Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/162

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may buy and sell in his own name, and he has the goods in his possession: while :1 brol_;cr, as such. Cannot ordinarily huy or sell in his own name, and has in; possession of the goods sold. Slgck v. Tucker. 23 "'a.lL 321. 330. 23 L» Ed- i-’! .

The legal distinction between a broker and a factor is that the factor is mtrusted with the property the subject of the agency: the brolrer is only employed to make a bargain in relation to it. Perkins v. State. 50 Ala 154. 156.

Brokers are of many binds, the most important being enumerated and defined as follows:

Exchange brokers, eigu bills of exchange.

Insurance brokers, who procure insur- ances for those who employ them nnd negotiate between the party seeking insurance and the companies or their agents.

Merchandise brokers, who buy and sell goods and negotiate between buyer and mi]- er, but without having the custody of the property.

Note brokers, who negotiate the discount or sale of commercial paper.

who negotiate for-

Pnwnln-okors, who lend money on goods deposited with them in pledge, taking high rates of interest.

Real-estate brokers, who procure the purchase or sale of land, acting as intermediary between vendor and purchaser to bring them together and anange terms; and who negotiate loans on real-estate security, manage and lease estates, etc. Lotta v. Kill-ourn. 150 U. S. 524, 14 Sup. Ct. 20], 3? L. Ed. 169: Chadwick v. Collins, 26 Pa. 139; Brauclunan v. Leighton. 60 Mo. App. 42.

ship-In-okers, who transact business between the owners of ships and treighters or charterers, and negotiate the sale of vessels.

Stock-brokers, who are employed to buy and sell for their principals all kinds of stocks, corporation bonds, debentures, shares in companies. government securities, munic- ipal bonds, etc.

Money-broker. A money-changer; a scrivener or jobber; one who lends or raises money to or for others.

BROKERAGE. The wages or commissions of a broker; also, his business or occu- pation.

BROSSIIS. Bruised, or injured with blows, wounds, or other casualty. Cowell.

BROTHEL. A bawdy-house; :1 house of ill fame; :1 common habitation of prostitutes.

BBOTIIER. One person is a brother "of the Whole biuod" to another, the former being a male, when both are born from the same father and mother. He is a brother "of the half blood" to that other (or half-brother) when the two are born to the same father by different mothers or by the same mother to different fathers.

In the civil law, the following distinctions are observed: Two brothers who descend from the some father, but by different mothers, are call- ed "consa.nguine" brothers. If they have Lhe same mother, but are begotten by different tothers, they are called "uterine-" brothers. they have both the snme father and mother. they are denominated brothers "germane."

BROTHER-IN-LAW. A wife's brother or 11 sister‘: husband. There is not any re- lationship, but only aifinity, between brothers-in-law. Farmers’ L. at '1‘. Co. v. Iowa Water Co. (0 0.) S0 Fed. 460. See State v Foster. 112 In. 533, 36 South. 554.

BRUARIUM. In old English law. A heath ground; ground where heath grows. Speliuan.


BRUILLUS. In old English law. A wood or grove; a thicket or clump of trees in a park or forest. Uoweil.

BRUISE. In medical jurisprudence. A contusion; an injury upon the flesh of 11 person with a blunt or heavy instrument, without solution or continuity, or without breaking the shin. Shadock L lboad Co., 79 Mich 7. 44 N. W. 158; State v. Owen. 5 N. C 452, 4 Am. Dec. 571.

BRUKBARN. In old Swedish law. The child of a woman conceiving after 11 rape, which was made legitimate. Litemlly, the child of a struggle. Bnrrill.

BRUTUM FULMEN. An empty noise; an empty threat.

BUBBLE. An extravagant or unsubstantial project for extensive operations in busi- ness or connnerv.-e, generally founded on n fictitious or exaggerated prospectus. to easnare unwary investors. Companies formed on such a basis or for such purposes are called "bubble companies." The term is chiefly used in England.

BUBBLE ACT. The statute 6 Geo. L c. 18, "for restraining several extravagant and unwarrantable practices herein mentioned," was so called. It prescribed penalties for the tormation of companies with little or no cap- ital, with me intention, by means of alluring advertisements, of obtaining money from the public by the sale of shares. Such undertakings were then commonly called "bubbles." This legislation was prompted by the collapse of the "South Sea Project," which, as Blackstone says, "had oeggared half the nation." It was mostly repealed by the statute 6 Geo. Iv. c. 91.

BUCKET SHOP. An office or place (other than a regularly incorporated or licensed