Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/1317

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V. Vermont ;——Vermont ReporiS:——Victo- ria :—Vi1'gLnia :—Virgimn Reports.

V. G. C. ViceCha1ncelior’s Court.

V. L. R. Victorian Low Reports, Austra- lia (For Victoriun see Vict.)

V. N. Van Ness' Prize Cases.

V. R. Vermont Reports.

V. 8523. Vesey an Beanies‘ English Chacnery Reports.

V. as. Vernon 8: Scriven’s Irish King's Bench Reports.

Va. Virginia :——Vi.rginia Reports :—Giimer‘s Virginia Reports.

Va..Bar. Assn. Virginia Shite Bar AS’


Ve.Cns. Virginia. Cases (by Brecken- brongh & Holmes).

Va.Gh.Deo. Chancery Decisions, Virginia

Va..R. Virginia Reports;—Giimer’s Virginia Reports.

V:mK. Vnn Kou1;hnet’s Reports, vols.

15-21 Upper Canada Common Pleas. V:m.L. Vnnder L1nden's Practice, Cape

Colony. Van N. Vnn Ness’ Puze Cases.

Vanderstr. Vanderstraatews Ceylon Re ports. Vntt. Vattel's Law of Nations.

Vett Law Nat. (or Vqttel). Vattel’s Law of Nations.

Vang. (or Vnugln). Common Pleas Reports.

Vaughan. Vaughnn's English Common Pleas Reports.

Vaux. Van.x's Recorder's Decisions, Phil- adeiphia.

Ve. (or Ve-.). Vesey'a English Chancery Reports.

Ve. (or Vex.) an E. Vesey 8: Beamesr Eng- iish Chancery Reparix.

Vanghan's English

Veiuey. Veazey's Reports, vols. 36-46 Vermont. Vent. Veni:rls' English Common Pleas


Ventr. Vent1'is' Reports.

Ver. (or Verm.).

Vern. \"e1'non’s porls.

Vern. & Sex-. (or Sc1'iv.). Vernon it S('1'i\"en’s Irish Kings Bench Reports

Ves. Vesey‘s Eluzlisii C1l(ll]CE1‘_V Reports

Ves. J 1-. Vesey, Jr.'s, English Chancery Re ports.

Ves.Jnn.Supp. Supplement to Vesey, Jr.’s, Reports, by Hovenfleln

Ves.sen. (or S:-.). Vesey, Sr.'s, English Chancery Reports.

Ves. as B. (or Bean). Vesey an Beanies‘ English Chancery Reports.

Vet. Nn..B. Old Natnra B1'e\il11iJ.

Vez. Vezey's (Vesey’s) English Chancery Reports.

Vicnt. (or Vioat. Von. Jun). Vocabularinm.jurisutriusqne, ex varlis edltis.

Viut. Queen Victoria.

Vict.L.R. Victorian Law Reports, Anstralin.

Vict. L. T. bonnie.

Vick. Rep.

Viet. Rev.

English King's Ben ch

Veimont Reports English Cll'dlJ('c1'y Re-

Victorinn Low Times, Mel-

Victorian Reports. Victorian Review Vict. St. Tr. Victorian State Trials. Vi1.& Br. Viias an Bryant's Edition of the Wisconsin Reports. Vilal. Vilas’ New York Criminal Reports. Vin. Alu-. Viner‘s Ahridgment. Virg. Virginia (see Va.):—Vi.r,zin. Virgin. Virgin's Reports, vols. Maine;—Virglnia (sse Va.). Viz. Videlicet (that is to say). Vo. Verbo. Vnet, Com. ad Pand. rius ad Pandectns. Vr. Vroo1n’s New Jersey Reports. V1-ooxn (G. D. W.). G D. W, Vroom’s Reports, vols 3G—6.'% New Jersey Law. V1-nom (‘P.D.). P. D. Vroon1’s Reports. vols. 30-35 New Jersey Law. Vt. Vermont ;——Vermont Reports.


Voet, Commenta-