Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1312

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Sol. J. &R.

Sol. .1’. an. Solicitors‘ Law Journal and N Reporter, London.

Somn. Gavelkind (or Sumner). on Gzueiiund.

Sou. Ans. L. R. Reports

0 South. Southern Reporter.

South Car. South Carolina.

Soutlmrd. Southard's New Jersey Reports.

Southw. L. J. Southwestern Law Journal

'3 and Reporter.

Sp. Sp1nk's English Ecclesiastical and Ad- miralty lteports;—speurs' South Carolina Low Reports.

51). F4. (or GIL). Spears’ South Carolina Equity Rt-:pol'Ls.

Q 511. Fr. Gus.


South Australian Law

Spil1k'B Prize Cases.

5p.&sel. Gas. Special and Selected Law Cases. Sparks. Sparks’ Reports, British Bur-

mnh. R Spaulding. Spauldin,-;‘s Reports, vols. 71- 80 Maine.

Spears (or spears). Spears’ (or Speel-s’) south Carolina Law Reports.

Spesu-s (or Speex-s) E11. Spears’ (or

S Speers') South Carollna Equity Reports.

Spe1.Fendl. Spelman, Feuds.

Spel. Rep. Spelm:1n's Reports, Manuscript, Eu{.'iish K1ng‘s Bench.

Spelman. Spelman, Glossarlum Archaic- logicunl.

Spence, ch. Spence‘s Equitable Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery.

5pem:e,Eq.Jur. Spence's Equitable Ju- risdlction of the Court at Chancery.

Speneex-. Spencer's New Jersey Reports;

U —Speucer‘s Reports, vols. 10-20 Minnesota.

Spiuks. spinks' English Ecclesiastical and Adiuimlty Reports.

Spinks, P. G. SplnI:s' English Prize Cases.

Spanner. Spooner’s Reports, vols. 12-15 Wis:-onsiu.

V Spottis. Si: R. Spottiswoode's Reports, Scotch Court of Session.

Spottis. C. L. & E11. E21). Common Law and Eiquity Reports, published by Spanis- woode.

w S1)r.(o1' Sprague). Sprague’s Umted States District Court (Admiralty) Decisions.

St. Stnte;—Story's United States Circuit Court Reports (see Sto.);—Sta.i.r's Scotch Court of Session Reports;—Stuart's (Milne & Pedlhe) S('ut(-ll Se~-non Case-s;——Statutes.

St. at Large. South Carolina session Lou s.

51:. Gas. es. D'nL'lIsl1.

St. Ch. Gas. Star Chamber Cases.

St. Clem. St. Clement's Church Case. Phil-

Stillingfleefs Ecclesiastical Cas-

Y ado-lphia. St. Ecol. Cal. Stllli.ngfleet's Ecclesiastical Cnces. St. M. & P. Stuart, Milne & Peddie, Scotch.



Stim. Glosl.

St. Ninth. St. Mark's Church Case, Phil- adelphla.

St.Maz-lb. Statute of Marlhridge

St. Mex-1:. Statute of Merton.

St. Rep. State Reports;-—State Reporter.

St. Tr. The State Trials, English.

St. Westm. Statute of Westminster.

Staifm-cl. Stat'ford's Reports, vols. 69-71 Vermouiz.

Stair. Session.

Stair, Inst. Stair’s Institutes of the Laws at Scotland.

Sta1r's Reports, Search Court or

Stanton. Stanton’: Reports, vols. l_1—1£i Ohio. Star. Starkle’s English Nisi Prlus Re


Star Ch. Ca. Star Chamber Cases.

Stark. N. P. Starkie’s English Nlsi Prins Reports.

Starkie, Ev. Stnrkie on Evidence.

Stat. (or Stat. at L.). United States Statutes at Large.

State Tr. State Trials, English.

Stanndef. Staundefurde, Exposition of the King's Pre1'og.ntive.

Staumlef. P. C. Staundetorde, Les Plees del Coron.

Stem-ns, Real. Act. Stearns' Real Ac tions.

Staph. Comm. on English Law.

Staph. Grim. Dig. the Criminal Law.

Stephen's Commentaries

Stephen’s Digest of

Steph.Dig. Stephen’s Quebec Law Digest. Staph. Ev. Stephen's Digest of the Law

of Evidence. Steph.Lect. Stephen, Lectures on History of France.

Steph.Pl. Stephen on Pleading. Stev.Dig. Stevens’ New Brunswick Digest.

Stevens 85 G. Stevens & Graham's Reports, vols, S0-111 Georgia.

Stew. Stewarfs Ala-h:1rna Reports ;—Stew- art's New Jersey Equity Reports:~Stew- art's (R. W.) Reports, vols. 1-10 South Da- kota.

Stew. (N. J.). Stewart's New Jersey Equity Reports.

Stew.Adm. Stewart’s Vice.-Admiralty Reports. Nova Scotia_

Stew. Eq. Stews.rt’s Reports. vols. 28-45 New Jerseg Equity.

Stew. N. Sc. Slewart’s Ad_u1imlt_v Beporls, Nova Scotia.

Stew. v. A Stewart's VlceAdm1ralty lieports. Nora Scoijn.

Stew. 551'. Stewart & Porter's Alabama Reports.

Stiles. Stiles’ Reports, vols. 2‘2r29 lowa.

Still. Eeel. Gas. Sti-11inu'fleet’s Ecclesiastical Cases.

Stim. Gloss. (or Stim. Law Glass.). Stim- son's Law Glossary.