Page:Black's Law Dictionary (Second Edition).djvu/219

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iag inhabited or fortified; but not shonla which are perpetually covered by the water. U. S. v. Pope. 28 Fed. Cas. 630; Hamilton V.Menifee. 11 Tex. 751.

This word is particularly appropriate to the edge of the sea, while "shore" may be used of the margins of inland waters.

—Coast waters. Tide waters navigable from the ocean by sea-going craft, the term embracing all waters opening directly or indirectly into the ocean and navigable by ships coming in from the ocean of draft as great as that of the inrger ships which traverse the open sr--is. The Britannia, 153 U. S. 130. 14 Sup. ('t. i. 'i,

18 L. Phi. 060; The Victory (D. C.) 673 Fed.

min: The Garden City (D. C.) 26 Fed. 773. —Coaster. A term applied to vessels plying exciusively between domestic ports, and usniiliy (0 those engaged in domestic trade, as distin- izuisheil from vessels engaged in foreign trade and pi_v.~ing between :1 port of the United States and a port of a foreign country ' not including pleasure yachts. Bclilen v. Ch se, 150 U. S. H74. 14 Sup. Ct. 264. 37 L Ed. 1218.—Cuasting trade. In maritime law. Commerce and navigation between different pinces aiong the rniist of the United Suites, as distinguished from iuinmcrce with ports in foreign countries. Com- mercial intercniirse carried on between di_lTer< districts in different states, different districts in the nsine state, or d.iiIcrent places in the same district on the sea-coast or on a navignhle river. Steiimhoat Co. v. Liviu§5'5°'1. 3 Y 74 ' ’ '

10 Cal. 507; U. S. .

. : Rnvesies v. U. S. Fed. 919.—Constwise. Vessels mastwise" are those which are engaged in the rlninestic trade, or plying between port and ‘ the United Suites, as contratlistingiiish-

min In «I from those engnfzrd in the foreign trade. or nlyin-..v between a port of the United SI"-itos and ii 1; irt of a foreign country. San Francisco v. California Steam Nav. Co., 10 Cai. 501.

COAST-GUARD. In English law. A hody of othcers and men raised and equipped hy the commissioners of the adinliaity for the defense of the coasts of the realm, and for the more ready mnnnlnlz of the navy in raise of war or sudden emergency, as "oil as for the protection of the revenue against siniiggiers. Moziey & Whitley.

COAT ARMOR. Hcraidic ensmns. introduced by Richard I. from the HuLv Land, where they were first Invented. Origiuaily they were painted on the shieids of the Christian lzniglits who went to the Hoiy Land riuring the crusades, for the purpose of identifying them. some such contrivance lieing iit-rrssary in order to distinguish lmigiits when ciad in armor from one another. Wharton.

COBRA-VENOM REACTION. In med- ical jurisprudence. A method of serum-diagnosis of insanity from lIl:1‘Il‘l0i_\'SiS (hrealuiig up of the red corpuscles of the blood) by in- jections of the venom of cohras or other sorrir-iits. This test for insanity has recently in-en employed in Geriiiany and some other European countries and in Japan.

COCKBILL. To place the yards of a ship nt an angle with the deck. Pub. St \i:iss 1&2, p. 1288.



COCKET. In English law. A seal be- ionging tn the custom-house, or rather a scroll of p.ii-chnient. scaled and delivered by the officers of the custom-house to niert-hants, as a warrant that their merchantlises are enter-

ed; likewise a sort of measure. Fiota, lib. 2. c. ix. COCKPI1‘. A name which used to he

given to the jndlciai committee of the privy councii, the council-room being liuiit on the oid cockpit of Whitehall Place.

C OCKSETUS. Cornell.

A boatman; a cockswnin.

CODE. A collection or compendium of laws. A complete systein of positive law, scientifically arranged, and proi.uui.z-iced by legisiative authority. Joiiiison v. El-ii-rison, -17 Minn. 575. 50 N. ‘V. 923. 28 Am. St. Rep. 382; Ruilroatl Co. v. State, 104 Ga. 831, 3] S. E. 531, 42 L R. A. 518; R.2Ll1l‘0iid Co. V. Weiner, 49 Miss. 739.

The coliection of laws and constitutions made by order of the Emperor Justinian is distinguished by the appellation of "The Code." by way of eminence. See Com: or JUSTINIAN.

A body of law esmlilishod by the legislative authority, and intended to set forth, in generalized and systematic form. Llic principles of the entire law, whether uritten or unnritten, ‘posithe or customary. dcrivcd from enactment or from precedent. Ahliott.

A code is to be distinguished from a digest. The subject-matter of the latter is usually reported decisions of the courts. But there are also digests of statutes. These consist of an orderiy collection and classification of the existing statutes of a state or nation, while a cutie is promulgated as one new law co\ering the whole heid of jurisprudenre.

—Cod.e civil. The colic which embodies the ciiil law of France Framed in the first instance by a commission of jurists appointed in JSUO. This code, after having passed both the tribuniile and the legisiat-he body, was promiiigated in IN)-l as the "Code Cirii des l<‘rnn(;uis" \\ lien .‘\:ipoleon hccame emperor, the name was changed to that of "Code l\'ap(ileon." by which it is still often designatcil. though It is now ofii ally styled by its original name of "Code L‘.iiil."—Code de commerce. A French code, enacted in 1807, as a supplement to the Code Napoleon, reg-u ing commercial transactions, the laws of hii ness. hanlmiptcies, and the ju- risdiction and procedure of the courts do-iling with those subjects.—Cod.e do procedure civil. That part of the Code Napoleon iihich reguiates the system of courts, iheir organization. civil procedure, special and extraoi-«iinary remcdlcs. and the execution of judgments.-— Code dmstructiun criminelle. A French coile. enzicrnil in ISUS. regulating criminal procediire.—Code Napoleon. See CODE CIVIL.— Code nah-. Fr. The hlnck code. A body of laws iwhich fornieily regulurd tho institutioii of slavery in the Fmnch colni_iics.—Cods of Juntinian. ’llic Code of Justinian (Under Ju.i~ tiniaizcqu) iuis a collection of imperial constitutions. coinpiied, by order of that emperor, by a commission of ten jurists, i iuding Trihonian. and promuigatcti A. . 5 It cuinprisid twelve hooks, and "as the bust of the tour

