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market between persons dealing there. Called "rlericus mormzti." 4 ornm. -7 —Clerk of the parliaments. One of the chief oth- (‘MS of the house of lords. He Is appointed hv the crown, by letters patent. On entering ollice he makes a declaration to make true en- ims rind retords of the thin;-s done and seed in the parliaments, and to keep secret al such matters as slmii be treated therein. May. Purl. i‘r. 1>8.—Cle1-k of the peace. In Ensliah law. An officer whose duties are to_ ofljciute at sessions of tho peace. to prepare indictnients. and to record the proceedings of the justices, and to perform a number of special duties in i--nim-lion with the affairs of the county-— Clerk of the petty hug. See Pnrrr Baa. —Clerk of the privy seal. There are four of these officers, who attend the lord privy seal.


or. in the absence of the lord privy seal. principal secretary of state. Their duty is to write and make out ail things that are sent by warrant from the signet to the privy seai, and which are to be passed to the great seal: and also to make out privy seals (as they are term- edi upon any specini occasion of his inajesty's aliuiis, as for the loan of money and such like purposes. Cowell.—Cle:-k of the signet. An ofice . in England, whose duty it is to attend on the king‘: principai secretary, who al- ways has the custody of the privy aignet, as iveli for the purpose of seaiing his mnjesty's pnrate ietteis, as riiso grants which pass his inajesty's hand by hlil signed; there are four of these officers. CowelL—Ciex-ks of indict- ments. Officers attached to the central crimiiui court in England, and to each circuit. They prepare and settle Indictments against offenders, and assist the clerk of n1ra.ii:ns.— Clerks of records and write. Officers form- eriy attached to the English court of chancery, Irhose duties consisted principally in sealng hills of compiaint and writa of execution. fiiirii; aflidnvits. keeping a record of suits, and certi- i_iing ofice copies of pleadings and aflidavita. They were three in number, and the business was distributed among them according to the letters of the aiphabet. By the judioature acts. 1873. 1875, they were transferred to the chan- N-rv division 0 the high court. Now, by the juluature (o|‘.ficcrs') act. 1879, they have been transferred to the central office of the supreme court, under the title of "Masters of the Sn- preme ourt," and the office of cierk of records and w is has been aboiished. Sweet.—Clerks oi’ lento, in the rincipiil registry of the pro- bnte division of e English high court. discharge the duty of preparing and pa. ing the grants of probate and letters of administration, under the supervision of the registrars. There are six seats, the business of which is reguiated by an alphabetical arrangement, and each seat bu four clerks. They have to take bonds from administrators, and to receive caveats against a grant being made in in case where a will is C"I'lVll'd They also draw the "acts," i. 6., a short summary of each grant made. containing the name of the deceased, amount of nssets, nml other particulars. Sweet.

CLERKSHIP. The period which must be spent by a law—student In the office of a practising attorney before admission to the bar. 1 Tidd, Pt. 61, et seq. In re Dunn, 43 N. J. Law. 359, 39 Am. Rep. 600.

In old English practice. The art of drawing pleadings and entering them on record in Latin, in the ancient court hand; other- wise caiied "skili of pleading in actions at the common i.sw."

CLIENS. Lat. in the Roman law. A client or dependent One who depended upon another as his patron or protector, adviser

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or defender, in suits at law and other dith- cuities; and was bound, In return, to pay him all respect and honor, and to serve him with his life and fortune in any extremity. Dionys. ii. 10: Adams. Rom. Ant. 33.

CLIENT. A person who empioys or rt.- tains an attorney, or counsellor. to appear for him in courts, advise, assist, and defend him in legni proceedings, and to act for him in any legal husiiiess McCreary v. Honpes, 25 Miss. 428; McFarland v. Crary. 6 Wend. (N. Y.) 297: Cross v. Higgins, 50 M0. 335.

CLIENTELA. In old English law. Oll- entship, the state of a ciieut; and. correiatively. protection. patronage. gunrdlnnshlp.

CLII‘IE‘0B.D'S INN. See lime or Cnancnar.

An inn of Chancery.

CLITO. In Saxon law. The son of a king or emperor. The next heir to the

throne; the Saxon adeling. Spelman. OLOERE. A gaol; a prison or dungeon. CLOSE, 0}. To finish, termlnnte. complete.

wind up; as, to "close" an account, a bargain, an estate, or pubilc books. such as tax hooks. Patton v. Ash. 7 Serg. & IL (P1) 116; Coieman v. Gnrrigues, 18 Barb. (N. Y.) 67; Clark v. New York, 13 N. Y. St. Rep. 292; Blinfsky v. Abraham, 183 Mass. 401, 67 N. E. 318.

To shut up, so as to preient entrance or access by any person: as in statutes requiring saloons to be "closed" at certain times, which further impiies an entire suspension of business. Kurts v. Peopie, 33 Mich. 282; People v. James, 160 Mich. 522. 59 N. W. 236; Harvey v. State. 65 Ga. 570; Peopie v. Cunimerford, 58 Mich. 328. 25 N. W. 203.

CLOSE, ri. A portion of land, as a field. inclosed, as by a hedge, fence, or other visihie lnciosure. 3 Bl. Comm. 209. The Interest of a person in any pnrticuiar piece of ground. whether actually lnclosed or not. LOChlil'I v. Cusier. 50 How. Prac. (N. Y.) 44; Meade v. Watson. 67 Cai. 591, S Pnc. 311; Matthews V. Trent. 75 Me. 600: Wright v. Bennett. 4 Ill. 25 ; Blnkeney v. Blnkeney, 6 Port. (Ala.) 115. 30 Am Dec. 574.

The noun "close," in its legal sense. imports a portion of land inclosed, but not necesmrily inoiosed by aciuiil or iisibie barriers. Tile in- visible. ideal boundnry, founded on iimit of title, which surrounds every man's land. constitutes it his ciosc. irrespective of walls. fecnes. ditches, or the like.

In prnctice. The word means termination, ivlnding up. Thus the close of the pleadings is Where the pleadings are finished,

r. 0., when issue has been joined.

CLOSE, adj. In practice. Closed or seal- ed up. A term applied to writs and letters,

