuent. Shep. Sel. Gus. Shepherd's Select Cases. Alabama.

Shep. Touch. Sheppard‘: Touchstone.

Sher. Ct. Rep. Sheriff Cou.rt Reports, Scotland ;—SherifE Court Reporter

Shiel. Shiel‘s Reports, Cape Colony.

Shipp. Shipp‘s Reports, vols. 66, 67 North Carolhia.

Shirl. Shirley's Reports, vols. 49-55 New Hampshire.

Show. Shower's English Parliamentary Case5:—Sh0\\er's English King’s Bench Re-


Show. K. B. Shower's English King‘: Bench Reports.

Show. I‘. 0. Shower’: English Parlia-

mentary Cases. Sick. Sickels’ Reports, vols. 46-146 New York Court of Appeals.

Sick. Min. Dec. Sickeis' Mining Laws and Decisions. Sick. Op. Sickeis' Opinions of the New

York Attorneys-General.

Sid. Sitlerfirvs English King's Bench Reports.

Silv. Sil\'e'rnnii's Unreported Cases, New York Court of A1.vpeais;—Unreporied Cnscs, New York Supreme Court:—Cri1ninni Reports, New York.

Silv.Cit. Silver-nail's New York Citations. Sim. Simona’ English Vice-Chancery Re-

poris;—Slm.u1ons' Reports, vols. 97'-—-'17. 99 Wisconsin.

Sim. N. S. Simons’ English Vice-Chum cery Reports, New Series.

Sim. & 0. Simmons & Conovei-‘s Reports, vols 9597. 90 Wisconsin.

Sim. & Stu. (or Sim. & S.). Simons & Stuart's English Vice-Chancery Reports.

Sinclair. Sinclair's Manuscript Decisions, Scotch Session Cases.

Six 1'. .1. Sir Thomas Jones’ Reports.

Six Ciro. Cases on the Six Circuits, Irish.