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both parties on their own accounts, or in the several qualities they assume. An accessory contract is made for assuring the performance of a. prior contract, either by the same parties or by others; such as suretyship, mortgage, and pledge. Civil Code La. art. 1771

ACCESSORY OBLIGATION. In the civil law. An obligation which is incident to another or principal obligation; the obligation of surety. Poth. Obi. pt. 2. c. 1, § 6.

In Scotch law. Obligations to antecedent or primary obligations, such as obligations to pay interest, etc. E1-sk. Inst. lib. 3, tit. 3, § 60.

ACCIDENT. Au unforeseen event, occurring without the Will or design of the person whose mere act causes it; an unexpected unusual, or undesigned occurrence; the effect of an unknown cause, or, the cause being known, nu unprecedented consequence of it; a casualty. Burkhard v. Travellers' Ins. Co.. 102 Pa. 262, 48 Am. Rep. 205; Ætna L. Ins. Co. v. Vandecar, 86 Fed. 282, 30 C. C. A. 48: Carnes v. Iowa Traveling Men's Ass'n. 106 Iowa. 281, 76 N. W. 683, 68 Am. St. Rep. 306; Atlanta Acc. Ass'n v. Alexander, 104 Ga. 700. 30 S. E. 939. 42 L. R. A. 188: Crutchfield v. Richmond & D. R. Co., 76 N. C. 320; Dozier v. Fideilty & Casualty Co. (C. C.) 46 Fed. 446. 13 L. R. A. 114: Fidelity & Casualty Co. v. Johnson. 72 Miss, 333. 17 South. 2. 30 L. R. A. 200.

In its proper use the term excludes negligence: that is, an accident is an event which occurs without the fault, carelessness, or want of proper circumspection of the person affected, or which could not have been avoided by the use of that kind and degree of cure necessary to the exigency and in the circumstances in which be was placed. Brown v. Kendall. 6 Cush. (Mass.) 292; United States v. Boyd (C. C) 45 Fed. 851; Armijo v. Abeytia. 5 N. M. 533, 25 Pac. 777; St. Louis. etc., R. Co. v Barnett, 65 Ark. 255, 45 S.W. 550; Aurora Branch R. Co. v. Grimes, 13 Ill. 585. But see Schneider v. Provident L. Ins. Co.. 24 Wis. 28, 1 Am. Rep. 157.

In equity practice. Such an unforeseen event. misfortune, loss, act, or omission as is not the result of any negligence or misconduct in the party. Fran. Max. 87; Story, Eq. Jur. § 78.

The meaning to be attached to the Word "accident" in relation to equitable relief, is any unforeseen and undesigned event, productive of disadvantage. Wharton.

An accident relievable in equity is such an occurrence, not the result of negligence or misconduct of the party seeking relief in relation to a contract, as was not anticipated by the parties when the same was entered into, and which gives an undue advantage to one of them over another in a court of law. Code Ga. 1882, § 3112. And see Bostwick v. Stiles. 35 Conn. 195; Kopper v. Dyer, 59 Vt. 477, 9 Atl. 4, 59 Am. Rep. 742; Magann v. Segal, 92 Fed. 252, 34 C. C. A. 323; Bucki, etc.. Lumber Co. v. Atlantic Lumber Co., 116 Fed. 1. 53 C. C. A. 513: Zimmerer v. Fremont Nat. Bank, 59 Neb. 661, 81 N. W. 849; Pickering v. Cassidy, 93 Me. 139. 44 Atl. 683.

In maritime law and marine insurance. "Accidents of navigation" or "accidents of the sea" are such as are peculiar to the sea or to usual navigation or the nation of the elements, which do not happen by the intervention of man, and are not to be avoided by the exercise of proper prudence. foresight, and skill. The Miletus, 17 Fed. Gas. 288; The G. {L Booth. 171 U. S. 450. 19 Sup. Gt. 9. 43 L. Ed. 234: The Carlotta. 5 Fed. Cos. 70; Bazin v. Steamship Co.. 2 Fed. Cas. 1,097. See also Peris of the Sea.

ACCIDERE. Lat. To foil; fall in; come to hand; happen. Judgment is sometimes given uguinst an executor or administrator to be satisfied out of assets quaando acciderent; i.e., when they shall come to hand.

ACCION. In Spanish law. A right of action; also the method of judicial procedure for the recovery of properly or a debt. Escriche, Dic. Leg. 49.

Accipere quid ut justitiam facing, non est tam accipere quam extorquere.'}} To accept anything as a reward for doing jus- tice is rather extorting than accepting. Lofft. 72.

ACCIPITARE. To pay relief to lords of runners. Capitali domino accipitare, i. e., to pay a relief, homage, or obedience to the chief lord on becoming his vassal. Fleta, lib. 2. C. 50.

ACCOLA. In the civil law. One who inhabits or occupies land near it place, as one who dwells by a river, or on the bank of B. river. Dig. 43, 13, 3, 6.

In feudal law. A husbandman; an agricultural tenant; a tenant of a manor. Spelman. A name given to a class of viiletus in Italy. Barr. St. 302.

ACCOMENDA. In maritime law. A contract between the owner of goods and the master of a ship, by which the former intrusts the property to the latter to be sold by him on their joint account.

In such case, two contracts lake place: First, the contract called mandatum, by which the owner of the property gives the master power to dispose of it: and the contract of partnership, in virtue of which the profits are to be divided between them. One party runs the risk of losing his capital: the other, his labor. If the sale produces no more than first cost, the owner takes all the proceeds. It is only the profits which are to be divided. Emerig. Mar. Loans, § 5.

ACCOMMODATION. An arrangement or engagement made as a favor to another, not upon a consideration received; some-