Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/169

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or used in submarine telegraphy, (see 25 Stat. 41 [U 5. Comp. St. 1901, p. 3586].)

CABLISH. Brush-wood, or more prop- erly windfall-wood.

CACHIJPOLUS, or CACI-‘KER!-ILLAS. An iuterinr bailitf, or catchpoil. Jacob.

(JACKET, LETTRES DE. Letters issued and signed by the kings of France, and counierslgued i-\- a secretary of state, author- Izlng the imprisonment of a person Abolilshed during the revoiution of 1789.

CACICAZGOS. In Spanish-American law. Property entailed on the oaciquea, or heads of Indian villages, and their descendants. Sc-hm. Civii Law, 309.

CADASTEI-1. In Spanish law. An ofllclal statement of the quantity and value of real pr-qerty in any district, made for the purpose of justly apportioning the taxes payable un surii property. 12 Pet. 423. note.

CADASTU. In French law. An officlnl rhremeut of the quantity and value of realty made for purposes of taxation; same as ea- lin-i'lr('. (q in

CADAVER. A dead human body; a «use. ('mIm:er millius in bouts, no one can have a right of property in a corpse. 3 Co. inst. 110, 2 13]. Comm. 429: Griflith v. Rall- road 03., 23 S. C. 32. 55 Am. Rep. 1.

CADERE. Lat. To end; cease: fall. As in the phrases audit Iwtio. (or breve) the n-.'l|on (or writ) falls: omit as.-sisa, the asfin abotes; cudit qucestin, the discussion ends, there is no room for further arglunent.

To be changed; to be turned into. Uadit nxsim in juratum, the asslse is changed into I jury.

CADET. In the United States laws. nlurlenls in the military academy at West ifixt are styled "cadets ;" students in the lfiuli academy at Annapolis, "cadet midship- mu.‘ new St §§ 1309, 1512 (U. S. Comp. St. on, I711. 927, 1042).

In England. The younger son of a gen- llnlnnn: nnrtlcularly npplled to a volunteer in the army, waiting for some post. Jacob.

cam. The name of a Turkish civil mag- I.-inn.

OADIT. Lat. It falls, nbates. fails, ends, 1&1. 5‘.--r CADERE.

GADUCA. In the civil law. Property or nn iuhcrifnhle quality: property such as de- $dI to an heir. Also the lapse of a testa- Iflhry ax.-v,~-asltion or legacy. Also an es- NIQI: K-~l-outed property.

Bl.Law Dict.(2d Ed.)—11



CADUCARY. Relating to or of the nature of escheat, forfeiture, or confiscation. 2 Bl. Comm. 245.

CEDUA. In the civil and old common law. Kept for cutting; intended or used to be out. A term applied to wood.

CESAR. In the Roman law. A cogna- insn in the Gens Julia, which was assumed

by the successors of Julius. Tayl. Civil Law, 3]. CESAREAN OPERATION. A surgical

Operation whereby the fuetns, which can neither make its way into the world by the ordinary and natural passage, nor be extracted by the attempts of art, whether the mother and fuetus he yet alive, or whether either of them be (lead. is, by a cautious and well- timed operation, taken from the mother, with a view to save the lives of both, or either of them. This consists in making an incision into the abdomen and uterus of the mother and withdrawing the fmtlls thereby. If this operation be performed after the mother‘s death, the hnshaud cannot be tenant by the curtesy: since his right begins from the birth of the issue, and is consummated by the death of the wife; but, if mother and child are saved, then the huslmnd would be entitled after her desth. Wharton.

GET]-JRUS. Lat. rest.

—Cmtex-is pa:-ibun. Other things being equal. —-Canter-is tacenlibus. The others being sllent: thn other judzes expressing no opinion. Comb. 186.—Caeterox-um. When a limited sud- ministratiun has been g'1\anted, and all the prop- ertv cannot be administered under it, administration cceterarum (as to the residue) may he granted.

Other ; another; the

CAI-IIER. In old French law. A list of grievances prepared for deputies in the states- geucral. A petition for the redress of griev- ances enumerated.

CAIRNS’ ACT. An English statute for enaiulug the court of chancery to award dam- ages. 21 an 22 Vict. c. 2?.

CALABOOSE. A term used vulgarly, and occasionally in judicial proceedings and law reports. to designate a jail or prison, partic- uarly a town or city jail or lock-up. supposed to be a corruption of the Spanish culalzozo, a dungeon. See Gilham v. Wells, 64 Ga. 194

GALCETUM, CALGEA. A causeway. or common hard-way, maintained and 1epaired with stones and rubbish.

CALI-1. In old French law. A punish- ment of sailors. resembling the modern "keel- hauling."

CALEFAGIUM. In old law. take fuel yearly. Cowell.

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