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whom it is given, in his action, vote, or opinion, in any public or official capacity. Pen. Code Dak. § T74. Pen. Code Cal. 1903, § 7; Pen. Code Tex. 1865. art. 14-1; People v. Van de Carr. 37 App. Div. 386. 84 N. Y. Supp. 461: People v. Ward, 110 Cal. 369, 42 Pac. 894; Com. v. Heudlcy, 111 Ky. 815. 64 S. W. 744.

BRIBERY. In criminal law. The receiving or offering any undue reward by or to any person whomsoever, whose ordinary profession or business relates to the administration of public justice, in order to influence his behavior in office, and to incline him to act contrary to his duty and the known rules of honesty and integrity. Hall v. Marshall, 30 Ky. 552; Walsh v. People, 65 I11. 65, 16 Am. Rep. 569; Com. v. Murray, 135 Mass. 530: Hutchinson v. State. 36 Tex. 291

The term "bribery" now extends further, and includes the offense of giving a bribe to many other classes of officers; it applies both to the actor and receiver, and extends to voters, cabinet ministers, legislators, sherifis, and other classes. 2 Whart. Crim. Law, §185S.

The offense of taking any undue reward by a judge, juror, or other person concerned in the administration of justice, or by a public officer, to influence his behavior in his office. 4 Bl. Comm. 139, and note.

Bribery is the giving or receiving any undue reward to influence the behavior of the person receiving such reward in the discharge of his duty, in any office of government or of Justice. Code Ga. 1882, § 4-1439.

The crime of offering any undue reward or remuneration to any public officer of the crown, or other person intrusted with a public duty, with a view to influence his behavior in the discharge of his duty. The taking such reward is as much bribery as the offering it. It also sometimes signifies the taking or giving a reward for public office. he offense is not confined, as some have supposed, to judicial officers. Brown.

BRIBERY AT ELECTIONS. The offense committed by one who gives or promises or offers money or any valuable inducement to an elwctor, in order to corruptly induce the latter to vote in a particular way or to abstain from voting, or as a re ward to the voter for having voted in a particular way or abstained from voting.

BRIBOUR. One that pilfers other men's goods; a thief.

BRICOLIS. An engine by which walls were beaten down. Blount.

BRIDEWELL. In England. A house of correction.

BRIDGE. A structure erected over a river, creek, stream, ditch, ravine, or other place, to facilitate the passage thereof; including by the term both arches and abutments. Bridge Co. v. Railroad Co., 17 Conn. 56, 42 Am. Dec. 716; Proprietors of Bridges v. Land Imp. Co., 13 N. J. Eq. 511; Rusch v. Davenport, 6 Iowa, 455; Witall v. Gloucester County, 40 N. J. Law, 305.

A building of stone or wood crccted acrosa a river, for the common case and benefit of travelers. Jacob.

Bridges are either public or private Public bridges are such as form a part of the highway, common, according to their character as foot, horse, or carriage bridges, to the public generally, with or without toil. State v. Street, 117 Ala. 203, 23 South. 8117: Everett v. Bailey. 150 Pa. 152 24 Atl. 700; Rex v. Bucks County, 12 East, 201.

A private bridge is one which is not open to the use of the public generally, and does not form part of the highway, but is reserved for the use of those who erected it, or their successors, and their licensees. Rex v. Buds: County, 12 East, 192

BRIDGE-MASTERS. Persons chosen by the citizens, to have the care and supervision of bridges, and having certain fees and profits belonging to their office, as in the case of London Bridge.

BRIDLE ROAD. In the location of a private way laid out by the selectmen, and accepted by the town, a description of it as a "bridle road" does not confine the right of way to a particular class of animals or speclal mode of use. Flagg v. Flagg, 16 Gray (Mass) 175.

BRIEF. In general. A written document; a letter: a writing in the form of a letter. A summary, abstract, or epitome. A condensed statement of some larger document, or of a series of papers. facts, or propositions.

An epitome or condensed summary of the facts and circumstances, or propositions of law, constituting the case proposed to be set up by either party to an action about to be tried or argued.

'In English practice. A document prepared by the attorney, and given to the barrister, before the trial of a cause, for the instruction and guidance of the latter. It contains, in general, all the information necessary to enable the barrister to successfully conduct their clients case in court, such as a statement of the facts, a summary of the pleadings, the names of the Witnesses, and an outline of the evidence expected from them, and any suggestions arising out of the peculiarities of the case.

In American practice. A written or printed document, prepared by counsel to serve as the basis for an argument upon a cause in an appellate court, and usually filed for the information of the Court. It embedies the points of law which the counsel desires to establish, together with the argu-